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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 6 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    None of them really, but that's mostly a matter of demographics and declining industries. It's all made in Asia nowadays.


    Don't disagree, given wages, production costs and how easily things can be shipped it's nigh on impossible to compete.

  2. 1 hour ago, Retsdon said:

    A Corbyn Labour government will try and enact a radical socialist experiment. A Conservative government will try and enact a radical free-market experiment. 

    Choose your poison, really.

    I will guarantee that the EU isn't going to fall apart at the seams. That's another sign of malign old age - retreat into a fantasy world...:)

    How many EU countries are doing well?  Your probably looking at 4 or 5 propping up the rest, how can that continue? And I'm far from old 😉 

  3. 36 minutes ago, andrewluke said:

    have and will carry on using paypal for firearms and accessories on this and other forums if i can see that they are trustworthy members

    that's the good thing on sites like this, people build up a history, you need to be really careful spending hundreds when you don't know people.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Retsdon said:


    Yes, it's unfortunate that cometh the hour the man was AWOL.

    It's been a bit of a perfect storm really. I just worry that this is going to be one of those slips, like threads parting, that you see in older people. I mean, nobody can deny that Britain's glory days are in the rear view mirror. You only have to look at a 50 year sterling chart to see the trend. But like people going into old age, the transition has to date been almost imperceptible.

    But then, as with getting old, there comes an event,  like an illness or a bereavement for example, and suddenly it's like some threads of a cord or rope have parted and you see a person and they've suddenly aged horribly in no time at all. These things are never linear, they come in stages and fits and starts. And if you read history, countries and civilisations have also been prone to these same event-triggered slides.

    I can't help thinking that perhaps Brexit, with its backwards looking nostalgia for a time that's never coming back, and a kind of mass refusal to see the world as it actually really is in the second decade of the 21st century will prove to be one of these slippage moments.

    The best way to stay young and strong  is to stay engaged. Drifting away off the north coast of France into glorious isolation hardly fits the description 


    quite amusing really, i picture us watching Europe falling apart at the seems, while we smile thinking how lucky we weren't dragged down with others.

  5. 4 hours ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, did i see a post regarding this on the airgun forum ?  

    Someone posted on the R7 forum about this, all seemed perfectly legit, then once the money had been sent the seller vanished? They put a link to the bbs but i didn't read it all.

    6 hours ago, scorchyboy said:

    Hi all I feel I have to warn as many people as I can , I paid for an air rifle on free ads and thought it was all legitimate , but to my bitter disappointment it was a scam, and I am battling between Barclaycard and PayPal hopefully it all works

    Name and shame the seller.

  6. 6 hours ago, henry d said:


    Very silly, TV in gym was on the news channel and I forgot to record it!

    BANZAI 🍀

    I saw Scotland play Japan at McDairmid park many moons ago and Scotland cricket scored them, time for revenge?

    highlights at 7 on ITV 4

  7. 10 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    The EU played by the rule book and looked out for their interests which is reasonable given the existential threat Brexit posed to them.

    This is of our own doing. Again where will we point the finger in the future if we’re out of the EU and things don’t go as we like?

    If we don't like how things are going, then we can vote in another government, however we have no control over what Europe does or says, unelected remember 

  8. 1 hour ago, Capt Christopher Jones said:

    And you believe that will be a problem ??.

    Just think no more currency exchange, for businesses or expats or holidays + no more Brit governments "meddling" in the currency levels. Win win  

    Absolutely not, rejecting the Euro is the best decision we've made in a long time.

    how many countries that adopted the Euro are doing well?

  9. I didn't go the gym but was behind, lazy morning.

    Fantastic display from Japan, their tackling was amazing, they rarely missed one making perfect leg tackles, after that except for the high ball they were spot on.

    wow wow wow didn't see that coming.

  10. Just now, Raja Clavata said:

    Now doubt we’ll all return to our trenches shortly to resume normal service.

