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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I've got up today too a pile of leaflets,  another two from the new Torie candidate for me and the wife.

    One from Labour not actually moaning that much, but I would say south ribble has been doing well under the tories so they've rained it in.

    A stand up for trees leaflet from the Woodland trust.

    And a worrying one, basically a hand written rant against the Tories,  looks photo copied and is hard to read.



    I've deliberately blocked out most of it, I'm not giving it the publicity it wants

  2. 1 hour ago, ditchman said:

    several folk in acle in big expensive detatched houses have "vote labour" signs outside.....cant understand that...

    How big are the signs? In Ulverston this week two house had signs/ billboards outside vote Labour, they must have been 4ft by 8ft minimum 

  3. 4 hours ago, Jaymo said:

    Wifey had one addressed to her and I received on the same day, one by the Conservatives addressed to me 🙂

    Place I’m ‘doin up’ have received flyers through the door from Lab/Conservatives

    One was like a slagging poster and the other pointed out achievements and wishes- guess which one was which 

    I'm quite sure Labour will have been pointing out their achievements 🤣🤣🤣

  4. 1 hour ago, simonm said:

    We put up a feeder in September and I’ve seen a solitary great tit, I’ve not had to refill it once! 

    I would look at the position of your feeder and what's in it, mine are all near cover so the birds can duck in and out, and I just feed sunflower hearts and fat balls,  suet blocks.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mighty Ruler said:

    Had flyers, addressed  letters, loads of em. The Tories called, was hoping Labour or the Lib Dems would so I could tell ‘em what I think of them. Labour won by 30 votes last time, I think that’s behind all the flyers, unfortunately, none of the Labour ones had Corbyn’s face on. I wanted to draw a Hitler tache on and stick it on the door.

    What area? It's the close ones that make it interesting. 

  6. On 27/11/2019 at 16:42, marlin vs said:

    That's some heap of grey's, they're only starting to get a foothold over here. Iv'e shot 4 in the last 2 years and previous to that had never seen one.

    Where is " over here" it starts with the odd one, then 3 then 9, keep on them.

  7. 13 minutes ago, sam triple said:

    had ,tory ,labour , liberal undemocratic fliers but not one visit from one touting for their vote that must be a thing of the past

    No they still do it, just through the day when your in work, plus it's dark out a 4pm wet and miserable and their scared of hoodies

  8. Wow there are some mixed feelings on here, as far as I'm concerned Christmas is for your kids, not sure how you can't be bothered when you have an 8 year old, if I told my daughter we weren't bothering this year she'd be devastated. 

    Personally having a nice roast the kids opening some presents and a nice family day is great, I banned the in laws a while ago,  and rushing off to see people half an hour after dinner, relax and enjoy your family. 

    1 hour ago, discobob said:

    The worst thing is though that since we moved up, Christmas hasn't been for our kids - it has all been for the wife's family.

    Ban them now, say it's just you this year, possibly invite them round for drinks later. 

    Also we stopped the pointless gift buying years ago between brothers sisters etc, we all buy for each other's kids, but vouchers as they get older, why put yourself through it when you've no real idea what people want or need.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Thunderbird said:

    Introduce statutory bereavement leave.

    This I can agree with, only thing would be how long? 

    6 minutes ago, Thunderbird said:

    Make it unlawful to dismiss pregnant women without prior approval of the inspectorate. 

    Didn't realise companies could.

    7 minutes ago, Thunderbird said:

    End the opt out provision whereby workers can opt out of the maximum 48 hour working week.

    Nuts, it's an opt out and guys I've worked with have often hammered the O/T I once questioned someone on the hours he did, 6.5 days a week every week,  turns out he was divorced with two houses to pay for and possibly 4 or 5 kids between two different women, couldn't imagine him getting by on 32 hours a week.

    Or many small companies paying staff the same wage for doing less hours.

  10. 1 hour ago, Thunderbird said:

    I was talking to a French employer last year and he said they try to get by without hiring new staff because rubbish workers can be so hard to get rid of. 

    That's why a lot of companies use agencies,  they can see what your like  can you do the job and if not a phone call and your gone. 

  11. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    Another favorite of mine is Ian Blackford.

    I'm so glad the above answered better than I could, the bloke is all bluster and noise, it's a shame but I almost hope Scotland get independence just to see them fail drastically,  the interview with NS summed it up,  lots of noise very good in front of the camera on their terms, but fall apart when questioned on failings. 

    How will they cope without Englands money?

  12. 45 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Straight talking and conciliatory in the most part. I think he represented a real opportunity to unite the various sides of the Brexit divide but understand that he did not conform to what the Tory membership were looking for. Might have allowed me to continue voting Tory.

    Did he not conform when he fell apart on live TV?

    4 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    I tried but most of the arguments from the leave side are twaddle. Do you think you understand both sides?

    I've looked at the remain side and just don't get it, continue as we are slowly giving up any remaining power or authority to the EU super state.

    No thanks.

  13. 2 hours ago, islandgun said:

    Why havnt they interviewed the heroes [ex prisoners] that tackled him outside with the fire extinguisher on tv ?

    Maybe didn't want to be on the TV?

    2 hours ago, armsid said:

    and corbyn,s reply      terrorists should not have to serve their full sentence           it was labour who decided on this course of action in 2006 and now it is the tories who will have to change it   i do not think chairman corbyn will do so

    Yes but once in prison they are well behaved so can get out earlier?? Big deal, if you behave you only serve your term, if you misbehave you stay in longer, wouldn't that be good.

  14. 41 minutes ago, oowee said:

      labour manifesto fully costed. Party led by someone with Balls ready to take on Andrew Neil. Where is Boris.  The pair of them are a waste of resources. 

    Trouble was the family voted for a holiday on an island in the Atlantic that has yet to be created.:good: 

    You could of wrote, terrorist sympathiser daft enough to be interviewed by AN comes out looking old and I'll prepared but thinks he's PM material. 


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