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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. There is a lot of debate on this topic, there is a lot of talk saying there is no shooting allowed in national parks so this is why PM are being looked at, obviously covering such a vast area trapping would cost a lot.

    But i don't buy that greys will be affected and not reds, like Scotslad is saying its likely down to habitat, for me if folk are introducing pine martins they should be in grey only areas, then you have the effect on birds, another highly efficient predator doing the rounds at nesting time, similar to what happened with stoats and ferrets in New Zealand. I'd never really thought of stoats taking chicks and eggs from high up until i saw it on telly, pine martins go up trees like squirrels 

  2. 18 minutes ago, islandgun said:

    I like the idea but working on those lines, the grey has been evolving along with Lynx much more recently than Reds in their native America

    Personally i don't see re-introduction of any predators as a good thing, the pine martins while fantastic creatures are going to have an effect on red numbers, yes the adult squirrels can get onto higher thinner branches and escape but the young in a drey can't, the fact that one recently climbed a seriously big tree and helped itself to an ospreys nest shows what they will do for a meal.

    And as for lynx? Every time something like that escapes it winds up getting shot.

  3. 1 hour ago, wymberley said:

    If Elgin qualifies as North East, then that's where I saw my last one back in 1976 - playing on the grass outside a hangar at RAF Lossiemouth - a regular visitor

    Grey or red? I was living in Arbroath in early 2000 and there were only reds in the area then, but from what I've been told its greys now in that area which is a real shame 

  4. 16 minutes ago, pinfireman said:

    Nice to see you have overlooked the NHS disaster at South Staffs, when he was a Health Minister in charge! How many died there?

    South Staffs Health Trust springs to mind...................he was a disaster!

    go on I'll bite, i didn't know a thing about south staffs health trust, i was commenting on what went on on the Saturday in question, now i grew in a labour safe area but have never voted for them once, and don't see it changing any time soon.

    but how often do you see a mp doing something normal?

  5. 12 hours ago, oowee said:

    He did say that when they go they go. On the other chesnut I wanted him to take down a large fork that overhangs the car park but he felt that this would unbalance the tree and thinning would be better to reduce its sail area.

    well he sounds like he knows his stuff, Some of the work done in the houses near me are shocking no balance at all.

  6. 31 minutes ago, KFC said:

    The imported blood from American prisoners which has given HIV to hundreds of Haemophiliacs which the government has failed to address properly for decades makes me wonder what real safeguards will be in place.

    I didn't know that!!

    1 hour ago, islandgun said:

    I regret not giving consent for my daughters organs, at the time I was too distraught to think, since, i would have liked part of her to live on

    I think that would be every parents worse nightmare, i can understand you wanting to help others but fully understand your head would be in bits.

  7. 3 hours ago, oowee said:

    I was hoping to get over the buck fever with time ☹️

    I think if you do its time to stop, my heart is racing when i spot a squirrel, were seeing very few so when one shows up it deep slow quiet breaths ? 

  8. 2 hours ago, Longbower said:

    Do  any of you have  rifles that wonder off zero , when you carry them in a gun slip or case , in a vehicle?


    see what you've started ??

    I've had trouble years ago when going on a push bike, what scope and gun are you having bother with?

    I'm always careful that my gun is perfectly flat in the boot, and its a floating barrel ? 

  9. I can well imagine it being more traumatic if someone dies in a road traffic incident being told the hospital is taking organs, but its like giving blood, people expect it to be there if they need it.

    I've had a donor card in my car for years and my misses is well aware of my wishes, and donate blood regular.

    but i also thought you now had to opt out.

  10. On ‎30‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 08:48, AVB said:

    I wish I had a hobby other than shooting. Or at least one I could enjoy whilst working  in Tokyo. It’s not doing me any good sitting here either working or twiddling my thumbs. 


    get to a dojo, its called Judo and will change your life.