    Now? Bloods gone from your head, it's us that are supposed to be uneducated.

    carry on.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Who was it that said slowly slowly catchy monkey earlier 🤣

    have you been winding people up and telling tales?

    you pop out for a couple of hours and it kicks off apparently?

  12. 2 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Not being discussed because it's not relevant right now, as I asserted previously.

    I fear you really are way off the mark on your last statement, I suspect it will be the average Joe who is affected the most.

    It is relevant though, we keep hearing about going of the cliff edge into the abyss if we leave, but the other side of the coin if we're forced to stay, the Euro their courts possible tax changes?

    How many average Joes do you know? Guys who work shifts, plummers, plasterers, police, car sales, joiners, mechanics, the list could go on and on.

    They simply won't notice, there will still be bills to pay, food to put on the table.

    hopefully without the EU telling us how to do things


  13. 5 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    I stated previously that something like forcing the Euro on us would be valid grounds for considering leaving.

    Rumours about the removal of the veto are not adequate grounds in my opinion.

    Fair enough I could easily have missed it, but it's not being discussed in the media. Just how bad things will be if we leave, not what will be forced on us if we stay.

    I truly hope we crash out on the 31st, I don't see it affecting the average Joe at all.

  14. 4 minutes ago, henry d said:


    Probably true, things are hard when your wasting money on mobile phones, booze fags, cable.

    I know this won't apply to everyone but I'm sure it does to a lot.

    I work away 4 days a week manage to feed myself on £20-25 a week, hardly expensive.

  15. 1 hour ago, Raja Clavata said:

    I do not concur. The time for debating the scenarios was prior to the referendum vote - reinforces the view that the referendum was not executed properly - but that's in the past now. Remain scenarios only become relevant if we drop Brexit.

    Can't agree with this, what if the Euro was forced on us? More interfering from the EU. There hasn't been much if any talk of what could happen if we were forced to remain.

    Just talk of how bad things will be if we leave.

  16. 5 hours ago, henry d said:

     There is already a panic over medication and medical supplies such as dressings and even rubber gloves, so yes I can, and so can others. How many sauces that are on the supermarket shelves rely on tomatoes? The UK does a few toms for the market but can't supply that size of market. 

    Without a deal we will see problems with foodstuffs deteriorating in the back of lorries, demand will outstrip supply and I would not be surprised if we saw some looting or civil disobedience around food as the poorest cannot afford to stock up and tend to live hand to mouth.

    Anyone can see some distance into the future and hopefully there will be some sort of deal and we can avoid the above.

    sorry Henry but none of that stacks up, we can make medication ourselves but do it elsewhere as it's cheaper.

    Sauce on the shelves? That's not really a concern, we already get veg on shelves from India and Africa which baffles me so stuff sitting in a refrigerated arctic isn't a concern.

    And the idea of looting and civil disobedience over food? The poorest already eat badly choosing the cheapest foods and are apparently already eating hand to mouth, or going to food banks according to the media.

  17. 36 minutes ago, AVB said:

    I have been in Japan for 18 months so am used to it but yes humidity is high and does sap you very quickly. 

    Was a great game and atmosphere. The Japanese have really taken to it. All of the staff at the stadium really seem to enjoy the crowds. Although I think they are surprised, and struggle a bit, with dealing with selling so much beer! 

    Glad you enjoyed it, i haven't seen a bad crowd yet although there are a lot of teams I haven't seen.

    Japan v Ireland should be really good.

    I have been surprised at how vocal the Japanese have been unless it's the tourists making all the noise?

  18. 27 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Strangely enough I was just thinking this morning how in so many ways Scotland is showing England the way forward. 

    I'm guessing you just mean on alcohol?

  19. He finally caught the ball and ran 😃😃

    5 minutes ago, henry d said:

    Looks greasy as neither team is keeping control of the ball

    Don't doubt that, but it's 45 nil and we're still not firing on all cylinders, looks promising, bring on the Argies.

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