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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. success someone has got it inaccurate out of date information being acted upon to further restrict shooting sourced by threatening us with no letter no ticket like a bunch of cheap black mailers
  2. not done badly for nuts over the years one farmer blew his toes of duck shooting another almost lost his teaching someone to shoot and the land lord peppered a friend shooting rabbits with us hence these days I stick anyone under fifty on a separate field to me always safety first especially mine!
  3. as a so called moaner at being told no letter no ticket to black mail me into complying i shot with a nut who out of the blue asked if i had ever thought about shooting somebody but we need have no concern about this accident waiting to happen because this wonderful idea of a gp letter will prevent it or maybe NOT!
  4. shot a lot of pigeons on my grand parents place outside of wexford despite shooting over a ton many times on the grain I never shot one feeding on fresh air at any time of the year
  5. no social distancing? nice to see someone else has found the rules ARE being broken puts a new face on my gibberish comments thank you
  6. don’t forget the tin foil hat lol
  7. proof of the pudding is in the eating i carry a air arms s510 carbine in the landie couldn’t count the amount shot with it never broken down never cleaned abused daily think it cost me £450 with bottle and scope second hand
  8. if you can predict anyone losing their mind we would have no gun knife or any other incidents these letters are a blatant lie by the police to bring further restrictions on us via black mail encouraged by people complying with their bullying future generations will only be able to own firearms if we stand up for them now
  9. he’s like a lot of farmers drag the gas gun out drag the gas bottle out hump it all out to the field but whatever you do don’t make a two sec phone call to have someone on the field next morning that would be far to easy lol
  10. rather burn the money than pay my org but need the insurance pathetic excuse really but think they should at least make some effort to stop us being black mailed stating no letter no ticket is outrageous
  11. so i started at the thin end of the edge free to walk through the village with a firearm on my arm and now? let’s see i have to jump over countless fences drain my wallet have the third degree from some power monkey conduct shooting business like a dirty secret under attack from all sides topped of by the quack robbing me think that puts me three quarters along the wedge now the end is definitely in sight still so long as i pay my shooting organisation why worry lol
  12. good for you there’s something wrong when the people who decide if we can hold tickets are allowed to black mail us
  13. a brilliant idea but the only cure for stupid is sense which is in short supply for some when using alcohol
  14. i’m so glad i have you to decide if my comment has any meaning or worth but being slightly picky i will leave that up to the chaps thanks
  15. if you could save the insults until people have made comments worth hearing it would be most helpful thank you
  16. probably along the lines of private ownership of firearms? what’s that!
  17. maybe grannie should sit at a desk they might be two meters apart then instead of about the three foot they are going to have at present for someone insisting we follow the rules the government obviously thinks it’s do as i say not as i do
  18. just making the point they are breaking the rules nobody’s child will get over infecting grannie they would be scarred for life
  19. the problem IS they will say NOTHING but their names if arrested it goes NO comment get my brief they stick to not guilty the cps refuse to prosecute because they can’t get a conviction that’s if they even allow the police to charge you anything that’s why the police should stick to serious crime and i’m sure someone who is in the force will confirm that’s how it goes so that’s the PROBLEM
  20. so you can buy hard drugs in every town in the country within mins but it’s ok for the police to be pulling everyone over rather than tackling more important matters seriously?
  21. and how does your RUMOUR solve the FACT that two schools do NOT have the room to have desks two meters apart if that’s the case nobody needs to observe the two meter rule why que at tesco just walk in it’s ok you can ignore rules if you like
  22. you need to be rich and famous once seen a shoot owner fire a 12 bore in the road at a squirrel as police car came along leaping out they soon ran back to the car when they seen the identity of who fired the shot one of the guns said i don’t believe that the CLOWN who fired replied i know not one salute from either of them obviously the rules don’t apply to some
  23. anyone who has children know it’s impossible to keep two of them apart let alone a group living with the guilt of your child infecting your parents IF they survive is worth at least waiting another month to return
  24. they have been moved that’s the point the two metre rule won’t work in either of them fortunately my grandson goes to another school and he’s staying home until we deem it safe
  25. my neighbour is involved with school maintenance so i can tell you for a fact YOUR children’s desks are NOT being set out two metres apart so the government rule to keep YOU safe will not be applied to YOUR children someone care to explain why the government are ignoring their own rule?
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