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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. Out again this morning bit later than planned and saw one squirrel scarper from the first feeder, rifle wasn't out yet so no chance on that one.

    walking through the woods watching a pair of sparrow hawks working the tree canopy, never seen two working together before it was quite a sight.

    come up to feeder two and its empty!! Ditched my gear and moved along when I hear a right racket, I'm thinking"human" I move round a tree so as not to give anyone a fright when I hear the noise again then see two squirrels chasing each other up and down a pine tree, its there claws making the noise!!

    move a bit closer but they've vanished, then there both going over me on different sides , don't act like they know I'm there one heads towards the empty feeder, other heads away, then comes back the same way with a pine cone in its mouth, why it was coming back I've no idea but it was a mistake, one down.

    wait around but the other doesn't show so I move on to check the other feeders, both half full when I see movement up in the tree tops, another squirrel sat quite happily chewing a pine cone, almost covered by twigs except her chest and throat, leaning against a tree scopes saying its only about 25mtr turn up the mag to 14, can only hit the squirrel or surrounding branches number two down, seemed to fall for a long time!! Funny how they seem further away when your looking up.

    saw a single sparrow hawk as I walked round filling the feeders and a tiny little tree creeper, it was very warm out today midges about in December.

    Another nice morning to be out, was really happy with the shot up in the pine, saw some nice wildlife and two less females breeding next year, happy chap and I'm back again Monday.


  2. Must say I'm surprised by the few comments on this, according to the article in 2009 a conservation plan for red squirrels was approved by the Welsh government and identified the areas of the tywi forest in mid wales as one of three sites for urgent action.

    This tells me no cloak and dagger they must be doing something in plain sight?

    They are looking for volunteers in mid wales in the Ceredigion area especially.

    the group as well as BASC is Mid Wales Red Squirrel Partnership which are aiming to protect and expand the red squirrels there.

    it doesn't just say trapping there is talk of a buffer zone, I only know what I've read in the article.

    Thought folk would have jumped on this??

  3. been an interesting read this fellas, as somebody who keeps getting told his hearing is getting worse by the occupational health at work, if I ever get around to getting a sgc think this is the way I will go.

    as for the look of the gun looks kind of like a pcp ish.


  4. was someone not posting pics of dogs a while there daughter niece grand daughter had done? They looked really good, thinking it was one of the wildfowlers??

    she might well do you a hare.

  5. I would imagine that's one of the things you have to think about before breeding, probably a lot easier for guys with kc reg dogs, from what I've seen in countrymans weekly and online the prices of lurchers dropped after the laws changed with regards to fox and hares so hopefully not loads of dogs being bred just to make a buck, but its still going to cost the same to feed and rear the litter.

  6. I've got my trap in my garden, this way I can check it twice a day, I've had four blackbirds in the last two weeks that have needed releasing.

    Think around Formby public can phone saying they've got greys coming into there gardens then fisheruk turns up with a cage trap.

    6 minutes ago, buze said:

    I had a look at that, however, you need constant access to the traps to get into the scheme, so there's tons of land that you just can't use really. I've got a nice patch of woodland that'd be perfect, but all I could do it perhaps once a week, no more!


    Did you speak to anyone buze? Wondering if there just looking for people to place traps or shoot in the buffer zones?

  7. I was out this morning waiting for it to come light after working night shift, I had two squirrels run past me first was still to dark to say red or grey but very small, second was definitely grey, I at least know my face veil works because they didn't change direction or care that I was there they just kept going. Ended up seeing 5 but none gave the chance of a shot, the feeders were all empty over the weekend but one of the other fellas topped them up, they weren't for coming down today though.

    whilst in the woods I had blackbirds sat looking at me a Jay nearly landed on me and a buzzard glided through the pines which was like everything had been switched off, just silence.

    I get home and there is one sat outside under my bird feeders!! On the brighter side I didn't get rained on and it was a beautiful morning ? 

  8. 1 hour ago, Pigeon Shredder. said:

    Drill a very, and l mean very small hole at the end of the split/crack to stop it running any further, then wedge the split/crack open just enough to get some glue into it and out the other side, wipe off excess and clamp up, again remove excess after clamping and leave to dry.

    Polish after removing the clamp and it should be good to go.

    Thanks I was wondering about drilling it or not.


  9. 26 minutes ago, Pistol p said:

    Altbergs are proper. I got a used pair off of the auction site in excellent condition for £40 posted. This guy shifts plenty of pairs. You can not fault them.

    The question is which guy?

    I had a pair of Italian hiking boots many moons ago that were outstanding, but I wouldn't be paying hundreds for boots anything I ware regular on my feet tends to get battered either inside or out, only exception being  Dickie's heavea wellies I had, never leaked until I walked through sole lasted probably 12years before they should have been binned.

  10. 1 hour ago, DC177 said:

    .22 :)

    Male squizzers are definitely territorial. Some days there are 2 or 3 barking from the trees marking out their territory. The females seem to slip through from one area to another without a sound.

    I was expecting you to say .177 ?

    I know what you mean about them barking at each other but when you can count 7 or 8 all milling around happily it makes me wonder, unless that is down to there being lots of food available so they all play nice?

  11. own up DC what calibre were you using?

    I've certainly noticed a big difference in how long the smaller birds and thrushes spend on and around the feeders in my garden without being disturbed by squirrels, I'm also getting pictures of foxes taking the squirrels off the river bank on my trail camera ?

    Walker, I don't think squirrels are territorial as we see loads quite happily feeding together in parks but I do think they probably chase there own young away so they spread out, then I think of meerkats and how they spread out searching for food?

  12. 10 hours ago, Ian North Wales said:

    If I was spending that money I would expect to wear it all the time or what’s the point? I think it would be a shame if not given the use it was designed for. (Keeping me warm and dry in the field whatever i was doing)


    4 hours ago, Dougy said:

    At some of the prices you lot spend on costs, Im just wondering if you just wear them going out to your posh sushi restaurant in your private reg Q7. Get to the restaurant and hand it to the Butler "that cost me £ 450.00 you know" 

    Or do you actually get them down in the dirt. 


    10 hours ago, Ian North Wales said:

    Shooting clothing is getting out of hand; to spend £500 £600 on a jacket is well beyond most people. I have to be honest here even if I had that money I’m not sure I would want to spend it on a jacket that will get covered in all sorts and will probably get ripped by the dreaded barbwire.

    So glad you folk have said this, I've been looking at jackets as I'm after a non camouflage one, nothing really wrong with what I have but the more you look at the higher the prices go, I was thinking I was just tight, might go for a laksen kudu at £80 in the sale as I can't find a muflon in my size, at 3&400 I wouldn't want to be near a fence ? 

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