  11. I've noticed a good few road kill lately.

    I was out early doors this morning, woke up before my alarm??

    so in the woods before 6, thinking happy days, spent 45 mins at the first point, open bird tables and never saw a thing.

    moved into the woods but on the way stopped talking to a photographer, he was showing me his shots, he had a great shot of a kingfisher from the previous week, bird and reflection,  when out walked a young roe, followed by its mum for a drink, pretty normal for some of you but i was chuffed.

    spent an hour and a half in the woods but never saw a squirrel, i think the sparrow hawks were enjoying the chicks having gone, it looked like the male and female were just flying around for fun and screeching.

    but i did get a squirrel coming to the feeder at 20:40, wasn't far off dark, going back out Wednesday so I'll see what else is on camera.


  12. 5 minutes ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    Not an MP at the moment, he's the Mayor of Greater Manchester, but good on him for being relatively normal.

    I thought he was both? Seemed to enjoy himself, he ran the ball in and tackled, I thought it was a PR stunt, expected him to do ten mins then walk about, but he didn't.

  13. You won't see/read this very often, i saw the labour MP acting like a perfectly normal human being today.

    He turned up in Warrington today and played in the Rugby league masters festival, playing two 30 minute games for Golborne, he was supposed to play for Leigh but they didn't show up.

    Hung around after chatting to folk and having pictures taken.

    I'll bet you won't see many MPs doing something like that .

  14. 3 hours ago, gemini52 said:

    Thanks for the replies guys,its certainly an eye opener,so maybe he was asking a fair price for the work,have to admit its not a job i would be able to do so fair play.thanks again.

    I had thought me and my neighbour could have done it, so glad we didn't.

    And they hired a chipper, working damned hard all day, certainly wouldn't need to go the gym later.

    I helped move timber for an hour brewed up and lent them some wellies, much easier.

  15. I've just spent two hours trying to put up my trail camera out of reach, but its ended up at head height because it wasn't picking up when i had it at height, so I'm hoping its still there next week??

    I've emptied one feeder that's not been touched, while another is getting emptied every week( camera) one of the others has had a little bit out of it.

    5 hours ago, Longbower said:

    Any one want to buy some air rifles?????

    I'm up your way tomorrow I'll bring my wallet ? 

  16. Where i grew up folk would brick ducklings and swans after throwing in bread, occasionally shoot at peoples windows with air rifle or catapults, maybe try out their new crossbow on someone's cat, these people won't get a license so for that reason you probably need to licence the ammo sales.

    Accidents unfortunately are just that.

  17. 2 hours ago, ditchman said:

    its is stated that a trooper with an M1 Garand ..after a little training would be expected to acheive a 2" group at 100yds...........

    that was what i was expecting, I've always watched biathlon and wondered how they can ski so hard and still shoot accurately.

    25 minutes ago, 1066 said:

    Yes, excellent sights. I, like many others, cut my competition teeth with these sights on prone .22 target rifles, mostly BSA Martini actions at 25 yards in the 1960's. If the bullets didn't all go through the same hole it was the shooter not the sights. All full bore target shooting in the UK at that time was .303 with some sort of ex military rifle, usually an Enfield or P14 fitted with a heavier barrel and PH sights. In about the mid 60's we started to switch to 7.62, still the same rifles, just re barrelled. At that time all ammunition was supplied as part of your entry ticket and subsidised by the government. All the rifles were fitted with aperture sights, usually PH, some used the standard blade front sight but at about that time they changed the targets to the standard round black centre rather than the half round black so most shooter switched to the globe front sight with different sized inserts depending on the distance.

    With the six hole eyepiece the usual practice was to start with the largest hole then keep trying smaller until the target got darker then go back up one - it's like camera, smaller aperture = greater depth of field. I've used them plenty of times at 1000yds but never shot 1200 with them.

    They're not cheap now though, really quality made stuff;


    impressive indeed, there is a fineb... Can't think how to spell it with peep sight at Blackpool air guns, i might have to take a look.

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