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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 4 hours ago, Sciurus said:

    Makes a pleasant change from skulking about the bushes with a gun’ was his considered opinion.

    your not wrong, the locals are well on board which is a massive help, and for me if you've got reds then you should be doing everything possible to preserve and help them, never mind what the snow flakes think, I'm not saying we should be wandering the woods with 12 bores but the greys need constantly pushing back so the reds can expand.

  2. 49 minutes ago, henry d said:

    Didn`t think about that, thanks for the heads up

    If the house is right as you say might be worth buying and renting it, but then you probably wouldn't be able to do the extension?

    as others have said proper advice is essential, we don't know all the ins and outs of your position.

    2 minutes ago, team tractor said:

    My bills are £250 a month just to leave my house empty and that’s a 4 bed . Most council taxes only go 6 months rates reduction if empty .



    80,000 mortgage is £550 roughly a month over 15 years . 

    dont think you get the 6 months on a second property though?

  3. 1 hour ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, on the airgun forum many are buying a PCP pump for £40 and all seem happy with it, theres been no mention of any faults yet, comes with a spare set of seals, 

    hello, little and often with a bottle you do loose a percentage of air every time on release valve, mine is only pumped back up when guage is a 50 to the top of green eg 200 

    I meant with the pump, so your just topping up, not going through the whole effort.

  4. 1 hour ago, Rewulf said:

    How old/fit are you ?

    A pump gets pretty hard towards that 200 bar fill , and unless you fancy a bit of a work out, (Ive heard Ultrastu is built like a Greek god ) Id be inclined to acquire a bottle, a 12 litre bottle at 230 bar will last a long time for casual shooting.
    An example, 12 litre bottle , and Daystate mk 3 , I shot every sunday at  FT , around 80 to 100 shots for 18 months on one fill, yes it had dropped to about 160 bar at the end, but was quite serviceable.
    It wouldnt be so bad if a decent pump was cheap ! But each to their own.

    from what I've read the trick is to top up little and often, but looking at your figures above it makes a bottle look pretty good.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    When you have a nearest neighbour whose economic GDP is 13+ thousand billion euros  and your own is 2+ thousand billion, you're not going to be calling any tunes. In fact, to survive economically you're going to be swallowing whatever rules and regulations your neighbour applies -

    While i see where your coming from were not dealing with Russia America or China, were dealing with Europe, a fractured superstate not all singing from the same hymn sheet, as others have already said Europe is failing on the brink of recession if not already in it.

    and they have tried at least three times to get our small insignificant Island to tow the line, Napoleon and WW1 & WW2

    We haven't bent over yet.

  6. I doubt we know everything that is going on, I'm still hoping that TM is pulling a master stroke, that there has been a plan all along, Europe isn't looking like they want to play nice, why would they when other countries are watching and waiting. Why wouldn't others follow suit and exit the failing superstate project.

    Not long now, must get some fire works.

  7. 13 hours ago, pigeon controller said:

    this Farmer likes to have the corvids sorted out . We saw the Farmer and said we would be shooting the corvids and any pigeons that came over and

    We'll you didn't shoot many corvids now did you 😄😄 shouldn't take too many weeks for you to dry out.

  8. 1 hour ago, Benthejockey said:

    They’re not particularly nice to look at and they’re covered in sharp prickles. And as a child having to extricate footballs, hiding chickens and an angry goose I can safely say they are horrible trees. And you can’t climb them which is especially important when you’re young!

    😅😅 I thought you were going to say there spooky or something, and must admit I've never tried climbing one, but i think they look nice, ornamental 

  9. I would have thought its because the older lot remember the country being run from in house, the EU has slowly changed the rules so that what was originally signed up to is not what we now have.

    we were given the chance to change things and shock horror people got off the sofa and voted, personally the age groups i know ranges from mid twenties to mid sixties and I've not heard anyone saying we should have stayed with europe, just that the way its being handled is a joke.

  10. 1 hour ago, mk70 said:

    Thanks for your replies

    think I will take a closer look at a bsa or air arms

    any scope recommendations for low light situations


    Walker has an AA410 for sale in the sale adds, looks very nice, but can't think what calibre it is.

    Scopes!! Like everything else what's your budget? Illuminated recticle are very good for low light, i bought an old simmons scope a bit ago 3.5x10x50 just because they were always written about for being great in low light.

  11. 5 hours ago, Benthejockey said:

    Burn it with fire spiky sharp devil tree. 

    So why don't people like these trees? 


    5 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    You have favourite trees?

    doesn't everyone have favourite trees? Horse chestnut, silver birch, midland hawthorn to name a few for me.

  12. Mike Tyson wouldn't make your top ten? Really??

    I'll have a look at the Foreman fight, i never think to watch boxing on YouTube, tend to put UFC on, but i do like watching good boxing.

    Think I'll watch some Mcguigan and Calzaghe as well.

  13. On ‎24‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 18:48, washerboy said:

    The fights on youtube 

    I had a watch of the highlights on Friday, couldn't bring myself to watch the full fight given the comments I'd read.

    looked like an old fashion brawl, Eubank obviously busier but couldn't stop chunky, looked from the highlights like there had been pushing hitting the back of the head the low blow and shoulder charge, but at the end of the day its a fight.

    I then watched Wilder v Fury, now that was a good fight, hard to understand the draw decision but you always have to beat the champion.

    then pressed on the real Tyson, Iron Mike, wow he was good, only watched the first ten minutes but next time I'm in the gym that's what I'm watching.

  14. 2 hours ago, islandgun said:

    great stuff !.. Your obviously meeting the general public,  I wonder how they feel about the removal of the greys ? did they perceive a problem before reading your literature. ?. this is the sort of positive publicity that is needed to counter the negativity spouted by the antis

    I'm sure Sciurus will be on later, but i think it makes a big difference when there are red squirrels in the area, when the public can see them and those in the tourism industry know people will come to see them, then they can understand better the need to control the greys and keep them out of red areas, hopefully work like this will help the reds spread and keep driving out the grey squirrels.

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