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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 2 hours ago, Robertt said:

    think a trap for this blighter is the next move

    Hi Robertt is the area safe to put up a camera trap? Given the numbers you have shot your probably right one or two travelling in to eat, put out some suet along with your normal stuff and leave it for a few days, its really interesting to see what comes along, I've done it with squirrel carcasses get magpies jays crows cats rats fox, even had another squirrel wander by ignoring my trap completely.

  2. have you thought about getting someone with terriers and a smoker? Think you would need to be really careful if there's a few of you shooting bolting rats, things will get crazy pretty quick, think driving range everyone facing same way, can't beat watching terriers do there thing though.

  3. 19 minutes ago, redogi73 said:

    Hi everyone was just discussing this at the last shoot because although we don't see many squirrels when we're out and about but damaged due to feeders must mean there's plenty around. I was thinking of putting a few feeders out and sitting down with the air gun but also fancy the idea of taking before 410 out and stalking them, any tips? Particularly as there might be two or three of us and big stupid the Labrador. I know it's probably best to go it alone in stealth mode but just being honest more likely to do it if it's combined we give him the Lab a bit of exercise.

    Hi redogi I imagine you'll have a good day out if there's a few of you walking the woods, probably find once your looking for squirrels not pheasant you'll see more than you think, plus a few corvids or pigeons flying about, I was out yesterday cursing my air rifle, sat under some big willow and oaks, loads of ivy wondering if a pigeon would land when two squirrels shot past me into the ivy, be sure to tell us how you get on.

  4. some cracking work as always mate, I never understand how folk don't pay up when they've had work done, I expect my wages in the bank every Friday, some lads are moaning at five past midnight if it's not in.

    we had some roofing work done last year, one was an emergency repair on a flat roof the fella got to that pretty quick, payed him as soon as he billed me. We also got a price for another job on the front of the house, chased him for months because he was so busy, funny thing was he did the job then asked what price had he given because he couldn't remember.

    Don't know what you do scully but if you do a good job won't take long for folk to be ringing you.

  5. I don't think its about training them by missing, where were shooting we are finding the feeders hardly touched, we leave around half 9 ten and we've found if you go back down an hour later the feeders are down an inch or so of nuts, there not daft, I've not had one on my bird feeders yet this year, my garden is being avoided.

    Longbower, think you might have to change something, have you seen the feeder stuartboy has made, pics in the vermin section.

    If they weren't intelligent they wouldn't be here.

  6. 22 minutes ago, stuartyboy said:

    I've only been up a few times shooting since I set it up, think I've shot around 20 over 4 or 5 visits. Usually fill it once  week and sit out watching the birds feed

    Can't argue with that great going, Suburban shooters favourite thing to say is that your sucking them in from all around you. ? 

  7. Finally got out today, its surprising what a dry day with no wind can do. Saw 5 or 6 but they weren't playing ball, one on the footpath with the rifle not out, one ran out the bushes like a boar, rifle pointing up me and squirrel staring at each other, before it did a 180 and legged it, then finally one sat on a feeder happily munching nuts, couldn't get into position before it wandered away, good day to be a squirrel ?? 

  8. 17 hours ago, Longbower said:

    Ive run out of the little beggers, cant find any anywhere on my perms.

    I have three bird feeders/hoppers out in my wood ,but I think they have learned , nuts= death.

    have I imagined it or are you shooting in a beech wood? I was in a small beech wood last week and over Xmas, didn't see anything about at all, wondering if the lack of cover and cold wind sends everything elsewhere? 

    16 minutes ago, DC177 said:

    Had another one pop in this afternoon. Clean 22 to the head put an end to his supper.

    Nice one DC, glad your still watching out for them in your garden.

  9. On ‎19‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 15:25, la bala said:

    How ever did we stay sane years ago when it was dial up.

    Everyone watched one channel together instead of being on pigeon watch Facebook and BBC iPlayer ? 

  10. Clarkson strikes again, apparently Bradford council have decided to ban grouse shooting on Ilkley Moor, he goes on to say he bought a farm which was nothing but grass, but as he likes a bit of shooting he planted maize, sorghum and mustard to keep his pheasants happy until he shoots and eats them, but also mentions the benefits to other birds he doesn't shoot.

    goes on to say Ilkley Moor when grouse shooting is banned it'll be all set up for ramblers, gorse will take over and cost millions of tax payers money to keep things in check.

    Clarkson could just be the sort of personality to take on the likes of Chris Packham on social media, and he would likely enjoy it to boot.

  11. You can only try Longbower, his visit will coincide with the big bird watch then, if there are that many squirrels about it would be interesting to see how many tree creepers, thrushes, wrens, and nuthatches they manage to see, guessing it won't be many.

    5 hours ago, Longbower said:

    Maybe , the Prince , who is supposedly a supporter of grey control could do something? I will send an email ! Futile but its worth a try.


  12. 26 minutes ago, bornfree said:

    I had a similar thing happen on a poultry farm. I charged them £150 per fox and someone started doing it for free. They only lasted a month they turned when it got dark and left before 12.and never saw a fox. Iam back there now and charge them £175 per fox. The farmer has learnt a lesson . 

    Don't think I'm taking the mick, but what happens when they loose birds? Do they bill you.

    Back to the op looks like PW is stepping up and helping you out, hope you come out sorted.

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