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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 21 hours ago, AVB said:

    I have managed to get a ticket for tomorrow’s England vs USA game in Kobe. Now just got to get a bullet train from Tokyo. Hopefully there will still be space. 

    Can't see you, give us a wave😁

    is it as warm as we're being told?

  2. 11 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    saw yesterdays debacle.............

    "if Boris Johnson cant get Brexit thro using fair means or foul...........there is little hope to see an end to all this during this parliament term"

    the next election..........will it be the decieder ?...........is there any indication that the country is turning more and more towards a hard exit ?


    but how will the election come about? Tories can't force it for some reason, and the rest don't want it until they feel the time is right?? Which is never because they know they can't win.

    It's a coup, bloodless but none the less

  3. 4 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Bit off track but , in my near 60 years on this earth, I have never seen a Merlin - anybody see them regularly?Just wondered?

    Very random question Bruno, I've only seen, kestrels, buzzards, tawny owl, barn owl and red kite in the wild, loads of BOP I've yet to see. 

  4. I heard the SNP fella? Saying on the news that Boris should quit? Why, for trying to do what he said he would.

    I hope the SNP try for yet another break away, the way they bleat on, I cant decided if i want them to crash and burn or get what they want, although that seems a shame for Scotland.

  5. 3 hours ago, islandgun said:

    See a few every year, we have moorland almost down to sea level. and have seen them hunting waders on the estuary sands

    That would be good to watch.

  6. 31 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

    I note that we need to go back to 1982 for an example to bash Boris.

    Luckily with McDonnell, Abbott, Corbyn and company, they have many more recent and more serious examples. Their ongoing, dreadful treatment of Jewish people is still going on, let alone their cosy relationships with terrorists..

    The labour party don't know it's not still 1982, and if they get in we'll be going back in time not forward.

  7. 4 minutes ago, mick miller said:

    Bercow has moved to expunge the record of prorogataion [sp] from Parliamentary records. The event now marked as a pause in Parliamentary process instead on the date it was announced.

    Am I the only one that now see's the door open for Boris to suspend Parliament for a second, albeit shorter, period?

    someone mentioned he could do it again for the queen's speech, and get shut of Bercow

  8. I'm loving all this "Rebel alliance" talk, am i the only one thinking Star Wars?

    3 hours ago, oowee said:

    The worst Labour government could not be worse than no deal. 

    Didn't the last Labour government leave no money and massive debt, then sit back and moan while others tried to fix the country, while being a completely ineffective opposition.

    Who are now possibly neutral on brexit, just the biggest political event of my lifetime. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, welsh1 said:

    So Parliment rushes to reconvene, the first thing they will probably do is call a vote of no confidence in the government, which they should win, the government collapses, but more importantly a general election will have to be called, it will be in the hands of the people.

    One great big circle to arrive back at the point we all started from a few weeks ago.

    let's your right and the polls are right, Cons get a big majority and Brexit can finally be dealt with.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  10. https://www.daileisure.co.uk/rws-supermag-.177

    £7 a tin nothing to loose really in trying them? 

    What pellet are you using at the moment?


    everyone likes Bis mags


    Bis pest control


    looks a good idea to try a few out.


    I always liked superfield pellets but they didn't load well in my rapid, by far the best hollow point pellet i always thought 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

    Latest polls show labour losing 50 - 70 seats , leading to a comfortable con majority, despite SNP and lib dem gains.

    I wonder why Labour don't want a GE?

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