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BSA Shaun

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Everything posted by BSA Shaun

  1. Have no personal experience with them Henry, but have a look at this, seems to be quite handy: http://www.wallblocks.com/tech.htm
  2. Right then, Can someone in the know, e.g LB etc tell me what the score is with this Can I just mix 75% oil to 25% diesel and carry on running quite happily? Do I need some sort of heater for the oil? Car is a 2001 Ford Galaxy 1.9TDi Many thanks
  3. Octavia 1.9tdi or go for the fabia vrs. Had the latter and it went like stink and still sipped fuel!!
  4. Thought I'd follow up a tip I received a few weeks ago on the Oaks which was held today. Horse was 33-1 and I had a spare pound so backed it, the horse was none other than LOOK HERE, over the moon I tell ya, biggest odds I have ever cashed in on!! Hope its an omen for tomorrow
  5. I cant believe I forgot: STAR WARS!!
  6. I have posted it mate, but to re-cap: HSB, hobgoblin and Summer lightning are 3 of my favourites. :blink:
  7. Almost as good as a guy went to Australia. Upon arrival he was questioned at passport control: "Do you have any convictions, sir?" To which he replied, "No sorry, I wasn't aware one still needed them to get in!!"
  8. Still the good old brew in the bottles mate, only the pumps they 'tamed', and if you like that one, try its sister Hen's Tooth :blink:
  9. Shaun, This is the best tip you'll ever get. Absolutely no way you can lose... Don't gamble! Robert Life, my friend is but a gamble, and you have to be in it to win it
  10. Wasn't it said that if you shot more than 3 in quick succession from the AK you would end up shooting 747's!! In single shot it was fairly accurate I believe. As for military accuracy, a lot of it depends on the person behind it! There are shed loads of highly accurate weapons accross many miltary factions: PSG1 Accuracy International M40 M82A1 M24 The list goes on.......
  11. Will do, and if it happens you are of course invited to help me sample the brew :blink: cheers mate
  12. I'll give you a fiver for the musical potty mate :blink:
  13. Ditto or Crop Circle but they vary a lot from pub to pub. Discovery is another top summer beer, I don't like bitters so much in the summer they are a winter drink to me. I would like to like Whiskey but the smell of it makes me before it even gets to my mouth - I know I am missing out :( Its quite difficult to find in pubs too, they usually have it as a guest ale but then its gone! Is a nice drop tho
  14. Is it legal to muff a jelly baby?
  15. Actually forgot another favourite - Summer Lightning
  16. Well off to Epsom on Saturday for the yearly visit to the Derby. £40 for coach there and back all food and beer all day!! Anyone on here have any tips for the day or any general interest? Personally I think Casual Conquest will be the one to beat, but I fancy an e/w on Rio del la plata too! Lets have em fellas
  17. Went to Mayo 2 years ago this September, cracking place, many a beer had in Byrne's bar!! Go to Ireland every 2 years for a hol with the old man and a few mates. Off to Kenmare this September
  18. BSA Shaun

    kia sedona

    I have a galaxy on an 01 plate. If you get the seats out of the rear they are plenty big enough mate Another thought is the Hyundai Trajet? Don't know what they are like mind you!
  19. WAR: Apocalypse now Saving Private Ryan Full Metal Jacket HORROR: Hannibal Rising 30 Days Of Night 28 Days Later -Just for the London scenes!! Dog Soldiers WESTERN: The Spaghetti Trilogy Pale Rider The Outlaw Josey Wales 3:10 To Yuma GENERAL: Snatch - Perriwinkle Blue Shrek Bourne Trilogy
  20. Ales in the winter - HSB is probably my favourite followed by Hobgoblin Lager or Cider in the summer. Remy Martin takes some beating in the shorts dept, if i am feeling lucrative
  21. Another vote for the Lightning. THis was my first proper air rifle before I upgraded to an Air Arms PCP. The lightning is a very good rifle and served me very well
  22. Personally Accupels did the job in mine, so give them a go
  23. Read a lot of Patrick Robinson and Alistair McLean
  24. BSA Shaun


    Just applied to emigrate to Australia. Aussie navy or key civvie job, it beats spending a lifetime paying extreme taxes, hope it comes through. And holiday in England my ****!
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