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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 54 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    for a price that I am too embarrassed to  admit incase they have made a mistake and come chasing me for the extra.

    They normally charge more, but they've heard how err careful you are with your pennies and didn't want to upset you 😄😄

    sounds like great service.

  2. 2 hours ago, figgy said:

    Can we have some pics JDog.

    My wife keeps shouting me out to tell her what group of tits are on the feeder in the garden. Been getting a few more variety lately.


    That's the test in our house, which tits are on the bird feeder, great when the coal tits come along because it throughs everyone, although my daughter has switched on to them lately.

    I love seeing something new Jdog 👍 

  3. 32 minutes ago, old'un said:

    The Sparrowhawk takes birds for 365 days a year, a breeding pair needs to kill at least half a dozen small bird a day during this period and will take adult birds, chicks off the nest and young (fledged) birds.

    Over a whole year a successful breeding pair of Sparowhawks could account for 55 kg (121 pounds) This is equivalent to about 2200 House Sparrows, or 600 Blackbirds, or 110 Wood Pigeons.

    At least with the magpie and squirrel the adult birds survive and may try to breed again the same year or next.

    Wont argue with any of that, but how many broods don't hatch or fledge because a magpie or squirrel comes along, I'm getting birds in my garden that i never used to including the odd sparrow hawk, and there are certainly plenty of pigeons to go around.

  4. 56 minutes ago, old'un said:

    Sparrow hawks kill more song birds than squirrels and magpies, they need some control, same as buzzards, far to many.

    I somehow doubt that, i have hammered the squirrels near me, unfortunately not the magpies but it's made a massive difference to the bird population locally, i can easily see a dozen magpies a day without really looking, a sparrow hawk is an occasional treat, the biggest control being winter and available prey, squirrels and magpies eat lots of other thing besides eggs and chicks so aren't as easily managed.

  5. Well the NZL v CAN game is certainly a slippery one, balls going everywhere, I hope something is done about the conditions?

    Commentator has just said NZL haven't dropped a thing in ten mins of second half, lots of sticky spray? But their also being allowed to play at their own pace.

    There should maybe be a mercy option 53 mins played it's 56 nil, New Zealand are likely to switch off, Canada get naughty, pointless injuries picked up.

  6. 4 hours ago, ShootingEgg said:

    Parts of Bristol flooded Monday evening, but nothing major.. 

    Still think we don't take care of the rivers like we used to, at low tide Bristol River bed is a v shape, loads of silt that could be removed to allow for the water that escaped Monday evening 

    This is how stupid things are these days, our little river the Lostock feeds the Douglas which feeds the Ribble, it was the Douglas which flooded Croston and as a knock on some houses on our street.

    The Environmental folk said it's good if you get flooded because then money is made available??

    little prevention these days.

  7. 1 minute ago, Robertt said:

    Over penetrating? 

    If it goes through its doing its job.

    22LR, 223, 308 they all go through.

    Shot placement is the answer.

    No animal is going far with a bullet though the brain.


    I know what your both saying, I often get this on rats, but you want what you shoot to drop ideally.

  8. 2 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

    There is - it is that Johnson is in a minority administration - and as such is vulnerable.

    However - the various opposition parties won't unite because;

    • Corbyn will insist he is PM - and the others won't wear that
    • The SNP will do a deal with anyone who will give them a chance at independance, but they can't see Corbyn really winning in a General Election - and no one else would give them that
    • The LibDems are reluctant to prop up anyone - haveing caught a bad cold when they propped up Cameron

    In effect politicians are doing their normal things, bickering, dithering, being petty, and achieving nothing.  These are the only things politcians do well these days.


    Johnson may well be vulnerable, but the fact the "opposition" aren't acting on it certainly can't be doing them any favours?

    Isn't a week government just what the opposition is supposed to want?

