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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 4 hours ago, oowee said:

    Pensions (State and Govt) can i draw it abroad will it be index linked across the EU? What will be the rules for living abroad?

    Driving Licences. What classes will be recognised where, if I move abroad, will i need separate insurance, driving licence, how long can I use my UK licence? Will i need to get an ICC for my boat or will they recognise my UK ticket? 

    Vehicle standards how long can I drive my UK motorhome, car, motrbike, hover board, moped?

    The red tape is one part of it the other is cost. Whilst I appreciate for some these things are not so regular for many thousands of others this is just normal stuff. 

    I'm not sure any of that counts to normal folk, if your going living abroad or travelling then you comply with whatever you need to.

    we're talking about living in the UK not moving to the EU, about the UK being in charge of it's own laws, tax etc..

    3 hours ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Do you seriously believe that? When you say "us" whom do you refer to?

    Yes indeed, Leavers voted to screw everyone but the un-screwable.

    Yes I do, I'm a machinist, can you tell me how us leaving the EU is going to affect me? Or a mechanic, sparkie plumber, or the hundreds of other normal jobs done by people everywhere, all this so called impending doom and gloom is just scare mongering as far as I'm concerned.

    I'm more concerned Labour might somehow sneek in at a GE .

  2. The other question is has he tried other peoples at the range? We could all suggest a different rifle from every known make but some will feel right and some won't, your old fella might be 5"2 or 6"8 small hands or mits like a bear?

    try to get hands on see what he likes and your halfway there 👍 

  3. 1 hour ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Where are the scenarios, models and data (credible ones) that predict anything but doom?

    If no deal happens we are gonna take a hit,  the only question is how big of a one and when / if we will recover from it.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't see how leaving will affect us, we won't notice a thing.

    15 minutes ago, oowee said:

    It's not just the financial hit its all the red tape stuff that is likely to make European travel that much more of a pain. Rather than the almost seamless way we can move about at the moment we will have to think about pensions, driving licences, vehicle standards, telephone, health care, pet passports, firearms licencing the every day stuff.

    Honestly to the average person on the street none of that matters.

    If your going on holiday to Europe you need a passport and insurance, so same as always.

    If it's work related then you simply plan ahead.

  4. 53 minutes ago, Lord Geordie said:

    Trip to the charity shops today, looking in the cabinet of one shop spy an old vintage watch. How much asks I, £20 says the woman! It’s only a Jäger lecouture isn’t it 😮

    then in another shop a beautiful accurist circa 1950 auto fully working for £4.99




    means nothing to me unless i google, but I'm guessing you're happy.

    looks nice.

  5. 56 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    its going on more and more now everywhere........

    someone seriously needs to get a grip on this.............and i want to know why my fine city of Norwich has the highest drug related death rate in the EU.........

    the govt needs to give the "balls" back to the coppers and let them do what needs to be done...........

    if they dont its going to continue to get worse and worse

    your not wrong.

    I watched someone drive away from a police stop a few weeks back, 30mph road, went past me at 70 easy weaving in and out of traffic, 5 or 6 cars combing the area in no time, apparently there was a shooting the week before between different gangs.

    these things happen and no one notices anymore.

    it's wrong, and it's getting worse.

  6. 18 hours ago, gemini52 said:

    better peformance but i want better mpg,its fast enough for me allright.

    you'll be in traffic half the time anyway.

    I drove home from work at midnight last Night, down the M6, an absolute pleasure very little traffic or nutters about. And people wonder why i work shifts 😄😄 

  7. The Scotland v Japan game isn't off yet, decision to be made Sunday, and Scotland are looking at legal possibilities, I really can't understand how the game can't be moved back a day.

    Given how good the tournament has been so far it would be a shame for something like this to spoil things.

  8. 58 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    think this is the most irrelevant game. We win and play Aus, we lose and play Wales, with the same for France. The gap between Wales and Aus is so small that there's no real advantage in playing one over the other. 

    Honestly I'd rather play Oz, both hard games but the English and Welsh lads play regular and know each others game.

  9. 1 hour ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Before it goes ahead or gets cancelled, before Scotland sue World Rugby, before Hastings goes all Godzilla on what's left of Tokyo, I'm calling it:

    I think Scotland will/would beat Japan. 

