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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, Mice! said:

    Everyone up, kids fed, England tops on Come on!!

    I don't think or hope SA can match us, so as we keep our cool, don't give penalties. 

    Well I've been very wrong so far,   SA have got their tactics spot on and we've saved our worst game for the final 😭😭😭

  2. 2 hours ago, figgy said:

    Managed to get a impact MK2 in silver, only had .22 so looks like a barrel and probe in near future. 

    Shop also has two black ones in .22.

    Missed out on a .177 silver that sold this morning. 

    Now for the 7 hour round trip to go collect it.

    Silver sounds a bit strange but why not, a seven hour round trip 😮 hope the traffic is kind to you.

  3. 7 minutes ago, activeviii said:

    I have been using a 177 s200 just for rats for the last few years. It works, a few thousand pellets I know how it works.


    I have just bought a s510 fac in 22  as I need something something for squirrels. Yes  could bait and wait but no time. Quicker to thermal spot them in the trees hiding, then shoot them. Can't use the rim fire for that. The squirrel might be 50 yards away. So I bought the s510. 

    Used on the rats couple nights back as it has adjustable power, 11.5 at lowest with a 14.5 grain pellet

    Turn it up with a 22gn to 29footpound 

    So far, works for me

    Some of the rat videos I watch on YouTube he uses a Fac 510 certainly does the job.

  4. 1 hour ago, Scully said:

    Agreed. There are many advantages to being self employed, and I cherish the freedom it gives me to do whatever i want whenever I want....within reason. Take today for example; I take every Friday off during the shooting season so I can go beating, although today I am currently working from home in my nice warm studio on a painting for an exhibition.....because I got my beating dates mixed up! Turned up on BIG shoot and wondered where everyone was, turns out I was only a week early! 🙄😃

    Flexibility is certainly a big bonus,  as for being a week early is that not just being very very well prepared 🤣🤣😉

  5. 17 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    It was my accountant that was saying I shouldn't claim for the mileage and subsequently warning I definitely couldn't after IR35 came into force, but I know plenty who still did.

    Regarding the Google and Amazon size companies - so you are aligned with the EU views on this and the French in particular and don't care what Trump says / does to counter it?

    Whilst I agree the above do need to be brought to task, I don't see why sole traders, Ltd co's and other SME should not also be made to pay their share too - why do you think it should be the large ones the government go after?

    I've no idea what the French's view is or the EU, or what Trump has said. 

    The government should go after the big fish because of the sums involved,  why focus on a sole trader working their butt off on let's say 45k a year in dividends and salary,  when there are bigger fish probably doing that a week, month day?

  6. 26 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    If you've actually read what I wrote earlier then I'm surprised by the question to be honest. There is no problem playing by the rules, my grievance is with those who are tearing the proverbial out of it and making bogus claims. Again I'm surprised this needs explanation / qualification.

    I've skipped back through, you were saying about tax evasion? When you've been there worn the T shirt,  claiming for mileage you didn't think you should? I may have got mixed up?

    I'm sure there are plenty out there who are tearing the proverbial as you say, but the ones the government should be going after are the Googles or Amazon size companies. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    depends on your accountant, I even used to argue with mine as to whether or not I could claim mileage going to a "permanent" place of work as a "temporary contractor", to be honest it was manic so I didn't have time to think about it too much but I know there were a lot of fears over IR35 at the tim

    So you claimed what you could/were told to, the same as many others will, but now it's wrong?


  8. 1 minute ago, Raja Clavata said:

    You know what say about assuming. For what it's worth I worked for several years with a "temporary" contract under an agency in a relatively junior position whilst I self-funded a HNC and then three quarters of a part time degree under day release where I lost a days pay and still needed to exceed 37.5 hours per week before overtime was paid at any kind of premium rate. For two of the three years I was a contractor self-funding the degree I set-up and was operating as a Ltd company - just before the first round of IR35 rules came about.

    Brilliant,  lots of hard work and long days I imagine,  and did you claim what you were able to? None of my business but I hope you did, the stories I've heard from people before IR 35 came in and things they claimed for seem crazy compared to now a days. 