  9. Does having the reg not mean you get more usable shots before the pressure drops?

    12 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

    Had to check as the diablos are over penetrating and not dropping cleanly at all. In fact i wont use them again. No idea why they are, look the bloody same as jsbs 

    My fault for not buying bulk of jsbs exacts. 

    I take it you mean not dropping quarry?

    is it possible there similar but harder lead?

    guessing you've checked your accuracy if your checking the FPS

  10. 8 minutes ago, henry d said:

    I wonder if there will be a few words said about covered stadiums, Kobe seems to be a nightmare with bad handling and a slippery pitch

    I was wondering why the roof is shut again? The ball is like a bar of soap, stopping any flow.

    might go and do the pots 🤔

  11. 17 hours ago, mel b3 said:

    cheers dave . its a beautiful place to be mate . a road runs along the side of our woodland , it can get pretty hectic at times , on a busy day we see almost 5 cars . when we go up there , we very rarely move from the woodland , we can always find plenty to do , and if we dont feel like doing anything , we just sit and watch the wildlife.

     5 cars 😄  how do you cope with the grid lock 😂😂

    sounds a wonderful place to sit and watch.

  12. 25 minutes ago, Demonic69 said:

    "As the rich get richer the poor get poorer." Only in relation to median wealth. The rich getting richer doesn't mean the poor can't now afford bread or heating, past a certain point the wealthy's incomes have no bearing on what us peasants can and can't afford. As overall wealth rises so does the tax received, impacting inflation which affects inflation, bringing up minimum wages and benefits to suit.


    "We have people sleeping rough on the streets and our kids cannot afford homes" we have thousands of schemes to help people sleeping rough, not to mention the Council's and Government's responsibilities to minimum levels of housing/income. Aside from a few trapped in bureaucracy, the majority are eligible for a nice council house plus income support.

    Our kids CAN afford homes, the just don't want to start in a 2-bed ex-council terrace or semi, they want a 4 bed detached on a new build estate with the partner they've been with for 5 minutes. The Gov't help to buy scheme proves that, a majority take up by under 25's who could have easily afforded a cheaper house, but were desperate to prove their superiority that they'd saddle themselves with a £300k mortgage and negative equity.

    very well said, folk don't want to move up the ladder they want the show house.

  13. 43 minutes ago, ShootingEgg said:

    Just to go on the flip side of this. Myself and my partner have just had an offer accepted. I already own a property and so does she, but we have worked hard and can afford to move in together and keep the properties we own. 

    I'm sure some on here will go left like corbyn on me. But I have worked my butt off since the age of 15, now 35. And so has my partner, 30. So I'm sorry this whole I can't afford a home is just an excuse of not saving, choosing maybe to do a degree about something that will never get used, then moan they are paying a loan back. 

    That should be everyone's aim, do well.

    If your not working or happy to rent then why put others down who have worked hard for what they have.

    I'm absolutely convinced there are many many people living beyond their means, who want new cars, phones foreign holidays.

    Always amazes me that the Labour party seems to be backed by people happy to not labour, while the Labour party are happy to have people not working on benefits voting for them.

    My Grandad was a stout Labour voter, I'm 100% confident he wouldn't vote for this lot.

  14. 34 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Even the SNP starts to look attractive. 🙂 At least Scotland's proportional voting system avoids the worst of the extremists. Why are Scotland leaving the UK behind?


    26 minutes ago, johnphilip said:

    Scotland could never afford to leave the rest of the uk . The SNP are anti English full stop . They are dreaming of freedom . And sod the cost .

    John sums it up, pretty sure Scotland is supported by England, if they manage to leave the union they'll be going down hill fast. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    I reckon leave on 31st October is probably 50:50.

    i agree on the order of mistakes.

    more like 52:48 but those few percentage points don't seem to concern the MPs

  16. 1 hour ago, Yellow Bear said:

    Not shifting, just flagging up the points that the "anti no dealers" and remainers are totally ignoring whilst prattling on continuously about any other out deal, and ramping up project fear.

    I'd agree with this.

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