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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 1 hour ago, mel b3 said:

    I checked my emails, and couldn't see anything from dave , it's nice to see that half of the world still seem to think that I need Viagra and a Russian bride though ?.

    Surely you'd only need the viagra or the Russian bride ?? 

  2. well given the bin men bashings I have to say ours do a great job, always waved at kids if they see them, never moaned about the weight of our brown bins          ( which from April is going to cost us £30 a year) two of them sprint down the street while one just sits and drives (Mel) 

    still never tipped them though just say thanks when I see them.

  3. My thoughts on this are come the end of January once the game season has finished everyone have a weekend or two looking for greys, I imagine a great deal of good could be done for song birds and areas with red squirrels in places that have been unavailable due to not wanting to disturb peoples game birds.

    I realise grey squirrels might not be high on a lot of peoples list of priorities, so why not offer others the chance to shoot some if you know of areas where your seeing them, this way we might be able to try and peg them back before they get into full swing come spring.

    Merry Christmas let it snow


  4. 1 hour ago, team tractor said:

    I’m only allowed out once a week lol but she tells everyone I can go anytime but I’m scared ;) 


    1 hour ago, Jaymo said:

    Aaah, that old chestnut huh! 

    I have the same, like tonight “ oh yes dear, of course you can go for a beer with Steve” followed by “ but didn’t you go last week and isn’t he on earlies tomorrow”

    old adage of say one thing-mean another 


    4 minutes ago, sishyplops said:

    Lost me on the relevance stakes with this one

    Now does it make sense?

  5. I meant that all along??

    34 minutes ago, bruno22rf said:

    Cut Squirrel Investigation?:whistling:

    now come on Bruno you've been itching for an argument, what's your take on the penetration debate, you've got both flavours, poke poke prod prod, I'm here all night ? 

  6. Cheers Walker I'll pm you.

    Good going DC, certainly makes a difference in your garden, there was a squirrel in next doors chicken run today but it didn't venture into my garden, my neighbour is happy for me to shoot rats or squirrels but it depends where his run is, not managed to get a shot yet.

  7. 54 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    Easy...freeze it solid first.:yes:


    16 minutes ago, DC177 said:

    I had a couple of squzzers just for that purpose but Mrs DC was sniffing around so I didnt get the chance. Next time...

    But then there hard like the clay was to begin with, see what I mean arry

    and the flesh closes up, I shot one a while back in the garden front on chest shot, I could see an exit would small blob of blood but could not find the entry point

  8. On ‎18‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 21:03, Mungler said:

    Just focus on the people around you who you care about and who care about you, and what’s in front of you. 

    The thing is this - if you think about your 20 best relationships (that could be parents, siblings, wife, kids, friends, shooting buddies or work colleagues etc) you’ll immediately think ‘oh I really should phone x, y and z or I need to meet up with a, b and c’. Most people don’t have the time to properly ‘service’ the good relationships in their lives to give any thought (let alone worry or concern) to those who don’t make that list or for whatever reason have removed themselves from that list.

    When they say life is too short, it means life is too short to do anything other than attend on those you love and those who love you.

    Simples really.

    that really is spot on fella, its also why i dont bother with face book, i manage to make time for the things i want or need to do just about, having to make time for folk you haven't seen in forever what's the point, enjoy your family and friends.

  9. we got some plastic spike strips for the kids swings, trees everywhere but the pigeons were sitting above the swing seats then leaving a deposit!! There not a hundred percent effective but pretty cheap and easy to fit

  10. could you take a picture of how you've altered your traps Walker, sounds interesting, I've had a few black birds in mine now I must be setting it too fine?

    47 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    I have 9 live catch cages altered with peanut feeders in the back end so the birds can come and feed

    the feeders this week have taken a real hammering the colder weather is obviously making the easy peanuts more appealing, they must not have read the small print though, dangerous to your health, as for other members joining in we should have a national shoot a squirrel week, first week in February when folk are finished with the game season.

  11. On ‎02‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 16:26, DC177 said:

    After a chat with SuburbanShooter, I put up a feeder in my garden and have been taking down a squizzer whenever I get to work from home and at the week-ends. Had 2 this morning. One big old male that stormed in; needed a follow up shot to finish him. Then a female that was much more coy and smarter in her approach to the feeder. However she was bowled over with a single shot to the head.

    The garden these days is flooded with smaller birds like tits. You really notice the difference. In fact, the absence of the little birds is the first indicator that there is a squizzer around.

    DC see SS msg above 

    my mistake SS ?

  12. Wrong thread mate?

    32 minutes ago, suburban shooter said:

    DC 177 I am so pleased that you have started to suck them in to your killing ground at home. It really increases your kill rates as you are at home more than any other permission.

    How many of these extra kills have you got and since when please ?


    we went for a walk today along the river at the back of mine and only saw one squirrel, must mean the ones I've had in the garden have been sucked in and there not just avoiding my patch, used to see loads about.

  13. ok I'll play, what do you find "penetrates" the mud more boots or wellies.

    I'm personally wearing boots at the moment because I know where I'm going to be walking is wet/damp but if I was going somewhere unknown I would wear wellies.

    and how is this for fun, I have a pair of water proof shoes cheap but do as they say but.... The grip on wet wood or stone is garbage so you'll have dry socks but might fall over ??? 

  14. We'll I was out again while you were all working hard today ? arrived just after 8 and spent nearly an hour trying to get hold of the police, but that's been dealt with now thankfully.

    so only had an hour really, usual thing of arrive and see a squirrel disappear off the first feeder, I go and stash my bags come back and the critter is back, straight up the tree looking at me! Have a look around all quiet so I take the shot, it somehow managed to jump when the pellet hit it, stay in the tree run to the next tree then drop into the ferns below!! First squirrel I haven't retrieved.

    I stayed on for a couple of hours shooting 3 rats by the bird feeders then went back into the woods to top up the feeders for the other guys, in the 3 hours I had been away the nuts had been demolished in two of the feeders, couldn't believe my eyes, half a big jar in two spots empty.

    crafty squirrels 

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