    Lets hope the game goes ahead, I'm backing Japan, home advantage been getting better each game, Scotland should win it, but can they? 

  10. 3 hours ago, ShootingEgg said:

    Campaigners West Midlands Hunt Saboteurs have welcomed the decision and say: “This means that for now the 908 km² area of West Leicestershire and North Warwickshire are completely hunt free and hundreds of foxes lives will now have been saved

    Shows how little they know, if there's no hunting then the farmers and land owners will just let people shoot the foxes.

  11. 4 hours ago, m3vert said:

    For a world cup to cancel games is nothing short of pathetic! If the Sunday games get cancelled Scotland will go home having not even played Japan! I cannot believe that the games could not be rescheduled, even if it meant in a different stadium, yes bad for the fans but at least the games would be played. Deciding that any game cancelled is a 0-0 draw is unreal and total ******** Can you imagine if they done this at the football world cup???

    I read something yesterday that the Japan v Scotland game may be postponed 24hrs.

    It's a typhoon not a storm and the England game not being played doesn't really matter, shame we can't spank France but hey ho.


    5 hours ago, AVB said:

    England vs France is cancelled due to Typhoon. Really pee’d off as I had just bought a ticket. 

    The good news is that means England top the group and get a long break before the QF but will that help? 

    Also bought a ticket for the final in the hope that England make it. 

    Ticket for the final, very nice 👍 


  12. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    Your right of course we should but skilled jobs often rely upon integrated methods of work, common standards and knowledge networks. Its possible, but harder, and likely to be more expensive to do this as UK plc. In any joint European collaboration UK plc will either not figure or be the weak link in the chain.

    Rather than focus on cheap give aways that we cannot afford the Government should have education as its number one priority. Knowledge 

    Absolutely, and we already have these in a lot of areas, and I'm sure it's the same in areas I know nothing about IT, Science and Medical.

    I see no point pushing cheap imported labour, with minimum wage there isn't really cheap labour in this country anymore that can compete with foreign labour, so we need to be smarter not cheaper.


  13. 2 hours ago, SuperGoose75 said:

    That was interesting! The fact Fiji got the conversion points without actually taking a kick. Speeds the game up!

    Is that always the case? or just a rule implemented for the World Cup?

    It's all going pear shaped for the Welsh. 

    Penalty try so automatic 7 points.

    Have the welsh fans come out from behind the sofa now?

    Some game that, I thought Fiji were going to run away with it but discipline cost them again, so many passes forward, great to watch for a non Welsh 😉

    I thought the Welsh wing or number 6? Was man of the match.

  14. 4 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Of course just at lower volumes and we will have to sharpen our prices, keep wages in check and import cheaper essential labour. 

    I was just back from from a night shooting and need a cup of yarrow tea before I sleep. Night off tonight and back out again Thurs. 🙂 

    I see you were a night owl too. 


    nothing as fun though, I'd just finished work ☹ 

    I don't agree with importing cheap labour, we will never compete with China on the cheap stuff, the industries we should be competing in are skilled production, there is a reason why engines and planes etc are made here.

  15. 44 minutes ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Scotland look like they could nick it from Japan next week! If my maths is right, a simple win and Japan not getting a bonus point should do it? Some lovely tries in there

    I'm just up watching a bit on plus 1, looks like Scotland have had a great day and certainly turned things around since the Ireland game.

    The commentary said the other day Japan need the loosing bonus point to go through against Scotland, should be a great game.

  16. 7 hours ago, Shearwater said:

    So. . . ..  BIG question. . . . Can England beat NZ assuming both get to titthe final?

    Never saw the match but have seen the score and your comments assume it was messy!!

    I honestly expected SA to put a ton past Canada.

    As for England v New Zealand? Long way to go but England are improving with each game, I'm hoping that better opposition will make them better.

    New Zealand already look like there at their peek to me?

  17. 5 hours ago, das said:

    How many of us can live without German cars

    lad at rugby sells BMWs and says brexit will help him as the cost of used cars will go up, as will spares.

    I wonder if Germany will be happy if cars sales drop in the UK, i very much doubt it.

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