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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 11 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    at Bisley they use them at 1200 metres !

    Well ok then, never used one so I'm imagining they wouldn't be air rifle accurate at say 30yards obviously I'm wrong ? 

    3 minutes ago, ditchman said:

    is this better.............

    dio'xscope 001tn_.JPG

    dio'xscope 002tn_.JPG

    ha ha, i got some red targets a few years ago and thought wow much better.

  2. I read an article in Saturdays paper, it gave more family details but no more information.

    The little boy was a twin at his great grand parents house, with the rest of his family remembering his uncle who had died, sad doesn't begin to cover it.

    But if this had been a traffic accident it wouldn't have made the national news, wrong but there you are.

  3. On ‎30‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 21:54, Jaymo said:


    As you may or not be aware- I work in the Netherlands for one of the largest employers there.

    Im afraid to say that my colleagues do not share your enthusiasm for BREXIT and Gert Wilders is seen as ( well, the swear filter won’t allow me to use some of heir words).

    Regarding the German remarks- the most I ever hear is the same old joke, ESP when flying into a German Airport is “I want my bicycle back” with reference to when German troops were pulling back and nicked all the locals bikes 

    They actually dislike the French more.......

    BTW, Worked there for 18years so have a bit of an idea !!!!!!

    I only did a month in Gouda, seriously nice place, in a bar one night chatting to some Dutch folk and a lass was trying to get me to pronounce something, i couldn't hear properly because of the music and had no chance. She said Germans couldn't get the pronunciation right and that's how they were spotted during the war, they haven't forgotten.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Farmboy91 said:

    We're heading to Devon at the end of the month for a family holiday, I've got my 6 year old hyped up about searching for the beast.... There maybe be some grainy out of focus photos to come.... 

    Make something to make PAW prints with, your kid will be amazed ? ? 

  5. 56 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    If you are in the 

    If you are sitting in the driving seat then surely looks are the last thing to worry about?  Much more important to check driving position and comfort. I have a Citroen C5 Estate, my second, I have had Mondeo Estates before and a long, long time ago a Cortina Estate. The family have grown up now and I normally travel with only 1 or 2 others in the car. But the comfortable ride and load carrying ability are paramount to me. Good luck with whatever you choose.

    The thing i meant by rounded was there isn't as much boot space, the Mondeo is quite square at the back and surprisingly wider than the skodas across the load space, both very nice cars tho, the Octavia had the panoramic sunroof wow and only ten k over budget.

    24 minutes ago, Jaymo said:

    Have you had a look at the Volvo V60? Yes it’s essentially a Mondeo underneath ( hell, my towbar even has a ‘FoMoCo’ sticker on it.

    But I think the looks and interior are much nicer than the Ford offering! Then again I’m slightly biased as we have one

    Haven't got to Volvos yet, there a bit pricier, i actually do like the V70 but that might be too big? 

    were sort of looking at different modals to see wots wot, only so much pictures can tell you.

    I couldn't put my gun case across either of the skodas had to be angled, certainly not a deal breaker but we'll see

  6. It's that dreaded time, old car is still running and only done 166k.

    I'm only looking at estates needs to be practical for work but enough room for pretty much anything.

    I've had a Mondeo estate for a long while now 160k of the miles are mine.

    We started at the Skoda garage last week, apparently I'm the first person that has turned up with a hard rifle case to see how much boot space there is.? 

    Looked at the superb and Octavia both very nice but a little round at the back possibly, next its the Passat then Mondeo see what there like.

    After reading other threads on here i thought the outback looked nice, there also rare with plenty of mileage on them, and the wife is convinced a Subaru is a bad idea.

    And what is with the colours of some cars these days? Can't beat a nice Red? 

  7. On ‎03‎/‎06‎/‎2018 at 19:07, Walker570 said:

    Yehh  but numpties can see them, as with yellow or white. In the 70s I did a rough calculation. I pulled all the road accident details up I could find in our force area and checked car colours.

    Grey, silver grey and pale blue had more impacts than yellows, reds, whites.  They blend with the road surface, particularly in low light and poor visibility.  Seeing everyone seems to drive around today with headlights on (man with red flag next) I suppose colour is not such a problem but i would still pick red, yellow or white.


    OK, I drive a multi green camo Land Rover, but if someone cannot see that coming then they should not be driving.   My wife's Nissan was a bright red but that began to lose it's colour by the time it went to the scrap man.

    This has made me smile, everyone laughs at my still red Mondeo, but I've always said its fine because all the other Muppets on the road can see me.

  8. my neighbour recently had a BIG willow taken down to about 20ft, he had several quotes from £800-1400, bad access over a river, when someone eventually did the jib as two didn't show it was around the £900 mark and i gave him half.

    it turned into a much bigger job than they thought, the amount of timber that came down was unbelievable, think they spent the second day shreading.

    They have had more work since off other people and did more in my neighbours, now they worked hard no doubt but some of the trees they "cut back" shocking, they asked my misses if we wanted anything doing while they were there, err no thanks the shape of some of the work they did was shocking.

    They apparently asked for half the money upfront in cash rest on completion.

  9. 2 hours ago, leeds chimp said:

    There was a court case on that one and the judge decided that only one set of fees need to be paid... 

    If they have bought the contracts surely they should have done a formal introduction by letter or something... And don't I have a choice if they deal with it or not?  

