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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. just had a quick look and there is decent info on both those sites if ur really keen on volunteering (or anyone else) boys pr girls with a bit of common sense and an airgun ticket are like gold dust and in very short supply.
    And even if ur not local and wanted to help the lass did say they need help to analysis all these Velcro patches from the upcoming survey.
    1 of the biggest things is simply reporting seeing them esp greys in an area that should be predomantely red, it helps to know as soon as u see a grey so u know its in the area and u can properly focus ur traps
    I've seen me turning up to a garden only to find they seen a grey regularly weeks or months ago and not seen it since.

    the above msgs are copied and pasted from scotslad msg on off topic,

    volunteers are wanted in Scotland especially people with an air rifle ticket from the sound of things, schemes like this are a good way to get a reputation for being trustworthy which will help you when your looking for shooting permission.

  2. HM try contacting the Scottish Wildlife trust, duno if there is much info on there site might be worth phoneing after the new year or saving scotlands red squirrel site, there basically all linked and swt sort of organise stuff. They do have FT staff involved with saving reds
    There may be a local squirrel group to u? If so I'd guess it should be linked on the above sites.
    Most local groups are desperate for volanteers esp folk with airgun tickets to dispose of trapped squirrels in there gardens. In the past I would leave my old airguns with some but now u can't. The new airgun legislation is a nail in the coffin for reds, not good
    In my area there is  a big spring survey coming up again this spring (not sure if Scotland wide or not? in fact I think it will be nation wide) if It is they will be looking for volanteers too (basically the survey is where those maps come from)
    idea is to get a feeder in every 1km sq quadrats they have located, so u have to place a feeder and keep it toped up for 1 monh and they stick some Velcro type stuff on the lid which catches the squirrls hairs so they can tell if red or grey in that area.
    I think they're also looking for volanteers who aren't local (or even if ur not very fit) to analyse the fur samples in ur own house in ur own time, they will train u how to do it, think it is a micro scope job

  3. some crackers on here today, we had a family dinner which will most likely be my mums last, everyone had a really good day, kids got more than they know what to do with.

    Lloyd the whiskey goes to a perm next year, Mel you got some belters.

    one of my best gifts some monkey nuts and a fat ball bird feeder off my daughter bought from school with her own money.

  4. 30 minutes ago, team tractor said:

    Today I’ve watched planes  with my 2 year old , I’m off to set my trail cam out shortly followed

    wife had a good idea, our cam is being set up downstairs to take pictures of the kids in the morning when they see there presents, might work?

    leg of lamb in the slow cooker, kids films on, heading out for a wander after lunch, once kids have gone to bed?? Wife will stress endlessly about the thousand presents she's bought the kids, lad has just said to his sister " if daddy cut off your legs I would be bigger than you" ?? neither batted an eye lid.

    got Casper on, and there is an actual ghost buster in the film, Dan aykroyd, funny

  5. 3 hours ago, scotslad said:

    Must admit I'm not as experienced as many on here with greys as we never had them till recently.


    But the FT trapper boy reckons greys prefer straight maize, or at least that's wot he advises to bait the traps with and u tend to catch slightly fewer reds. (possibly if u never mixed the 2 they would just eat the maize, maize will be a good bit cheaper about 8-10 quid for 25kg while peanuts can be 35-40 quid)

    He also scatters some wild bird seed around the trap, reckons the squirrels will be attracted when they see birds feeding (possibly more important if ur constantly moving traps to new areas)


    Has anyone came up with a way to discourage Jays from entering the traps?

    Was catching quite a few last year almost as soon as u set the traps, I also was releasing them but not a great idea as they just went straight back into the traps (rightly or wrongly I quite like seeing jays about and don't think they do a massive amount of damage)

    something you could try on a few traps scotslad is restricting the access on the entrance of the trap, I would think squirrels will push through something like a purse net but I doubt the jays would, might stop me catching blackbirds as well.

  6. I hope you've got big hands, I looked at the Walther a few weeks ago, didn't pick it up as it was locked up, the way they have designed the for end to go around the buddy bottle made it seem huge, plenty of good stuff out there have a fondle of plenty and see what suits you.

    And welcome.

  7. I put up a post about basc supporting or funding grey squirrel and mink trapping in wales and wanting volunteers but it died a death, no real interest it seems in conservation work.

    Scotland, could you put some info on the squirrel thread Walker started on the vermin section, the more people read about red squirrels and various efforts around the countries the more chance of them doing something.

    Mind me asking roughly what part of Scotland are you?

    3 hours ago, scotslad said:

    I'm involved with 2 local wildlife trusts and the local red squirrel group, and they're is a massive shortage of volanteers for anything.


  8. 2 hours ago, 39TDS said:

    I have a squirrel problem that I have been largely ignoring. As a result of this thread I am going to make it my mission to sort them out.

    I did make a start last week and got one of them. I am going to set myself a target of 50 and see how it goes. Will keep tally.

    Good man, imagine if everyone thinks the same for a few weeks or months, it would make a massive dent in there numbers, and if there not your bag get someone else to shoot them. ?? 

  9. 1 hour ago, Fisheruk said:

    Truth be told. I bet you were having a kip on the floor after your night shift. Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve nodded off propped against a pine tree :lol:

    Mick is out tomorrow and I’ll be there on Christmas Eve. We’ve got to keep at ‘em.

    could very easily have nodded off but for needing a pee, I'll be out 28 or 29th depending on what were upto, they were at both ends today feeder 1 and the plantation, weather looks good for mick tomorrow might not get wet for a change.

  10. 53 minutes ago, old man said:

    True but that relies on land owners with a problem giving access?

    This is the thing, most land owners probably don't see grey squirrels as a problem, I've been to farms asking about shooting rats and rabbits, ferreting I'm expecting some strange looks when I'm knocking and asking to shoot squirrels.

  11. let's give you all a Christmas laugh..... At me.

    So finished work this morning at 6 arrived at the car park 645, very dark no rain kitted up and off I go, went into the woods from a different direction today by torch light, that was an adventure I can tell you, foggy dark and I hadn't been on that side of the wood.

    The idea was to not disturb feeder 1 as my last two visits have seen a squirrel run off as I arrive, filled two other feeders by torch, dumped my bag moved to where I wanted to be so in position nice and still by about 720. Listened to the woods come alive around me, owl finishing up a wren going mental at something somewhere and many other birds which make me think I'm sure I used to know these noises? The wildfowl sound so like people talking its uncanny, daylight if you can call it that creeps slowly in, robin on the feeder, pigeons leaving the wood, Canada geese arriving. The time ticks by, lots more bird life but no squirrels, eventually I have to move before I pee myself, check the time and I've been there an hour and half, stand up doh!! There is a squirrel at the base of the tree looking at me looking at him, rifle is lay on the floor!!! All that time watching for a squirrel coming down and instead its come along the ground unseen!! I'll get him next week maybe ?

    Merry Christmas everybody. Mice!

  12. grab 5 people squeeze into a cupboard, have one of them stand on you, another spill something on you, one give you a dig, play some music loud enough so you can't hear each other, there saved you the hassle, if we go out mad Friday new years eve we just go early leave early and get a ruby murry on the way home, that we ordered on the way out.

    That should read when we went out before we had kids ? 

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