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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I've no idea on prices of old books, what I will say is be sure to keep some, it looks as though your dad enjoyed his books, I like old books with nice covers, probably because my dad did.

  2. 7 hours ago, davewh100 said:

    well it's not very often i get scammed i can tell you I've not fished for four years, some of the old boys i shoot with have a strech of river with trout and grayling in, and keep getting invited to go with them so went on line and paid the £45 didn't think mutch about it till my mate said did you get a rod licence i said yes and carnt believe how mutch they had gone up he says what £30 I said no 45 when I checked it out there's a 3rd party nothing to do with e.a they take your £45 send your details to the e.a and keep £15 in fairness it's my fault for not checking first

    Oops!! Last time I got one I went to Post office, might well have gone on line next time as p/o isn't there now, bunch of...... Viking king knut.

  3. I think there are some great comments being given here, I hadn't thought about how gummed up the windscreen used to get in spring and summer, I drive into work every evening and rarely really get that many insects on my car, I do remember years ago some"agency" could have been rspb or basc I've no idea asking folk to drive a set distance then have a look at what insects could be identified on your cars.

    as for predators, the spring 2018rspb magazine makes a big deal about having three curlew chicks fledge at greenmount hill farm, the first since the 1990's the say this is because of habitat management including rush cutting tree removal and PREDATOR control, doesn't say what though.

    that to me says they've been failing every year, I'll bet if they employed a game keeper they would see much better results.

    Anser2 your place sounds amazing ? 


  4. wp_ss_20171126_0001.png.dc68d388e6a5aedcb662d433f7764725.png

    as for camo i bought this last year and it's pretty good considering how cheap it is, I can get my cap under it if I want, and it's not too hot. I have a head like a turnip and this fits great, one I ordered wouldn't fit my daughter but said it was for an adult.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Saltings said:

    when allen keys have failed I have used a torx bit about similar size rotate in your fingers until it locates / indexes and tap in slowly with a hammer until fully seated and keep pressure on to keep it in and crack it should move if in doubt apply some heat to the area in case thread lock has been used   should work 

    I normally go with this, never thought of the rubber band though.

  6. 1 hour ago, Eyefor said:

    Between 1941 and 1944, sixteen thousand plucky homing pigeons were dropped in an arc from Bordeaux to Copenhagen as part of 'Columba'

    seems made up with todays instant pictures msgs and satellites, certainly were different times.

  7. 3 hours ago, Vince Green said:

    Lots of them round here, no pigeons, sparrows, thrushes, finches etc anymore, but lots of kites.  Makes you wonder doesn't it?

    Sounds to me more like corvids and squirrels, I've had several nests done in my garden by the local magpies. I don't doubt a kite will eat what ever it can find but can't them them impacting sparrows thrushes and inches, pigeons yes, easier to spot the nest and parents coming and going.

  8. 36 minutes ago, mellors said:

    Read original post. 

    We wandered of on my previous progect. 

    Probably no one done one or wants to share info. But going press on. Nothing ventured etc. 

    cheers fella, i had missed your original post, thanks for the info and I was hoping it would be simple.

    send Bruno a msg about your 300 he might be able to help.

  9. 11 hours ago, anser2 said:

    Partridge numbers have crashed over the whole country. A lot of research has been done and while predators do have a small impact its modern farming methods that produce very few insects or weed seeds the partridge chicks need and a lack of unsprayed winter stubbles the adults need. Some guys have been surveying flying insects and fount a 60% decrease over the last decade. Thats a 60% drop in the important caterpillers the partridge chicks need in spring.

    No no, you must blame the BOP.

  10. I've seen the program advertised but thankfully have no idea who she is.

    The idea of removing these statues is simply ridiculous, I'm sure some people must live with there heads in the sand, the very reason they can have these views at all is because of what these men accomplished.

  11. 17 hours ago, hodge911 said:

    he reckons all I need to go fishing is my rod licence and somewhere to go its all decent gear

    you do need a rod license, then it depends on the water your fishing, might be a day ticket or free stretch, the better waters are members only like anything else, enjoy.

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