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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 2 hours ago, DC177 said:

    So it turns out all BSA / Gamo mags are like this; even my 0.177 mag for the trusty Scorp. I finally worked out that the mag holding plate on the side must have moved or been fettled with in the past (previous owner was a fettler). Sure enough, after a few tweaks of the side plate I could cycle the bolt properly again. Fixed!

    Great result, looking at the picture it doesn't seem like there would be any movement, winner winner.

  2. 3 hours ago, sako751sg said:

    Gutted for Jamie Mc and he is better than that.

    He should have moved up in weight last year but wanted to test himself but looked awful yesterday and although rehydrated today weight draining done him.Not 100% but i actually thought i heard someone say he had put on 26lb which is astounding and shows how much cutting he has to do.

    The size difference was massive but shows the power of Inoue although it would have been good to see Mc settle down behind the jab but didnt get the chance.

    Pretty sure Inoue will go down in history as a great even at this early stage of his career.


    Edit to say in case some folk dont know but Bendan Ingle had died.A great trainer and one who really did care for his fighters.RIP.

    Also ex fighter Dean Francis died today after a battle with cancer aged 44.Terrific fighter who could have been a WC but for a bad shoulder injury.RIP champ.

    Ive never watched any boxing from Japan just K1 and mma, were the crowd there quiet as normal while watching? It always seems strange but I like it.

    As for the weight cut, that tells me he either trained wrong or he is fighting at the wrong weight. I always thought Matt Hughes was just a bully, but he always made weight dropping a huge amount of weight for weigh ins without it affecting his performance, didn't realise this till i watched a documentary at some point, for me it made him go up in my estimation.

  3. Another thing worth looking at with FAC air walker is that a lot of fac guns sell for less than there sub 12 versions, if you look at rapids, people are buying the guns then stripping them down and selling all the parts separate as only the block is registered as fac, if this isn't sold its then destroyed.

    Sounds like your going to need another new gun ???

  4. who is to say that you haven't tried non lethal methods? the hawk or owl decoy may work? For a while.

    I was talking with one of my neighbours who is concerned that my other neighbour has chickens, 1st neighbour had a rat in the loft, had pest control out several times, she had seen a rat in my garden by the bird feeders, then suddenly it wasn't moving! I explained I'd shot it job done, as much chance of the rat coming from mine/ river or chickens she wasn't fazed at all, just said o right, you can easily shoot from inside the house with an air rifle so no one need know, just not when your neighbours are outside having a BBQ.

    3 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    I know .it pains me to admit it .

    But some times you are actually correct ?

    Staggering i know .

    steady on now you two.

  5. 14 minutes ago, DC177 said:

    Stick to 16gn. 

    He is using accupel so about 14.3gn i use these as well, just be aware of punching through the pigeon and the roof if there indoors, if so i like bisley pest control, less likely to put holes where there not wanted.

  6. 16 hours ago, poontang said:

    I've got a freezer full of roadkill and head shot rabbits from the local gamekeeper. I use them to bait buzzards to a couple of my photography hides. Even had a red kite scoffing on one last week. 



    nice pictures, i was told last week that up in Scotland they are/ were using non toxic pellets to dispatch trap caught squirrels then using them at feed sites for red kite reintroduction.

  7. I've not shot a new .177, always found the pellets small and fiddley but those that do shoot them certainly like them, do you know anyone you could borrow one from for a few days? Wouldn't like to buy a new rifle then find its the wrong one. Or maybe see if mcavoys if that's where your buying from can lone you one?

  8. 1 hour ago, Sat Rat said:

    Sorry to bump an old post, but had my Firearms licence interview this morning and have had my requested calibres and mods granted, had a little delay due to work commitments, but all in all not to bad. License should be with me in about 2 weeks. I have one condition and that's to be able to use my .243 for deer I need to complete a DSC1, ( I belong to a local rifle club), which I plan to do in November.


    why be sorry, good news for you and not a long time really. It's nice to hear how folk get on, sure other folk will say that you having to do your DSC1 is rubbish from what I've read on other threads but can't see it doing you any harm.

    congratulations and enjoy.

  9. On ‎24‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 02:07, WinchesterDave said:

    As it is early days yet I am unsure to be quite honest. I am hoping that once I've handled a few and shot a few... the budget might be easier to establish, if you get me? 



    So Dave did anything take your fancy at the shooting show then?

  10. 17 minutes ago, jason g said:

    Fair play ? What time do you shoot in an evening I would like to have a go but unsure about best times thanks 

    whenever you can get there, have your tea and off you go, its light now till half 9, always liked shooting in an evening especially as your alarm doesn't have to go off at half 4 in the morning.

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