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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I've got almost the same rifle, Webley Axor I'll pop a pic up when I get chance.

    Have you looked at chair gun for zeroing your scope? I haven't used it but from what others say it's really useful.

  2. On ‎16‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 21:40, ladyjack said:

    Oldypigeonpopper,going to farm 2morrow to zero,and hopefully get some pigeons, thanks for advice from the more sensible members on here,thought children had to be in bed for a certain time 

    Got to have some humour fella.

    glad the rifle is performing as she should for you.

  3. 1 hour ago, SuperGoose75 said:

    PS Note- I'm only a (Bandwagon Rugby Fan) who watches the 6 Nations and big games that Ireland are involved in or other big games. However when the Anthems and the Haka takes place before kick off tomorrow the blood will be up! I'll be watching with interest on Sunday also.

    And me, I watch the highlights program on channel 5 but club and international Rugby union is like two different games.

  4. 1 hour ago, chrisjpainter said:

    It's a pity Ireland and England are on the same side of the draw; that would have made a great final! Still, here's hoping it'll be the semi final instead...

    Yeah because that means we've beaten Australia and we're not playing New Zealand 😂😂 

  5. 1 minute ago, Capt Christopher Jones said:

    plus even more customs posts to be manned

    Good job the strawberries are in cooled vans then, not sure much else comes down really.

    I've lived in Scotland and really don't see how them being independent of the UK helps them at all?

  6. So having been on the Moon (out of data) I haven't read all the pages since Tuesday, expect it was much of the usual?

    So Boris has a deal, Parliament will vote on it tonight yes?

    What are it's chances of passing then?

    Or are Listless and the Scottish nasty party going to block it again?

  7. 13 minutes ago, Capt Christopher Jones said:

    Bozo has ditched ( geddit ) May`s RED lines to get the deal, what is now proposed ( Irish sea boarder ) is what the EU suggested in the first place I May rejected as it split the United Kingdom.

    What is now proposed are internal custom borders within the UK & that should be unacceptable, there will be a Scottish customs post nxt 


    The way the Snp are going there will be barbed wire on Hadrian's wall soon anyway, if they get their way.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    We are indeed world leaders in scientific research but have a pretty poor record on industrialisation / commercial exploitation of the research which is often realised elsewhere.

    Is this not because it's far easier and cheaper to have things made abroad? We could and can make anything but if companies want maximum profit they go where it's cheapest.

    15 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    Interesting article. I think the key phrase on the London financial stability is "so far" though suspect it will remain strong. So, this implies that the City and London will be largely unaffected by Brexit which begs the question of where then will the impact be felt...?

    Maybe the impact will be felt in Europe? Not in the United Kingdon 🤔

  9. 2 hours ago, figgy said:

    Are you providing chain mail gloves to the winning poor soul.

    Best of luck with getting a good lad, there some still around and your dad's getting on in years. Being at work ball day will be tiring for him.

    My dad's retired at 70 he done there days a week for year or so then two days a week for another before stopping completely.

    Father in law worked till ear 71 but last couple years before he stopped he only worked till lunch time.

    I think your typing in gloves 😄😄

    8 hours ago, team tractor said:

    I only drink tea  

    good lad👍👍

    Show them your scares, if they don't run away it's a good start 🤣

  10. wp_ss_20191014_0001.png.8cc5638758da407175655d670064e4c0.png

    No surprise Margret Thatcher was knifed in 1990 then the Euro gets brought in afterwards. I'm sure had we ditched the pound for the Euro we wouldn't be in a position to have a choice.

    Just get out why we can, others will follow.

  11. Just watched the game and managed to avoid the result.

    Fantastic game, settled on the pitch.

    I'm sure the commentary team said the Japanese team have speant 240 days together this year!! Just shows how seriously Japan have taken hosting and playing in the world cup.

    Great fitness flare and defence, I'm sure South Africa won't be expecting an easy game.

  12. 24 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, you have to be careful on free ads, there was a recent scam and a lot of money involved.

    I saw that thanks, someone paid but didn't get the rifle, think I'd still want to pick up what i paid for, it's the same on all sites, a real difference in price.

    free adds recommend you pay with PayPal, but PayPal say you can't buy a rifle?

  13. 1 hour ago, oowee said:

    In the past I entered a competition called gladiators.

    Firstly tell us more😄

    1 hour ago, oowee said:

    Today Eliud Kipchoge from Kenya has run a marathon in under 2 hours. Averaging 21.1 kmph for nearly two hours. This is unreal.

    that is nuts, my misses has just said he's done a complete marathon at our sprinting pace!!!

  14. 1 hour ago, chrisjpainter said:

    My worry is that at some point, the carrier will go low, the tackler will go low and you'll get a head-to-head slamming. Elite level countries and pros will be technically solid tacklers, but minor clubs' players are going to be getting the wrong side all the time. Sooner or later, we're going to see two cracked skulls and brain damage - the very things these new safety rules are designed to avoid

    That's about what happened with Bundee Aki, they were both low, but I know what you mean, they brought in helmets in NFL to improve safety, look what that did.

  15. 38 minutes ago, Raja Clavata said:

    A couple of my cabbie mates have the same view but don’t seem to acknowledge that if there is less disposable income in the economy then they will get hit. So the only way I can see validity in what you’re saying is if you don’t believe there is going to be any economic impact.

    Regarding  Labour, they are not getting in power any time soon.

    I certainly hope your right with regards to Labour.

    Your saying people won't have as much disposable income? I regard Sky tv/ cable, nights out, take aways, mobile phones, holidays, new cars etc as people having disposable income, hell people get Mac D delivered these days.

    how many people do you know who don't do the above regularly?

    I just can't see us leaving the EU affecting the normal working people, so no i don't see an economic impact.

  16. 50 minutes ago, oowee said:

    Millions of Brits drive abroad and take pets. 

    And that won't change, your pet needs a passport and you'll have to follow the rules for where ever your going.

    50 minutes ago, oowee said:

    The £ will fall short term and then recover for a gradual decline, so inflation will increase. Inflation raises the cost of basic commodities so there is less money moving around the economy, for non essential stuff. Some products will also increase in price as a result of tariff charges. There will be less money for home improvements, fewer new cars and generally less consumption of everything. There will be pressure on wages as a result. With less attractive UK job options less people will want to move to the UK. Less houses will be built. A smaller economy means less tax for government. There will be a shortage of people to work in services Hospitality, care, and health so these costs are likely to rise. 

    I don't see most of that happening either, there are new houses going up everywhere, fewer new cars? You rarely see old cars these days, people are happy it seems using finance to pay for everything.

    Inflation has been so low for so long a small rise could really affect people but that's because people don't budget correctly.

    I hope less people want to move here, we're full.

    The cost of care is constantly rising, us leaving the EU won't change this, hopefully rather than foreigners taking the jobs, they can go to people already living here, the jobs were done before the influx of cheap workers.

    As for the pound dropping? And at least it will still be the pound, lots of government positions haven't had a pay rise in years, nurses prison officers, the pay rises I've had don't really count as such, so I say again I don't feel us leaving the EU is going to effect us in any significant way that we'll notice.

  17. 5 hours ago, SuperGoose75 said:

    Fairly comfortable victory for Ireland and a place in the QF.

    Gotta feel for Bundee Aki though as his world cup is now over. Fine margins indeed!

    All these yellow and red cards are doing my head in, some have been justified but when the guy with the ball is dropping and weaving and the tackler is bent as well then that should be good enough, not the same as a high tackle, shoulder charge into a ruck.

    And there going back checking things that seem so minor, messing with the flow of the game.

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