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Everything posted by Chaseorbechased

  1. That's the scatter plan but riots in pit Villages but worse that the city's riots and what special k says is making it worse
  2. Just watch the news online. And not the BBC .
  3. Without going through pages on pw scatter means riots in villages not city's and it will get worse
  4. It proves you just need your eye in not the equipment
  5. 100% agree but the BBC seem to think its the normal way to go
  6. The lion has awoken Steady on son you will lock the thread
  7. The way the news is going about it is like she has already gone
  8. Sounds like your after the ££ not the people
  9. Av know a few lads that's been killers are been killed but the 1 thing in common is both families suffer
  10. Bet mr putin is laughing his **** off at the circus that is called British politics
  11. A wont trust no off them a labour lead should not be called sir as that's not representing the working man
  12. The all sheep shaggers keep away are you will get wooled in to it
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