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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. On 09/11/2017 at 16:58, lancer425 said:

    This is the way to go, my Kangoo when i first got it was wet inside condensation was terrible even in dry weather if windows shut it started to mist in screen corners , Dried it out as described elsewhere with an industrial EBAC Dehumidifier, then just a simple candle heater plant pot steel plate washers and a bolt its dry as a bone, i sleep in it now and then when up north fowling, if you have too much heat the condensation gets bad, but the candle heater and crack a window open its  stays dry screen stays clear inside and out, handy little idea the candle heaters.

    I had forgotten about this, so how long does in take for the candle heater to warm up? Thinking it might make defrosting the car after night shift a lot easier or stop it freezing up before I set off.


  2. 46 minutes ago, jam1e said:

    Hi Mice. I've not watched the BBC wildlife doc with Gordon Buchanan on the re introduction of wolves in the USA. Can't find a decent link. Just 2 minutes or less intro's. Don't suppose you have a link to the whole doc do you?



    I've not sorry, just had a look to see if I still had it but I've not, the fella who wants to shoot the wolves is such a joke, I like pretty much everything Gordon Buchanan does, his living with predators is good sharks, golden eagles and Hyenas. 

    I do remember the program saying that the reintroduction if wolves had changed the landscape, deer elk moose couldn't just graze at will allowing trees to grow again, and they decimated the coyotes which benefited smaller mammals a good watch.

  3. 2 minutes ago, old man said:

    I would like someone to explain to me in simple terms how we have arrived here, where the only people who are influenced by our so called Justice system are the law abiding?

    Probably because we have things we could loose if we fall fowl of the law, others just see it as a life style risk, few years inside maybe after third or fourth time.

  4. I'm not from Scotland fella but have you watched the BBC wildlife doc with Gordon Buchanan on the re introduction of wolves in the USA, a really good watch, shows a bit of both sides, I cant imagine there being enough space nowadays for wolves given the amount of roads and sheep and people but who knows?

  5. I read something about this a few years ago, its not about the dogs putting up a fight its training their dogs to attack on command, the sickos aren't bothered that there are people and kids going daft trying to find their pets, just another way people without morals will look to earn money.

  6. Can't see anything coming from this, read the article but as froome says he knows he is going to be tested after every race so anything slightly off he will just shake his head and say he did as he was told, funny how he is coming towards his 5th title challenge and the campaign to discredit him is in full swing, bit like Lance Armstrong did he didn't he? He probably did the same as everyone else at the time but the powers that be stomped on him, so what will happen to froome?

  7. If you find a pair of Altbergs that fit have a look on eBay there was another thread running on these, you won't get any guarantee but you'll only pay £30-40.

    I haven't done the walk your looking at but we did Snowdonia and the lake district, good boots your used to and the same for your rucksack, happy days ?? 

  8. Drove my mum up to Manchester today, without any snow the M60 was horrendous could barely see any lines on the road it was like whacky races, hate to think what snow would have done, but saw gritters out on the way home.

  9. its a pie barm simple, if your ever in Wigan ask for P wet, and scraps I kid you not, or maybe a babies yed chips peas and gravy.

    no one ever watched peter Kay, as tha got owt moist, 

    once at a wedding down south, at the buffet later I asked if there were any pasties the lass had no idea what I was talking about.

    breakfast dinner and tea.

    funny this thread.

  10. only reason I don't do the platelets is the time, not the donation its self but an hour each way to Lancaster, there not keen for you to even start, I'm guessing they've had people begin then quit due to travel and time. 

    I couldn't care less about the needle happy for students to practice, as others sat its an hour, hopefully it helps someone somewhere 

    Donate once or twice a year is better than never, and you can still just turn up without an appointment they then just try and squeeze you in.

  11. 12 minutes ago, steve_b_wales said:

    I gave blood for many, many years, and now for the past 10, have donated Platelets, which can be given by a male, every three weeks.

    Me and the wife give regular, takes a lot of time to give platelets so well done Steve, had a mince pie with my brew last week ? 

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