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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. loving these pictures gents, turning into a world tour.

    24 minutes ago, Old farrier said:

    On my mates belt somewhere in the bush hunting all manner of African Game Its now his favourite knife 


    2 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

    I would have the RBL Poppy and PW and Nev's initials as well as the date the knife was made on the blade and would choose some nice decorative wood for the handle with a contrasting liner against the tang.

    so glad you said that OF and not, I lost it because I didn't have it on a lanyard.

    Tightchoke, sounds like your going to need Mick Dundees knife.

  2. Aren't you only supposed to leave only foot prints in the countryside not your actual boots.

    if she continues giving you grief say it's because she looked a fool going without you when you wanted to be present, she won't have a leg to stand on :whistling:

  3. watch love it or list it, was on channel 4 last night they did a floor with it, think they lacquered the floor then chalk paint then lacquer on  top, we've used it on my daughters bed, looks good.

  4. maybe its an island thing? We don't have rabies thankfully, but if we did then folk might well think differently about how wild animals are managed.

    watching the new Zealand country file you could tell Adam Henson wanted to say much more, maybe did and they edited it or re did it?

  5. 19 minutes ago, The gouse said:

    Your local mate you fancy it. 

    I only shoot air rifle, never got around to applying for my sgc yet.

    I'm sure if you started a separate thread offering pigeon shooting you will get people who can give you what you need.

    now if you have ferals squirrels or rats ? 

  6. good man the gouse.

    18 minutes ago, The gouse said:

    Yes if you are willing to travel pm me


    cannot fault what folk have said, there have been a few threads on similar lines, always going to be hard giving up the shooting when you've put in the work, but if you don't know who's going to be about shooting foxes time to move on, what's the bet in 6 months time the farmers on the phone asking you to help out.

    stay safe.

  7. Hi and welcome, wouldn't class £200 as a budget scope, have a look at the thread I did on second hand scopes, I got some good advice off the guys on here.

    the choice these days is mind bogling, I have a tasco varmint 8*24*44 and a Simmons 3.5*10*50.

    something you could look at is illuminated recticle, side focus.

    And have to ask as its a rule what calibre are you shooting.177 or .22


  8. 18 minutes ago, walshie said:

    All the loveys here are saying what he CAN'T do. Is there any suggestion of what he CAN do to protect his business? There's only so far you can bend over in the name of political correctness. It's all well and good pointing out this sign is "illegal" but so is theft. 

    Would any of you really risk losing your livelihood just so you wouldn't offend any of the perpetually-offended? If so you are either bad businessmen or in la-la land. 


    9 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

    hello, my last post on this was the owner was away due to threats and such like and he stated he was now thinking to close the fishery, i have not seen an update

    Cheers Opp.

  9. tut tut old'un it would be "cull AN ivy bush month" 

    I was expecting this to be about ivy growing through the felt on a shed or garage, I've had trouble with this it just goes through instead of round.

    but now you say about cutting the ivy I have seen a few trees over winter that have had the ivy cut about chest night.

  10. cheers island gun, glad my memory still works, on stuff that doesn't matter ?

    Did you put up a link a while back showing a mink attacking a gull? I had meant to watch the video at home but never did.

    37 minutes ago, islandgun said:

    I was employed to help eradicate Mink from the Western isles and this was carried out under strict conditions, the argument against a bounty was that the conditions may not be adhered too


  11. 2 hours ago, R1nut said:

    I wonder why they are targeting cockers? The lot from Devon were the same breed.

    Guessing there is a market for them, small cute dogs, I thought this would stop with dogs all being micro chipped.

    Watch your dogs people.

  12. 7 hours ago, Yellow Bear said:

    1952 - Around 7,000 Grey Squirrel Shooting Clubs in existence but issue of free cartridges much abused. Forestry Commission argues for greater effort to control grey's through national tail bounty. 

    1953 - First anti-grey squirrel propaganda on Radio 4’s The Archers. An experimental bonus system introduced to complement squirrel clubs; one shilling or two free cartridges paid per grey squirrel tail. The bounty is raised to two shillings in 1956. 1,520,304 grey squirrel bounties paid in five years with no effect on grey squirrel numbers. The system is abandoned in 1958. 

    1958 - Trapping shown to be more efficient than shooting grey squirrels. 

    1973 - The Squirrels order makes it legal to poison grey squirrels with warfarin in areas with no red squirrels. 

    2014 - The EU licence for the production and sale of warfarin as a grey squirrel bait ended on 30 September 2014. Manufacturers and stockists are no longer able to sell warfarin to control grey squirrels. However, users who have stocks of it left can use it until 30 September 2015.

    Thanks yellow bear good info there.

    Davyo, how long do you think all the pheasant would last if they ever did ban driven shooting? I think they would still be around but numbers would soon settle when hundreds of thousands aren't being released every year.

    19 hours ago, anser2 said:

    Shooting is run on very different lines in Italy to the UK. They have an almost free for all system where huge areas are open for the public to shoot while no doubt  UK landowners would not be happy with that. When the UK govenment  decided to remove coypu from the UK countryside then employed a team of trappers and the project was a huge success. I never thought they would get them all , but they did and its been decades since a wild coypu has been seen in this country. The same system was employed to remove ruddy ducks from the UK. And again its been success. I saw my last ruddy duck in 2010.

    Were the ruddy ducks removed because they were interbreeding with other ducks or have I remembered that wrong??

  13. its always about class, even though you could say fox hunters are at one end and lurcher men are at the other, both were happy hunting the same quarry in different ways.

    As for May not trying to reverse the ban, good, waste of time and money, labour party would jump all over it and things would be worse than they already are, no chance of winning the vote so don't stir the pot.

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