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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Wife showed me something today on her local Facebook about the Labrador rescue centre in Eccleston. Can't get my phone to copy the link for some reason?

    think they were saying they had rescued two litters of pups? But it also mentioned them being 11months old from a puppy farm?

    Thought I would mention it I realise you don't know what your getting but there could be folk wanting a dog without paying top dollar so to speak and wanting to home a lab.

    If someone can get the link up that would obviously help.





  2. get yourself to the charity shop Bruno and buy an oversized boot, so you can slip it on and off easily.

    stood watching a nuthatch and long tailed tits doing their thing this morning and boom! Squirrel pops out of next doors garden, sprints straight across into my other neighbours, couldn't believe my eyes, so there's one about but there a rarity on my patch. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Well I'm not in anyone's good book at the moment - been laid up for 14 days and the Tree Rats are in abundance in the woods again according to the Grounds Manager who sent me a rather short TXT saying that he had spent yesterday morning trying to count the blighters .

    O dear, hope your back on your feet soon ( and you were closer ?)

    So how come none of the other chaps are covering where you normally shoot then?

  4. So how are the squirrels behaving near you guys then?

    not seen a squirrel in my garden now since the first of Jan, spent an hour out in the woods yesterday topping up the feeders which had hardly been touched, just with the binoculars as it was "out of hours" never saw a single squirrel, it was windy and cold but would have expected to see a couple at least.

    Still the birds in my garden are having are having a right good time, seeing lots more small birds about which should be good for the RSPB big bird watch this weekend.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Wb123 said:

    When it snows often enough to justify the expense of the infrastructure to keep things functional in an inch of snow things will change. Until then I would prefer my tax goes on expenditure that generates better return.


    German style systems require enormous amounts of kit, massively more gritters and staff for them, heated runways, dramatically more deicing kit, and that is just on an infrastructure level. People who care enough here can readily and cheaply buy snow chains or socks but dont want the expenditure suggesting pretty strongly they wont want to pay more tax to cover it either.


    yes to all that Wb 23

    watched the news showing a lorry or tipper truck sliding down the hill unable to stop, so yes its a bit of a joke, but if the roads aren't maintained to begin with there not going to spend millions for a weeks worth of snow once every few years

  6. On ‎16‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 18:15, Scully said:

    Amazes me also. Some of those with impressive collections aren’t exactly in their first flush of youth. I sometimes wonder just what it is they’re saving them for? 

    A local property owner ( miserly beyond belief ) found a complete MGB GT  under a tarpaulin in the back of a hotel garage he’s just bought, some years ago. I told him where he should advertise it and gave it no further thought, only to discover a few years ago that, worried he’d get ripped off, he left it round the back of his house where it rusted away beyond salvage. Prune. 

    Did you see the one in the states a while back? Similar thing think someone had bought a property which had a large barn with the doors welded shut, turned out it was full of classic cars, made a fortune.

  7. They like there watches on here that's for sure, I do but my budget is never more than £200.

    If you like it and can afford it have it.

    And just to improve your holiday its snowing and hail up north, been throw it down all week.

  8. 23 hours ago, Pistol p said:

    Stopped watching when .50 cal rounds bounced off a jeep at 20 feet. Its got great scope but not nasty enough to pass for me. 

    Watch the start of Miami vice, that shows what happens when a range rover gets shot up, messy.

    One of the guys at work is a big fan, he's always said its about the characters interacting and the survival side, sounds like that's gone?

    I've watched all of FTWD enjoyed that so far, its *** just the right balance, for now.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    My way of blocking the back of a sheath so it wraps around the handle and includes a strap and clip almost stops any chance of the knife falling out.  The one in the photo is not as tight a fit as I like still allowed that knife to slop about a bit, but you would have to turn the guy u[pside down and shake violently before any chance that knife would come loose.  

    So an elephant then ?? 

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