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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 5 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Glad to oblige Stu - .410 carbine in .22 (like mine) will fire 50 shots with a maximum deviation of 1% in velocity (7fps) or just over 60 shots if you accept a 1.5% variation (9.5fps) according to the AA owners forum. I fill to 170 bar and normally carry 70 pellets with me on a hunting trip (2 x magazines+52 in a plastic tub) so I know to recharge when I run out of pellets but usually I top up after 2 or 3 trips or if pressure is below 140bar when I get home, charging to max (190bar) simply wastes pellets as the first handful of shots will strike low.

    I meant to add Bruno, you take how many pellets!! I get excited if i fire three shots, best day this year being 4? two rats one squirrel and the forth into the ground. So i just take two mags out and that's only in case i loose one, hasn't happened yet and there is a tin in the car.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

    I wonder if that’s why all our work iPads have stickers over the cameras ?


    Brilliant ?

    14 minutes ago, spandit said:

    I wish I had been up to something nefarious that might have been caught on camera...

    Didn't know you can get porn on line ? 

  3. On ‎29‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 07:41, Rewulf said:

    And again , you prove that you don't really know what the EU is.

    And what it aspires to be.

    Why does it get representation at NATO meetings, G20 ect, if it's not a being in its own right, why does it want its own army , why does it seek a common tax policy, why does it refuse to call its members nations , refering to them as 'states', it already has its own laws and constitution, did we get a say in that ?

    If you can't see it ,I can't help you.

    Just keep believing theyre a trading bloc, and not really the 4th reich.


    you forgot the Euro, because that has worked out really well?

    I still don't understand the whole " its going to cost us?"

    so long as they aren't going to empty my bank accounts what do i care, we voted out based on what we knew and what we wanted, obviously no one knew how it was going to go down how could they.

    Napoleon tried it, the Germans had two goes and now some "group" of Europeans tried it another way, thankfully Mr Cameron gave us a choice and we said non/nein.

    Hopefully we walk away next year with no deal, we will still go to work if the brown stuff hits the fan so what, we will be Great Britain once again.

    And i wonder who will be the first to follow us out, which must really terrify the superstate.

  4. 10 minutes ago, chady said:



    Do so I take it these regs cause a load of problems? 

    its an extra place you could get a leak but there not normally a problem, if you read up on them a lot of folk think you only really need them on FAC guns.

    if you go AA or BSA and get a pump keep it topped up i doubt you'll notice much of a power curve, how many shots would you normally use in a session?

  5. 3 hours ago, English said:

    The tragedy here is that a family have lost their little boy? How and why it happened and if airguns should be licenced or not, is really a side issue? For the family concerned nothing can ever "fix" this for them, it will blight them for the rest of their lives and things will never be the same for them again. Please put aside your differences and other concerns and think about how this will pan out over the years ahead? Its a terrible thing for those close to it. Nearly 40 years ago my brother was killed by a drunk driver - my mum was never the same again. I saw my dad cry the first time ever. They were both changed by it - later in life seeing guys I had been at school with out with their siblings for a beer or a meal, going on holiday together, there are so many things - an extra pair of hands when moving or needing a lift  these poor people, their lives will be diminished immeasurably from now on in so many different ways!. 

    That sounds awful and obviously not something most of us would consider

    , I was asked when I went for the snip what would i do if something happened to one of my kids and i couldn't have more!!! I said i hoped it would never happen and I'd be gutted if it did.

    The knee jerk reaction is to say licence air guns, and I'm sure they will at some point, but this accident could still have happened, my first thought when I first heard of this story was some idot had shot a kid in the park or something like that. Not that a kid was round at his Grandad's enjoying himself. The family must be in bits.

  6. 4 hours ago, chady said:

    Looks like the AA are more reliable and the preferred options. 


    Im new to this. What does regulate mean and how does it effect the guns I have seen before some negative comments about them 


    You see "can of worms" ???

    if you fit a regulator its supposed to avoid the power curve by giving the same amount of air for each shot.

    I doubt you will see much difference between the rifles your looking at, it will probably come down to how they fit you, what you can find and which you like the look of, I've seen pro Sports saying they've been tunned (venom) and bsa saying John Bowket (possibly?) and rat works tunned, probably loads that are standard as they were bought.

