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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 6 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

    They are Bisley and they aren't the best so I still have almost a full tin and don't use them.


    I have one more left which are also a wad cutter I will post it up if you are all game.

    you need fun plinking then, shoot up some tin cans, might not be able to pick your spot but still fun.

    and without a picture are your other wad cutters rws hobby?

  2. red kites aren't smaller than crows?

    I watched a proper tussle last week with a buzzard and a rook, they were really going at each other. Never understood why the buzzard doesn't just grab the corvid?

  3. I knew the superfield always liked those but they didn't load well in my mag.

    this is the pest control, proper whack at short range.


    10 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    Wow .back in the day eh 

    Bought ten tins many moons ago all same batch, think I'm on the last three ? 

  4. On ‎22‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 21:57, WinchesterDave said:

    Some of you know I'm into my photography as well as shooting...and I have borrowed my girlfriend's macro lens so thought I'd do some macro shots of these pellets! 


    Which gave me an idea....for a bit of fun more than anything... 


    Guess the pellet?



    Did you forget about this Dave?

  5. 7 hours ago, oowee said:

    It does make you wonder. I called a farmer this week to clear some late night foxing. He had been troubled with poachers and the neighbour's had called the police on a couple of occasions who had turned up with armed response. Farmer said it was ok to shoot but the neighbour is likely to call the police again. I will give it a miss for a while. 

    Could you not do what we do and ring the police yourself before going on this farm shooting? Then hopefully the police ring you first if they get any reports? 

  6. I have no idea what a turn screw is, but I'm sat by a cnc lathe waiting for home time, the stuff we make doesn't look anywhere near as nice, the handles, the colour and the presentation all look amazing, I'm sure all the people who bought your first batch will be showing them off, hopefully leading to more orders for you.

    best of luck for the future.

  7. On ‎24‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 12:45, decroyffe said:

    Some great advise here thanks. A friend who is also a PW member has kindly loaned me his leupold whilst it's sat doing nothing, which gives me some time to look around, consider all the advise, and find a suitable scope in my own time, rather than rushing in because I need one on the rifle, cheers Arnie, a thanks to everyone else 

    Your mates set you up, your going to want his Leup now ? 

  8. this has possibly turned into the strangest air gun thread I've seen, don't think its the cheese, too many hours polishing pipes and mixing your meds with amber fluids.

    made me laugh though, just don't watch any old sci fi films before bed for a few nights.

  9. 18 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    I don't use anything - cannot remember ever having been bitten, I must taste awful :unhappy:.

    I don't normally, I've always put it down to the environment i work in. But lately sitting still waiting for squirrels its like someone has basted me for Sunday lunch.

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