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  1. i used varget for 150gr, .308 and replaced it with N140 having very similar characteristics totally different caliber and weight but its their for what its worth
  2. value is a personal thing and everyone has their line in the sand, red and green flags. and in the end it comes down to justifying it to yourself. id hesitate buy a gun i love for a few grand that id have for life but will happily buy the equivalent amount of "meh" £100 guns and play with them once or twice and give them away. went to the shooting show wanting/needing a thermal, found a good deal and couldn't open my wallet, spent said money on a benelli faster than i could get me ticket out. just how it goes i cant explain my reasoning or though process just a gut feeling. and it worked out because i found a better deal on a thermal so ive had my cake and ate it. i know lads who wont buy a good shotgun to shoot every weekend but buy the best glass on the market to stalk deer half a dozen times a decade. and i know lads who think its a fool game to buy guns at this time given what youve mentioned but will go on holiday twice a year when the money you spend is guaranteed to be gone and in the past the second you touch down back in blighty. edit: my 2 pence on the derailed topic above for what its worth, im pro BASC i make no bones about it, however i am troubled by the minor transition in wording BASC have been using regarding the lead ban. even after the voluntary transition announcement it used to carry a "no scientific proof exists" undertone now it carries a "it MIGHT be having a detrimental effect" i cant put my finger on it but a shift has for sure happened in the BASC magazine i get through the door, as far as im aware no definitive evidence has come forward outside of wetland and wildfowl so the goal posts haven't changed yet i feel were giving ground almost cushioning the blow and that worries me i admit.
  3. prepare you to make an application? section 1 prove you have good reason to have one. section 2 they prove good reason why you shouldn't have one. we start acknowledging stuff like this and giving it time of day it will become a pre requisite. "i want to take up clays" submit application £200 saved.
  4. ******!. im in the market for one of these aswell haha. back to the stalking directory classifieds. if you're not fast you're last i guess
  5. Valid points I guess and I can’t say that wouldn’t happen as all cars are different, damage to terminal or arching is user error and avoidable, error codes and electrical faults however arnt but if I changed my car battery so in effect disconnecting it, and it picked up a fault code or lost fob sync I’d be questioning why the removal of a part that’s is in principle a consumable component that is expected to be changed during the cars lifetime is bringing about these issues. in agreement about just rising the car more and trickle chargers can be a double edged sword. Cheap ones can damage batteries with long term use, expensive ones are the price of a new battery anyway
  6. unfortunately 39TDS is right, by not using the car often and only for a couple of miles by your own admission you've knackered the battery it will be loosing charge slowly while standing and short journeys will probably be taking more out than its putting back in. its probably been on its way out due to this routine and will have lead to sulphation. if you find the halfords battery garantee online i bet it even mentions this. however halfords is a massive company and can take the hit better, id wager theyd sooner sort it that deal with the earache. go to a different branch and just leave out the bit where you admit you've done exactly what your not supposed to do to a car battery . moving forward id suggest running the car out more or disconnect the battery if its going to sit
  7. so did this hike happen then or no?. everywhere in the northeast has stayed about level (edit) they did indeed go up about 4-8% concerning another hike of that ammount and were gona pass the threshold for the 100% price hike since ukraine kicked off IF that is the reason
  8. dont know if its of use to you but if you get a £35 6 month subscription to sporting gun you get £42 worth of magazine, a £35 yeti rambler coffee cup and 2 mil cover with SSA code is SGYETI24A fieldsportslife.com worth it for the cup alone, yeti gear is the best their is.
  9. arrived yesterday mate great service, thanks again
  10. aye ill give you £20 posted for these
  11. statistics will show that 70+ weapons many of which are firearms were seized and pulled out of circulation, and that a firearms offense was committed it will be thrown in to the data with the dozens of others just like this case, thrown out to the public who will naturally back new rules and restrictions for actual firearms holders to be measured up against reality is the local man child has been giving it bravo two zero down the pub and has had his toys taken off him.
  12. Is the 2nd picture down the 223?
  13. Had to give it up mate, I was getting too leathered and beaten to the post in the other sales section on red cartridges
  14. Port on a Thursday night!!!! Why did you kick off about wasting time and money?. Clearly you’ve got tonnes of both to burn. My kinda man.
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