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  1. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5331467/airmen-involved-in-british-roswell-incident-may-have-been-abducted-by-aliens-retired-us-colonel-reveals-in-secret-footage/ Love and Mercy Fair Imogen
  2. Ultimately, an interview is trying to ascertain three things: 1) Can they do the job? (ie are they competent); 2) Will they do the job? (ie are they committed); 3) Will they fit in? Clearly, given that you have been there for 7 yrs, 2 & 3 do not apply. Thus you need to focus on the competencies required for the role as detailed in the person specification. The interviewers will look at the competencies outlined in the person spec, and will devise questions to ascertain whether or not candidates have the such competencies. Do the same, imagine your are one of the interviewers - what questions would you ask to ascertain whether the candidates have these skills? Prepare answers for such questions. Further, make sure you are up to speed - I am sure you are - with all that is on company’s website/in house magazine. Questions for the panel? If you don’t have any genuine queries, don’t bother. Goodluck! Love and Mercy Fair Imogen
  3. Perhaps 10% of the cost of syndicate(s) fees - arbitrary figure - could be used to fund prep and delivery of surplus to Food Banks. I’m sure local Game dealers would be happy to accommodate
  4. The English Open English Sporting will be hosted by Atkin Grant & Lang from the 9 - 12 May, 2018. Love and Mercy Fair Imogen More news
  5. May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do for others And let others do for you May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung May you stay Forever young - Bob Dylan Love and Mercy, Pigeon Watchers , all the best for 2018 Fair Imogen XX
  6. FairImogen


    Do like your avatar, Spandit; it’s just like my ‘U Shape it’ Belton Stetson Not sure if you can get those in UK, though Where did you get yours, may I ask?
  7. FairImogen


    Well, it is such a lovely, sad/happy movie l love the juxtaposition between the adult/adolescent worlds - ‘get the bikes’ - and how they outwit the G Men even before ET intervenes. On a darker note, supposedly this, along with ‘Close Encounters’, was one of the disclosure movies. My husband and his pals served in East Anglia in the 80s, and can tell tales that will make your hair curl. I always love Spook stories at Xmas, but sometimes he just freaks me out.
  8. First, can I wish all on PW Seasons Greetings; Second, may I thank all those who have given me help and advice in ‘17; Third, may I suggest will all do one thing in 2018 - make amends with all those with who(m) we have fallen out with in ‘17 or before, whether they be (ex) friends/family/workmates. Life really is too short to bear grudges. Wishing you all a Fab 2018.
  9. Simply this: who is best? CC or SC? You are hoisted by your own petard! Anyways, all the best to you and yours
  10. Take your point, Panoma1. But you are talking nonsense. For fight fans, some fights will always be better than others. We don’t care about ambient temp, whether fighters were dehydrated, or only just made their weight etc. We only care about the bout; the spectacle; and it is that that makes one fight better than another. And it is those bitter moments that McG v P blazes: such balance, such aggression. If you don’t think that is what Boxing is about, stop following it, find another sport. I don’t wish to pick a fight (no pun intended), but I have spent years watching my Husband and his Pals fight; there clearly is a best fighter - they are known as World Champions - such as our Pal, CC
  11. My Husband is always playing me videos of the fighters he tries to emulate. Consequently, I learned to love Ali, Forman, etc; and thought Boxing was about Heavyweights. How wrong I was. This is the best fight ever. The Clones Cyclone is so, so, fast; I can’t differentiate between his left hook and jab; and, when he changes stance, where does that right hook, left uppercut come from? Just wow.
  12. I think one can only really assess such when the pad of the trigger finger lightly makes contact with it. Too many shooters (especially heavy handed men!) coil their finger around the trigger and use the first joint area as the point of contact. This area is not as sensitive as the pad, and does not make for good pulls.
  13. Oh dear, Rewulf. I post an article which mentions The Forces Club. You mock such with your laughing emoji. As far as your security concerns about the location of the club, those who wish to do harm have Google, too. Your response?: more sarcasm. I point out this is disrespectful to the dead. I do, of course, accept your assertion that all this was innocent humour, but to me it was mockery. And please don’t tell me about my sense of humour. I am glad to learn that you served, and that your family has a military background, too. I can only respect that. All the best to you and yours.
  14. Seriously, Rewulf, your flippant comments are disrespectful to the dead whose photos line the walls of that club. And of course I know the link is dated; my point entirely - women have served in such forces fir decades.
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