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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. 44 minutes ago, walshie said:

    Enough snow here to make my mate phone me at 4 a.m to tow him up a hill. :lol:

    I hope your mate knows your favourite tipple

    39 minutes ago, Dougy said:


    No it's outside my house now. It needed a BIG green thing in the shape of a JD 6series thing to get it out. Stopped off at Morrison's for a quick blast with the pressure wash. 

    I'm glad there were no bad feeling, just allot of embarrassment. 

    You had best get the shops fella ? 

  2. 2 hours ago, Robertt said:

    Bought a Squiggle lid feeder off fleabay for a tenner about a year ago. 

    Fantastic had 6 this morning on it and its been producing all week.

    Couple of bite marks on it but very much in tact,

    I have the shelf broadside on so as not to be shooting at feeder.

     Can you post a picture Robert?

    They certainly look heavy duty Bruno

  3. 7 hours ago, Duckandswing said:

    I have prime. Worth it for the music alone which is a brilliant service.

    7 hours ago, rovercoupe said:

    And you can "share" it between trusted friends and family!

    What am I missing then?

  4. 1 minute ago, rovercoupe said:

    Just buying some peanuts for the birds online and saw brazil nuts for sale and found this quote at the botton of the page, sounds like a good idea to me!

    A note regarding Brazil Nuts and Squirrels; Brazil Nuts are generally ok to feed to squirrels but only in small quantities as a treat. If squirrels eat too many Brazil Nuts they can become kind of drunk and this could make them vulnerable to predators. As with most animal species a varied diet is essential to maintain health and vitality.


    Could be onto a winner there, now where sells Brazil nuts cheap

  5. 17 minutes ago, Walker570 said:

    Was truly expecting double figures at least.  The location has yielded over 20 in one day in the past.  have to admit two misses, I put that down to frost bitten trigger finger.

    Wow, do they let you into Alton Towers with an air rifle? Last time we were there the place was crawling with squirrels, have you seconded the .22 now then on the grounds of being easier to load in the cold?

  6. You get quick delivery or save a few quid on standard, plus Amazon TV what's the problem? 

    Watch spy in the sky with Helen miram if I've got her name right, not what we expected.

    Also watching Bosch

  7. 3 hours ago, Walker570 said:

    Was a disappointing day in that the tree rats did not want to come out and play. I did manage six though.  It was !!!###!!!y cold in Lincolnshire this morning, so cannot blame them one bit.  All very big fat healthy items my buzzards are going to enjoy.


    How is six disappointing, that would be a red letter day for Me , have I got that saying right?

    Anyhow well done Walker, braved the cold I'm surprised the squirrels didn't stay tucked up warm.


  8. 1 hour ago, Lloyd90 said:


    I said "A B-J" ... she reckons there's a better chance of a fat man in a red suit climbing down our chimney ... and we don't have a chimney 

    So you're not even settled in and she's already shut up shop , o dear :lol:

  9. 37 minutes ago, Danger-Mouse said:

    There are still a number of blokes at my depot who turn up to work in shorts.

    On the radio the other week they were talking to a postman who said in his depot there was a "last longer" bet for wearing them. He reckoned he'd go straight through the winter.

    heard this a few times, bets and raising money for charity, asked a lass a while back was she not cold in shorts. She said shorts were better than long wet pants, not going through brambles and nettles though.

  10. There were bits around Leyland today apparently some over in Blackburn, think it was mostly ice, someone managed to skid and go off the M55 probably 7 police cars there with them looking down the verge?

  11. 2 hours ago, old'un said:

    You could always say to her.....“just wrap yourself up love, cus your all I need for Christmas xx”

    funny, could get you good brownie points

    45 minutes ago, loriusgarrulus said:

    Bought OH a Trail Camera.

    Were having fun with ours, especially if you put dead squirrels down so the fox comes to the end of the garden.

    if I get slippers and single malt I'll be happy.

  12. 13 hours ago, marsh man said:

    Morning All ...... Many thanks to all the kind people who offered advice , I started at the top of the list first who was B&W FOX and after putting a spade in and levering the door down , hey presto it was open .

    So thanks again and your help was much appreciated .


    3 hours ago, stumfelter said:

    You'll all be convicted of aiding and abetting when he gets caught! ??

    Which just shows how feeble garage doors are, thinking a big padlock might be needed.

  13. 4 hours ago, steve_b_wales said:

    NO! That (and other shooting related equipment) was purchased out of my slush fund!

    I said the other day I need a stash/ shush fund the misses just laughed.

  14. On ‎05‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 19:13, Archie-fox said:

    Are these available to buy? I’ve got a few woods i thin out the grays in..

    Now come on Archie you must be able to knock couple of these up, the feeders fisheruk has up are getting emptied probably twice a week at the moment, 5 feeders with one or two getting hammered and the others seeing regular use, good idea for bringing the squirrels in. 

  15. I waited about ten mins and went back but that feeder is quite near the footpath so can only really hand around there early doors, once it went up into the tree tops it vanished on me, think they must go up and sit still once you've looked away and back without movement you've no chance.

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