  9. 30 minutes ago, oowee said:

    🤣 Oh please. Work for a salary and hours can be meaningless. When I was self employed it was the easiest ride of my life far easier than working for the Government. Pay rates were three times the level (although a lot of time was not chargeable). Downside for me was keeping up to date with billing, tax and expenses. 


    We work in vastly different industries,  contracting in engineering pays more than paye, otherwise there would be no incentive,  but it works both ways. 

    A lot of companies make you work as a contractor to make sure you can do the job, it covers busy periods or sick, and often brings in new ideas.

    Massive difference between claiming what you're told you can and say Google or Amazon.

    But the idea that folk who work are spongers? Can't get my head around that one.

  10. 24 minutes ago, bluesj said:

    So you are saying that someone who is self employed and uses the tax rules (made by government) to pay less tax are just the same as people that claim benefits that they are not entitled to

    Its brilliant isn't it,  some jobs might be a 12 month contract and you have to work through an agency,  but you're a sponger 🤣🤣

    Don't forget you can be finished anytime,  I love how people who have never worked temporary contracts or set up limited companies because that's what the job demands moan about tax dodging.

    Working paye is much more straightforward and simple, but you won't get far if your not willing to take risks.

  11. 10 minutes ago, JohnfromUK said:

    simply too lazy to work.  It should NEVER be more lucrative to say at home idle than do a decent day's work.

    Are yes Labour voters, why work when the state provides.

    And it's all the fault of those nasty mean rich Tories.

  12. 4 hours ago, Yellow Bear said:

    I notice this morning that JC is ramping up the usual hate and envy of get rid of the "elite".  He seems to have forgotten that most of his champagne socialist cronies (who have never had a proper job) fall into that category.

    Problem is he is also targeting people who feel they deserve more without putting in any effort,  and we know there are plenty of those about.

    25 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Six weeks is a long time in UK Politics, if there is one thing we should all have learnt from the past four years then it's to take nothing for granted. Way too early for any side to be getting complacent.

    That's very true,  May ran the worst campaign ever and completely blew it,  hence where we are now.

  13. 1713063399_Screenshot_20191031-123029_SamsungInternet.jpg.8b9630549bdc9b802bd3acc6f05c4791.jpg

    3 hours ago, rapid .25 said:

    I'm pretty certain that once an air rifle is registered as fac it remains fac and can't be put back to sub 12.

    I'm looking at the post above,  I've read elsewhere that once a rifle is fac that's it but why? There could well be bargains out there.

  14. 6 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Hand on heart - don't be bamboozled into thinking that FX are the Rolls Royce of the Airgun world - once you get over £750 ish most Rifles performance are similar - the build quality on my Wildcat is not, in my opinion, up to that of my S410 - engineering wise at least, the use of push fit pins that can fall out whenever they like is unacceptable on guns at this price - 3 months of FX ownership = trigger failure, indexing issues and Reg jam + £100 service/tinker - AA S410 10 years of ownership = indexing post replacement (messed up by previous owner) £13 not one other issue, failure or hiccup. If you buy an FX make sure your dealer has an impeccable reputation for warranty work and is nearby - not trying to put you off but a little caution might save you considerable hassle. 

    That sounds like cost cutting to me, there aren't many companies these days that won't put budget over quality,  and push fittings sounds like cost cutting on assembly as well. 


  15. On 28/10/2019 at 19:19, FOXHUNTER1 said:

    What a fantastic outing m8 , haven't had a single squirrel this year yet , one of my favourite quarries. 

    You were either very thorough last year or you're not looking hard enough,  job for  the weekend,  bag some squirrels 😉

  16. 5 minutes ago, figgy said:

    Shops I talked to had been getting some through. Said batches are coming in now, hopefully you'll get yours. My usual dealer said Christmas but that could be march knowing asi.

    Lots of fac ones around shortage seems to be sub 12 ones.

    Could you not get a FAC and Taylor to suit, or would it not be worth it?

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