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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Just reading Jeremy Clarkson's article in todays sun, he says several decades ago coypu escaped and today there are 1.3 million running about causing floods and eating crops.

    The Italian government has decided a cull is needed, huge lumps of money have been set aside and hunters encouraged to get out there with there guns, a target of 300,000 dead every year.

    He then says can you imagine if it had been announced in Britain, there would have been late night sittings in the H O P millions would have marched on Whitehall  and Brian May would have climbed onto the roof of Buckingham palace.

    But in Italy? Not a squeak just a bit of light gunfire.How true is that

    Also watched the new Zeeland country file special this week, asking how had they been able to manage TB so effectively the answer was kill everything non native that can carry the disease, they don't muck around in other countries that's for sure.

    This time next week there will be calls for people to home the coypu over here because we don't have any trouble with floods or non native species do we?

  2. I'm another had one after my dad passed away, just on my rib cage. Can't see it unless I'm swimming or topless, mostly so my kids would ask why its there.

    think that troll tat is very funny, but when you see what some folk have done while drunk and abroad they must be nuts.

  3. certainly an interesting idea, I think there are a lot of kids growing up these days who's parents or parent have never worked, just lived off the system so how are they going to feel any different?

    At the same time having everything you want handed to you on a plate ie spoilt doesn't give you any regard for the value of things.

    every chance the kid who did the car tyre on the other thread was from a perfectly normal house, just bored and thought why not. 

  4. telling the wife about this, we had the washing machine fixed this week, anyway the fella is talking to Mrs mouce someone apparently was wandering around the close he lives on going up and down driveways checking garage doors and gates, went in his garage and walked away with his bike, all on CCTV so waiting on plod coming taking a look, scum everywhere.

  5. Morning OB, click on the persons profile and below their name is a small envelope, click that to send a PM

    if you want to send another msg to the same person another time click on the three lines top right of page, there is a bell which tells you when you have a msg or have been quoted

    20 minutes ago, Old Boggy said:

    Please be gentle with this old technophobe who is having trouble sending personal messages.

    With the old format it was a simple case of clicking to send PM. Now however, when I click on a member's profile I get 'Send public message to this person' and then 'Save Status' with no 'Send' option. 

    What am I doing wrong ?

    Thanks in advance for any advice given.



    and the envelope this may have a number when you get a new msg or click it to go to your inbox to see old msgs.

  6. 3 hours ago, bruno22rf said:

    Excalibre - now that's one sexy gun. Scrap the Daystate and just fondle the RWS. Long wait for Daystate is ,most likely, due to them having to source parts from wherever they can get them cheapest, plus the fact that ,by the time your gun is built, it's been superseded by another model (and £10 says that will be a limited edition). Put some pics up of the real gun here.....RWS.


    I'm led to believe there the same gun or similar? Number 181, not hard to see why people think that Rapids are ugly with woodwork like this. Just hope she performs once I've done the seals.

  7. 19 hours ago, NatureBoy said:

    Looking like a bidding battle of 2 ov us Suffolk boi's then Grandalf.

    I'll go £200.00

    Lost my much treasured Knife that was my granddads new years eve! Saving a red shank tangled in in fishing line on Walberswick/Dunwich marsh. Bird was fine but i ended up in the water. He was a hard fella even tho he got gassed on the Somme. So always support the legion.     NB

    Just thought nature boy have tried going out with a metal detector or doing some magnet fishing? 

  8. 11 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

    Ps they all have the same trajectory and enough retained energy at all useable ranges. So it comes down to accuracy , air amount  used and pellet fall out risk .

    Never thought about trajectory with .22 fac, does it stay loopy then or flatten out given the extra fps?

    And I doubt your chances of finding an un abused rapid for around £500 but you never know 

  9. Not a big cat sighting but watching Tiger dynasty: Natural world, relocating tigers to an area that had been wiped out through poaching, very good interesting program.

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