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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. possibly the tache? We did ours a few weeks ago, the machine was stupid your face has to be in the circle but to see this and that your not smiling, showing teeth or hair is covering your face(not a problem for me ?) but getting the kids to look at a blank screen when there face is bottom right!!! Lots of fun.

  2. certainly wouldn't call it scientific but most places aren't seeing many rabbits, so its unlikely your going to get rabbits moving into empty warrens because the population isn't high enough.

    my question is what are the buzzards eating? See quite a few round my way, but very few bunnies, and the couple of places that does have them are being built on.

  3. Had a good day today, woke up to rain?? I hadn't even checked the weather but it was only fine.

    Saw a fox on the way out of town then the police answered within ten seconds!! While i was watching a pair of partridge.

    park up boots coat and off i go, no one about this week 6am game on.

    walk round the corner and a squirrel on the bird table, twitch twitch and gone! Two minutes and back he comes pretty much the same shot as a couple of weeks ago, down he goes and up pops another one I couldn't see on the ground. Straight up an oak, but she stops to have a look at what's going on, mistake pop, two down in a minute, my first double since November / December. I could have been back in the car by ten past six.WP_20180516_06_13_58_Pro.jpg.ca9fc8d4d00d02287208d24b451359b3.jpg

    lots of broken eggs through the woods, found a nest ripped open,


    would have been a perfect ball of moss lined with pigeon feathers.

    Didn't see another squirrel at all but enjoyed watching the wood come alive.

  4. 6 hours ago, ClemFandango said:

    Thanks, I'll give that a listen


    It's an interesting debate isn't it?

    I spent most of my youth absolutely slaughtering rabbits by all means available, shooting, ferreting, long netting, gassing, trapping etc etc to try and reduce the population. 

    I don't sit on either side of the fence but enjoy a bit of discussion

    Rabbits were introduced here so that landscape they are trying to conserve is entirely unnatural for England, but there again we utterly slaughter grey squirrels, people are trying to totally eradicate them from the uk because they are non native and yet they occupy pretty much the same ecological niche as the Red squirrel we are so keen to protect which isn't rare, in fact is abundant on the continent. 

    I know what your saying about rabbits being introduced but was it not by the Romans? their pretty much part of the furniture now.

    we get the odd few round my way and going to Carlisle the other week i saw 0, I wasn't looking out the train constantly but never saw a one.

  5. I'd say if you want an fac air rifle then go for it, I'm sure the further away you can get then the less your going to disturb them, i shoot in a similar ish position to you, food on the ground and lots of ground cover now the nettles are up.

    rather than raising up the feeders can you not position a high seat in the wood somewhere, maybe with room for you and your mate, day or night i imagine you'll get some good shooting then.

    As for rifle? Quite a few good threads on this, probably depends on what you can get as much as anything, rifle might be dear initially but pellets ain't that pricey compared with real ammo.

  6. saw the end of "through the key hole" last week, it was showing a house in France, set in lovely Countryside. Turned out it was packhams, i wonder if he makes as much fuss and noise about shooting and hunting when he's over there given how much more support they have.

  7. 8 hours ago, Jaggsy said:

    Problem is old'un its a small amateur football club surrounded by roads and on one side houses. Shootings out so is trapping.

    Air rifle early doors, if your down there 5am ish, do an hour, i doubt you will see many folk, lots of folk using night vision these days so its discreet but something I haven't done yet.

  8. 27 minutes ago, JDog said:

    You should kill it before trying to sell your house. Some Surveyors and Building Societies consider it only just behind Japanese Knotweed in terms of problems with surveys.

    Didn't know that, its never really spread, it pops up amongst some stones at the side of drive, but the misses was having a tidy, have to see if any come back?

    talking about knotweed, someone had wrote in to the paper last week saying they had sprayed it when in flower even though it should have been done earlier but nothing had come up the next year?

  9. 4 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Went to top up my AA S200 this morning with my Earnest Hill pump and it refused to maintain pressure. I have notice a couple of times when it got to almost working pressure it would jump back a bit but then settle down and get up to my normal max  180. Any ideas before I run into the shop tomorrow.?

    Turned the pump release valve on and off a couple of times but no change.

    send bruno a pm, sounds like a seal

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