    No idea mate, thats why i said check with your solicitor. It sounds like you shouldn't be paying EA3 anything to me but I've no idea of the legalities involved 

  10. 5 hours ago, Westward said:

    Pine martens are famously difficult to spot but they have been caught on video in devon and cornwall. Also there are plans to reintroduce them to the Forest of Dean with the hope that they'll link up genetically with the colonies in Wales. Incidentally, they won't co-exist with grey squirrels and the greys end up drastically reduced in numbers which can only be a good thing. As for big cats they too are mostly chance sightings. I was with 2 of my sons walking home from the pub one August bank holiday and we all saw a big black cat like a puma loping through Ruscombe wood near Stroud in Gloucestershire but there was no chance of getting a pic.

    Good luck with your mission. Hope you succeed.

    Think Pine Martins as the silver bullet for greys is up for debate, there looking or have started releasing them in areas with red squirrels but opinion is divided, they will happily eat any colour squirrel and are doing.

    They might find it easier to catch greys but a nest full of red kits isn't going to run away.

    One was recently filmed enjoyed a meal from an osprey nest that was very high up, and i keep saying look at New Zealand and what has happened with stoats and there ground nesting birds.

    I also read an article last week on how in New Zealand they deliberately bread and introduced ferrets into the wild to try and reduce the rabbit population only it back fired big time, but the numbers of rabbits they were catching was unbelievable. Folk not ferrets ? 

  11. 10 hours ago, Richard Muirhead said:

    Hi Mice that is very interesting what you said about a pine marten near Warrington. Did you ever take any photos of it?


    Richard Muirhead

    Hi Richard, no not that i remember, we were probably on the A574 between Culcheth and Risley, think we had come over the M62, Don't know if my dad spotted it or me? 

    how i remember I have no idea, probably because it was unusual, i get slatted for not remembering family stuff but nature has always fascinated me, quite a few things got buried over the years in our garden.

    Now a days i would have lots of pictures and a thread running on it.

  12. 10 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

    Thanks. I've just ordered some samples after following the link you added. I've sent for the following:

    Air Arms Field Heavy (18gr)

    Benjamin Domed Magnum (14.3)

    Bisley Long Range Gold (14gr)

    Webley Accupell F.T. (14.66 gr)

    Weihrauch Magnum (21.2gr)

    Happy to send you a few of each once I've received them.

    cheers steve, have a look at Hamsters thread titled Wildcat on air gun section, he was doing some pellet testing. 

  13. what are your solicitor saying? The estate agent does nothing except find the buyer, this third EA may have bought the contracts from EA2 and you could end up with a letter you don't want with a big bill?

  14. On ‎30‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 15:03, ditchman said:

    right im running out of time....have to leave the drilling and tapping till tomorrow as i need to do hoovering and cooking now.............

    these screws are some sort of brass alloy as they are harder than ordinary brass...and they do fade to a copperery colour in time............


    (they came off a spitfire from inside Harnsers "bunker"....i had a go with his 50 cal' and he took me for a ride in one of his willies jeep he found in the bunker wot he did up)

    bronze screws 001tn_.JPG

    bronze screws 002tn_.JPG

    bronze screws 003tn_.JPG

    bronze screws 004tn_.JPG

    bronze screws 005tn_.JPG

    bronze screws 006tn_.JPG

    bronze screws 007tn_.JPG

    bronze screws 008tn_.JPG

    bronze screws 009tn_.JPG

    Mr ditch, i pay my bills by being a "cnc" turner, not much cop when it comes to manual, and those bolts and your other work here looks stunning sir. ?? 

  15. 6 hours ago, AVB said:

    Didn’t realise it would be that much. Good for him though. 

    Funny isn’t it that is he is just thought of a down to earth Welshman. No comments anywhere about him being a tax dodger. Compare that to Hamilton who live in Monaco for the same reasons (he earns most of his money overseas and wants to pay as little tax as possible) yet is slated by many. 

    not the same league as Hamilton, watched a few interviews with him and he seems proper shocked by winning.

    and he went to the same school as Gareth bale and Sam Warburton, that must going against the school system encouraging winners.


  16. not a problem ultra stu likes the falcon says there a bit flatter being light, the skirts are very thin and folk reviewing them said quite a few were damaged.

    the Crossman don't look as good quality as accupells but hollow point and same weight, the fella had them both so i thought I'd give them a whirl, i always liked bisley superfield but they didn't feel right loading in my rapid.

    PM me your address and I'll get some in the post.


  17. 9 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

    Thanks for the offer, but I've got a .22. There is a company somewhere, where you can buy a mixture of various pellets, which saves money on buying whole tins. Perhaps a few of us on here might like to swap a few brands for testing purposes.

    EBay Steve, you can buy packets of 50 to give them a whirl.

    read quite a few threads on fac air and a lot of folk saying your better off around the 24ft/lb mark more shots still going to go whack.

    maybe start a what pellet for fac on the air rifle section, plenty of folk using them.

    got nothing to offer you really, i use accupell until i run out from years ago, bought some falcon accuracy plus(13.4 grains)  and hollow point Crossman(14.3g) to try out but think they might be a bit light for you?

  18. I watched the highlights last night and am working my way through the live footage, i would have liked froome to win the TT but overall its been a really good tour.

    I did like how down to earth GT seems and they keep saying he's like the bloke next door, but he lives in Monte Carlo!!! How much do these guys make? At least they earn it, no falling over like those soppy footballers.

    I normally start watching the Vuelta but its just not the same.

    and no more Chris Boardman 


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