  7. 2 hours ago, chady said:

    Good evening all. 

    I don’t want to open a can of worms!!! 

    I'm after a second hand PCP. 

    Was looking at the AAs400 AA510  

    But I got shown a BSA R10 and liked the look of it. What are the pros and cons of them please? 



    Its like wearing a united shirt to a Liverpool game " i don't want any trouble!" Can is open, should be a fun read for a few days.

    few guns in the sales at the moment though ? 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    Have not seen one for two weeks now on my usual areas but have two new woods coming on line shortly where there has been a lot of bark stripping damage.  Flip tops not being used at all, so either I have terminated all in that area...doubtful...or they have another source of food.  I now have three cameras out and no tree rats showing and all other mammals not showing until well after 11pm or very early morning.  Hopefully the rain/cool spell will have them on the move again.


    just been for a walk and my daughter said what's this? Squirrels already on the hazel nuts even though next to nothing in them, and saw a squirrel, first for a while in this area.

  9. Much better day today, planned on being out early early and beat the joggers, but had a snooze ? at the wood just after 6, gentle ish breeze and only about 20degress so lovely compared to how warm its been.

    already a car there when I arrived, pretty sure it was one of the guys who also shoots the squirrels but had a walk where i thought he would be, and yep there he was with me trying to get his attention with owl noises, quite funny watching him looking up and around but not at me.

    knowing where he would go in a while i went well out of the way, only three out of five feeders had been used, I've pinched walkers idea and put sticks under the lids, no point waiting by a feeder that hasn't been getting used.

    I had a good wander about trying to see if there were any squirrels on any of the oak trees but never saw a thing, started working my way back the way i had come and stopped watching the sparrow hawks, I'd already seen one young blackbird missing its head and now the female was flying around with a blackbird in her talons why the young followed her about, really good to watch. I was thinking this was why the wood was so quiet when i spotted a squirrel some distance away, moving towards the feeder i was about 15yards away from. Watched it from under the cover of a small oak, it was in no rush as it went from tree to tree, then came down the trunk, but went past the feeder and stopped just off the ground, catching an accupell between the shoulder blades. An old buck, looked like he had had a good summer.

    Made my way back to my bags after ten mins, sticks were missing because the other chap had been along behind me and topped the feeders up.

    He'd had one earlier on so we saw one each and shot one each.

    And not many midges ? 

  10. On the same news article tonight someone had drowned in a river, someone is missing after swimming in the sea and i think they said three dead in a car crash, my kids were asking how and why to all, but this stands out because it is thankfully unusual.

  11. Just watched the news, made my kids and wife watch, very sad news, its being said the lad was at a relatives house when "the tragic accident" happened.

    no arrests have been made and police are investigating.

    explained to my kids this is why there not to touch my rifle if it's out.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Scully said:

    I haven’t learned of the circumstances yet, but a post I put on this morning saying how sad it was and how awful it must be for the parents, has been deleted for some reason, so just wanted to say so again. 

    Will have a look through thread and any links once back home. 


    It said it was locked because this thread was already running 

  13. 27 minutes ago, bluesj said:

    I can't see a problem with a licencing and registration system for air rifles.

    You send in your application with name and address etc the police do a background check and may be a home visit giving you the lowdown on  the law and what is expected of you , find no problems in the last few years and send you your licence. You buy your air rifle and send the details to the police same as for a shotgun. Why and how would that be a big problem

    If its that simple it wont be, but how are the police going to cope with a couple of million applications? 

  14. 1 hour ago, chrisjpainter said:

    Eeek! it's a horror descent! Egan Bernal has been immense! Froome's still in this for the stage/overall podium if he can hold on now. Sky have been brilliant once again

    They used to say Froome wasn't much of a descender. Yet here he is, in fog, flying down and overtaking people. superb

    Yep amazing, i remember coming down a hill in the lakes, probably doing at least 30 plus mph, bottle went back brake went on gently, it was perfect conditions, straight quiet road lovely weather, and these guys are doing 50mph on bends and fog, crazy but great to watch.

    Have you seen the time trial!!! It's got a real decent near the finish, people will be flying down it looking for time.

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