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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 27 minutes ago, DC177 said:

    So the squizzers have been damaging my sister's place: digging holes etc. As we had a cuppa in the sun, I pointed out that they had no song birds in their (huge) garden at all, thanks to the squizzers. "Kill 'em" was the reply.

    "Don't you need to be in lots of camo?", I was asked. I was wearing some bright colours after playing golf. "No" I said. "These squirrels are used to people wandering around the garden."

    Night night, squizzer. Tough sob: took 2 JSB Heavy 10Gn 0.177s to the head.



    Her lawn could do with a good feed and weed as well, good news on the squirrels though, get her feeding them up for when your next round ? 

  2. 31 minutes ago, Harnser said:

    What’s the longest terminal range I should be shooting rabbits at . I have the rifle spot on at 30 yards andn one mil dot gives me about two inches high . The rifle is a .22 andn I am more than capable of taking head shots at this range . Incidentally I took two rooks today on young sugar beet at about 30 yards ,killed them both instantly .


    the best thing to do is see how you and the rifle perform at 35 & 40 yards, if your still accurate at those ranges then your good, being .22 your pellet will drop off much quicker than .177.

    as you push the range little errors get really punished with an air rifle so plenty of practice and knowing your range and mill dots and you'll be good to go.

  3. 2 hours ago, mel b3 said:

    We used to regularly get parcels for a doctor that lives about half a mile away ,my Mrs would regularly deliver them to the docs house after tea. It got a bit much in the end and both lin and the doctor complained to amazon , it made no difference whatsoever until we started to keep the parcels lol , we would just leave them in a pile by the front door until the delivery drivers came and asked for them back.

    One thing I learned from the experience is , the pretty little blonde doctor down the road , is guzzling about three bottles of wine every night .


    So were you upset when the misses stopped you going round and put in the complaint ???

    My flocked magpies turned up today, handed to me from the Hermes driver, this was after PF had dropped off my books and then the postie came, its no wonder there are so many vans and cars on the road.

  4. we are really popular, normally a car or two on our drive and I'm sure some of the delivery drivers on our street come straight to us without trying other houses, that way they can be off without any bother.

    never had ups or herpes do a delivery though, normally PF RM or blank van/ cars.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Harnser said:

    I bought a hw 95 off a member on here a few months back . I am new to air rifle shooting and have had a couple of outings on rabbits and rats around the farm with good success .  What really surprised me was how accurate the rifle is  at 30 yards . From a rested position I have been able to shoot a ragged one hole group very consistently.  I am not new to rifle shooting as I have owned many rim fire and centre fire rifles over the years but this air rifle has got to be the most consistently accurate I have ever owned .


    To be fair you probably haven't shot at such short range with your other rifles, but that said within there limits air rifles are great, cheap to shoot quiet and fun ? 

  6. 1 hour ago, itchy trigger said:

    just did some extensive research as needed a new hose,  ended up with ALDI online £9.99 + £2.99 del, I bought 2 to get the length, joined by a £1 Wilco coupling 

    its manufactured by fitt, has this NTS anti kink thing, its better than the new yellow supa dupa hoselock ultimate my neighbour has that was mega bucks, I think the fittings are better as well, the coupling on the end the spray gun goes in, hasn't come off as yet, 

    still does kink but the kink does come out and stays out

    we bought our last on offer some place? Wouldn't buy now unless you get the above, be paying top whack given the time of year.

    I've also got two, one on the reel and one layed out in the border, makes it much easier than reeling in loads of hose pipe.

  7. just watched half an hour with my daughter before bed, supposed to be highlights but well? They drove off in a lovely old Jag, Megan looked tidy, Harry had kept his beard, lots of very pc choir singing, some waffling about something? You could play spot the celeb as cameras panned around.

    There i have saved you from not knowing or watching the highlights, I have another half hour to watch tomorrow, school homework was watch the wedding.

  8. Have you tried the extremes in .22 stu? These came up when i was looking at something the other week, wasn't sure if they were a gimick or not? But i liked the look of them.

    opp, the pellets stu has mentioned have got YouTube videos with them, probably worth a quick look.

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