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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I got sent a wind up yesterday saying Conor McGregor had been done for drugs fight is off, clicked on the pic, let's just say the lower half if the pic wasn't him, very funny.


    As for the fight being staged, can't see it going that way they both like there own egos too much to take a dive, thinking its going to look like rocky balboa vs Apollo creed let's hope so

  2. thank you this was helpful

    We have had a chat today and I think we will try to stay together this was not the sole reason but the straw that broke the camels back so to speak we have been growing apart for a while I feel and I was/am scared that I will lose her. I work nights which probably doesn't help and am trying to move onto the day shift where I work to get more time together in the evenings however we both work shifts so hopefully it will be ok.

    I would be careful of changing to day shift if it's straight days, I've always worked shifts but every now and then I think I'll be normal and work days like everyone else. It doesn't take long to realise why you liked nights, more money less hassle, take the kids to school, walk the dog at your leisure, just my thoughts good luck.

  3. You can't get bored with crumble, were on our second this week, brought some into work family asking for some when we go over, good crop this year and really tasty for almost no effort.


    Kids are helping themselves, they just fell off dad??


    Chuck in some free blackberries as well delicious 😋

  4. Might well be she was just letting off steam, my kids are same age ish as yours and there hard work day in day out, I imagine she does most of the house work, probably thinks there is lots of things you could/ shouldn't be doing, I know my misses does and she's happy to tell me 😄


    Think you might have got carried away I'm sure there are much worse things people find there other halves doing.


    Don't fuel the fire, suck it up and move on.

  5. We'll SS your to be applauded first for weighing your squirrels, I just think big/ small and secondly digging out the pellet to see what they look like once they've done the business, I've cut them out in the past if I can feel them under the skin but never gone looking for them.


    I do get my .22 accupell going clean through on head shots at twenty metres , I just prefer head shots in the garden, dead or miss much less chance of squirrel ending up in the neighbours garden .

  6. How old are your kids fella? I'm guessing there only young but could be wrong obviously, might be she was just having a drink with her mates and one of them was passing the joint, I've never smoked not my thing been in the situation plenty were everyone else is getting stoned and looking at me funny for not joining in, maybe she was just wondering wot all the fuss was about?


    I wouldn't expect my misses to be smoking anything and it would definitely **** me off but wouldn't be grounds for divorce, every week then that's different.


    Another thought, probably much better having a vent on here, you don't have to live with us.

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