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Posts posted by Mice!

  1. I'm still not convinced its going to happen, other than yet another big pay day which he doesn't need i cant see any benefit for Floyd , Conor can't loose, he'll get payed gets to spout rubbish and could get lucky and drop Mayweather if he catches him show boating.


    Roll on a week on Sunday, then we'll know

  2. I thought you could change the tiles but thought it would be expensive, probably end up with a loft extension, hope there will be some picks next summer showing the new and improved house.


    There is an American program on the home channel I think husband and wife show people a few houses having been given a budget, buy a house and completely renovate it inside and out, quite a good watch.

  3. We'll mungler you were certainly busy weren't you that's some change.


    AVB, the wife wants your kitchen, problem being it would take up most of the downstairs looks really nice, where did it all go wrong 😄

  4. Can't wait to show the wife your ugly house??


    I would say the front door doesn't match the size of the palace (place ha ha) doesn't look nearly grand enough, windows and frames don't do it any favours.


    Thinking a primrose colour instead of the white could look good, once repainted the inlaws house while they were away, it totally changed the look of the house.

  5. Penderyn, the wife has been getting me a bottle of single malt every now and then and I'm not going to discourage her, won't get it again its not as smooth as others I've had slightly funny after taste could be peat or Smokey.


    Kept the other bottles because I like them and the whiskey, Dimple was really nice, the Aberlour was really good a 40th present.


    The monkey shoulder was good, Wife got it on offer at Morrison's would get it again.

  6. Bit random this but bought a bottle of whiskey at the weekend and the bottle its in is huge, really tall like a wine bottle so doesn't fit on the shelf it should.


    Can I simply pour it into another empty whiskey bottle or would it loose some of its flavour?


    Single malt cork stoppers any thoughts.



  7. Just looking at Saturdays Blackpool gazette, todays diary has 4 points going on Around the area simply says


    SHOOT"glorious 12th" grouse shooting season officially opens today. With a pic.


    Just curious, why would moor owners want the birds off at the end of the season? Are they not next years breeding stock?

  8. It is an addiction, my stepson cannot (so he says) live without his phone and the only time it is not in his hand is when he is asleep, they simply cannot resist the lure to snapchat, instagram or whatever.


    I took my nieces phone off her a while back, walking towards a main road, my two kids her and her brother, lots of hand holding and she wasn't paying attention, it was very funny wiped it off her gave it back an hour later, said she was setting a bad example to her younger brother and being stupid.


    Very funny try it ☺

  9. You need to binge watch some Phil and Kirsty mate, they always seem to get the asking price down.


    Have a look on right move see what price other houses have sold at in the area.


    If memory serves this is your first house? So no chain which has to be a good thing in your favour, then its all a game we had a good survey done but still only so much they can tell you. The vendor will have a figure they want realistic or not all depends on how much you want it, like it.


    Could look at a few others with the same estate agents so they don't think your putting all your eggs in one basket.



    Yes lets see OUR wealth spread around the rest of the uk not always London.

    You have to remember, the tourist industry in London is massive and as said above people flock to see the likes of big ben, look how many folk are there wandering around taking pics.


    It certainly is a large amount of cash to spend, but pretty sure its brought in more than that over the years.

  11. I've been in continual employment with the company for 24 years and there's at least 7 employees just from our local office that are being made redundant due to a restructure, thankfully I'm already sorted for work as I'm setting up on my own as a self employed electrician, I'd just like to screw every last penny out of them before I leave 😏

    That's the way, I've seen guys leave with really nice pay outs after that sort of time, I've always got a few grand and started again elsewhere.


    Does seem really strange you not having anything in writing, citizen advice bureau might be a good start, think Davyo off here works for them?? Could be wrong send him a PM, if there a bigger organisation and not following there procedures you could screw them for more cash

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