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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. i put mine up in the garden, and filled it in a day!!!

    but i had it in the woods last week about 6-7 metres from a squirrel feeder, not on the best angle and failed miserably, only one shot/ video??? Is it likely that squirrels not coming around the trunk just down weren't breaking the "beam?" So not triggered the camera.

  2. 7 hours ago, spandit said:

    Diamond Guns in Heathfield will refill a tank for £2. He doesn't recommend going FAC due to the reduced shot count. Tempted by one of those dirt cheap Chinese jobs

    Rather you than me " cheap Chinese" aren't words i would want involved with high pressure air ??? 

  3. 7 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    But the difference between say a 900 fps and a 600 fps pellet is so small (ie much less than the percentage difference in velocity as to be disgarded as a major factor. ) .

    cheers Stu, that's the bit that had me thinking, using the above figures i find it hard to understand how "any" projectile going 50% faster isn't going to penetrate more.

    this was why i said ignore calibre Dekers I'm thinking anything going 50% faster has to be different.

    the pellet I've used as an example is a crossman accupell, at 12 ft/lb and i believe they are a different alloy/ harder than a lot of more modern pellets.

    45 minutes ago, Whitetail said:

    I might be being thick but I see a tremendous in penetration with the same pellet at different velocities, .20 premiers shot at 900-940 fps shoot straight through 30mil soft wood at 50yds at 600 fps they are maybe a pellet length or so into the wood . I found very similar differences with jsb/air arms , bisley magnums in .22  with 200/300fps making a real difference . Years back I ran a .177 rapid fac upto 25ftbs it was probably the worst killing airrifle I've owned due to the little pellets zipping through the quarry , I know that terry doe found the same at the time. 

    Cheers this was what i thought would happen.

    some good responses to this except Bruno, but i did laugh ? 

  4. Had a quick look at a few cars this weekend, V70, Passat and Skoda again, then a Mondeo. Only problem was i didn't have my hard case, i had the kids lie down in the Mondeo boot to get an idea of size ? now need to clean mine a bit and have them lie in that.

    The V70 didn't seem as big as i expected and the drivers seat or area seemed a little cramped, a lot going on. The Passat and Mondeo were both very nice, so I'm no closer. 

  5. 4 hours ago, strimmer_13 said:

    Was this helpful. Nope - but with your last question, would I expect a more powerful shot to have gone through? Definitely, as I assume it was a 12ft/lb that did that shot and got that far, if it was laying just under the skin, I reckon another 2ft/lb would of punched through. 

    of course its helpful, everyone has different opinions or thoughts.

    and yes 12ft/lb

  6. I'm not opening the calibre can of worms, its not been that quiet yet.

    In the recent FAC thread ultra stu mentioned that the penetration wouldn't be different with more power just a bigger wound channel (correct me if I've got it wrong ?)

    The last squirrel i shot was at pretty close range 15 metres max, the shot went between the shoulder blades and came out the ribs, but didn't exit it was just under the skin so I've got the pellet.




    As you can see there is quite a bit of damage but the pellet is still in good shape, the squirrels insides were a mess, but if i had have been shooting at 900 fps ish i certainly wouldn't have expected the pellet to have stayed in the squirrel, quite often get them going through on head shots.

    So would you not expect a faster therefore more power pellet to have passed through?

  7. 7 minutes ago, Gordon R said:

    Having called a snap election and not got what they wanted, why would the Tories call another election before they needed to do? I really can't see them losing any vote of confidence.

    I don't know what needs to happen for an unplanned election to happen, leadership battle? Major upheaval over brexit deal? 

  8. 2 hours ago, JohnfromUK said:

    But not if the government looses a vote of confidence ..... which would trigger an election.  That is a real risk with a minority government.

    I don't see how there can really be any outcome other than one of the above.  A UKIP majority just won't happen.  Any LibDem or Green option would be a remain option.

    there wasnt a general election planned last time but TM thought she would have a landslide victory before running the worse campaign ever and winning almost by default thanks to the DUP, what's to say it won't happen again? If TM falls on her sword or gets pushed that could set things off again.

  9. One ran across my lawn today!!! First for a good while. I had set up my trial camera on some fat balls as they've been going fast, left the camera in place until the balls had gone, problem was in the first day i had 300 odd pictures and a 100 videos of birds, then no more as the camera was full, try again ? 

  10. On ‎18‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 09:57, Rewulf said:


    I dont dislike Farage by any stretch, and what he has achieved so far in getting us to this point is deserving of much praise ,and hopefully one day some sort of official recognition.
    But there are some who are put off by him, his manner, his so called 'far right' politics ?
    He risks being divisive to the electorate, which I believe is why he has kept out the way.

    What I will say, is he is definitely a man of principal, and maybe, some more people will see that, whatever he decides to do, and if he thinks its time to re enter the stage, then it must be because he feels its the right or necessary thing to do to achieve the Brexit we voted for.

    Hopefully Nigel being back puts pressure on the likes of May, he can ask questions others may not for fear of how things will go down the line. 

    I don't blame him not wanting to be a MP again, he can achieve more without a party.

  11. 2 hours ago, oowee said:

    One year i cut some logs early but did not split them till later by which time they had hardened and tested my patience. 

    i bet that was fun, sore wrists fingers and elbows!!!

    take some before and after pics of the area your having work done, its always surprising how different things look afterwards 

  12. Interview in the paper and Fury was sounding very respectful, not looking past Pianeta but we all know he is, how can he not. The after fight interview should be good.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Retsdon said:

    Where the landmass is situated geographically, it's simply not possible to have a 'clean break' with Europe. It's not like the UK has drifted to somewhere off the Galapagos. - we're  a European country and have been since Roman tones. 

    I'll bite, there is ocean all around us which makes us an island, simple.

  14. 44 minutes ago, villaman said:

    If you are going FAC then FX impact or FX crown in .25 or .22 probably the best fac guns ever mad so far .

    I had my mind on R10, or even a daystate but to many bad comments with daystate then shot a impact and it completely changed my mind . Every time I shoot it a big smile comes on my face .

    My .25 impact is running at 47 ft/lbs and about 70 shots from a fill   

    The other day managed a 26 mm group at 100 yards in a slight wind 

    very impressive, both the grouping and shot count, can't imagine my dearest letting me spend a grand on a rifle, but I've yet to read anything bad about FX yet.

    Sounds like you want a second hand Impact Walker, if such a thing exists.

  15. I have put in a sound bar because i miss bits, but if you watch a really old program or film you won't have any problems, they seem to do things differently these days especially the beeb, trying to make things real when i just say "what did They say"

    your local curry's or such might be a good start or the Argos catalogue??

  16. 6 hours ago, Pigeon Shredder. said:

    Today rain stopped most play until after lunch when swmbo said have you seen what's in the garden, on tearing myself away from web surfing l looked out only to be confronted by Squizzer's digging the lawn and scuttling along the fence.

    TX200 removed from the locker and l position myself by the window, they are coming back with monkey nuts and hazelnuts and stashing them in my lawn, the monkeys from some silly old women further down the street who always feeds them, the hazels grow in abundance around us and always provide good sport ?.

    Suffice to say 3 did not return to the dray and it looks like a few days of action are in order.

    cut out the middle woman, get your own feeders up so they stop by, I'm still seeing nothing in the garden or wood, BUT fat balls have been vanishing fast so camera is up to check its working and see what's going on.

    4 hours ago, Longbower said:

    All day for just one !  I must get a life.   Listened to 'pop master' though scored 21..

    We'll you got 7? Last week didn't you.

    I'll be happy with 1 in about 2hrs time ?

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