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Everything posted by clangerman

  1. of coarse we take precautions never thought i would be opening gates with disposable gloves on again feels like foot and mouth days
  2. if anyone thinks this guidance will save them it CANT it’s designed to take pressure of the nhs NOTHING ELSE you will be cleaning everything that comes into your home from food to loo roll for MONTHS do most clean their debit card NO your keys NO carrier bags your shopping comes in NO there are NO end of surfaces this could be on over time you WILL slip up so stop screaming stay in stay in
  3. thinking this may get awkward down the line shooting drill or sprouting crops is one thing but how can you justify a laid patch of barley later on i would be hard pushed to turn out unless it was a very large patch
  4. one of those rather not do it jobs branchers launch of for first feed on the maize and silage clamps most don’t make it rather he let me trim them my way but it’s his farm so his call
  5. try this one for annoying then one farmer won’t allow me to shoot them nesting soon as it’s over up goes a bale hide and phone call to muggins here to waste at least a slab of cartridges no idea what his thinking is must think cartridges grow on trees
  6. no my fault I caught the wrong comment mate been keen on your stuff lately i’m a fan almost
  7. have every respect for you mate but it’s a case of instructions landowner/ keeper/me i think it’s a waste of cartridges whatever size they are but refusing is not a option on some places
  8. sub 12 it’s a head shot or no shot on anything i shoot even rats nothing deserves to be wounded
  9. ha ha i’m sure all my fans will want me to get one lol
  10. welcome to the world of double standard 1000 people tanning in a park but it’s not acceptable to protect the nations food supply when asked
  11. i would share your thoughts with your permissions see what the farmers take on them are
  12. if anyone is bothered about going out when a farmer calls just tell him your not going he does not know what he’s talking about and he should stay indoors i’m sure he will solve any problem you have about going instantly
  13. nobody can deny i’m the biggest fan of opinion and free views constant harping stay in do as your told is NOT a opinion or view
  14. the SAME government who caused the deaths of our loved ones by not shutting the borders on day one so those with the minerals to sit on drillings to protect the food supply can take stick for doing their part
  15. with NO lower intestine and both lungs shot this will kill me i’m NOT out there for fun i’m doing my bit so those hiding with the women and children have a bit more to eat down the line if that’s ok with you
  16. where is this people are going for the crack rubbish coming from with this going on EVERY seed counts answering a farmers call to go is doing your bit this years crop is going to be ESSENTIAL if your not going to help out tell the farmer to get someone else who will
  17. are we sure about air arms losing zero mine rolls around in the landy most days rarely need to adjust it
  18. everyone should care when someone is lying to you they are taking you for a FOOL
  19. what has exercise got to do with a farmer calling you out a lot of drilled seed in the cracks WILL grow but NOT if it’s eaten if a farmer calls you out your doing your bit NOT exercising the health minster is a idiot
  20. so what are you supposed to say when the farmer tells you to shoot the branchers then refuse?
  21. the cottage owners need clamping down on immediately putting lives at risk for a few quid disgusting
  22. had countless air rifles now carry a air arms s510 super lite carbine most days never cleaned never serviced still smacking them over outstanding tool wouldn’t buy anything else but a s510 now
  23. i would like to see charlie tell me to my face he’s deserves a test more than me anyone with morals would have given the test up for someone on the front line shame on him
  24. exactly the reason i always turn out if asked if your not doing the job don’t be surprised if the farmer gets someone else in
  25. boris needs to keep his mouth shut I don’t need advice from the clown who has caused the death of others because he did not shut the borders on day one which a two year old would have had the intelligence to do the mans a hypocrite
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