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Everything posted by Minky

  1. What's the group called.? How does he find this group.? Where on Facebook.?
  2. Surely the want for a load of decoy tech is a want rather than a necessity. If you are in the right place ( under a flight line or two) and at a place where the birds feel comfortable, you don't need any kit. I can't see a solar panel generating enough power to drive a rotary even on a sunny day. I was given a pigeon decoy kite. It had a silhouette body and rotary wings. Yes it did work but to get it up flying the wind had to be near storm force and if the wind dropped so did the decoy and once it hit the ground it wouldn't take off again. On the face of it a good idea that didn't pan out. Keep the decoy kit light and simple Unless you can drive a load carrying vehicle to the hide. or you have a team of porters to cart everything.
  3. sorry No one takes any notice of car or house alarms so who's going to intervien between a copper arresting someone.? It's difficult. this is about right and accounts for the stupid police response. unfortunately it's a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Some year ago a woman delivery driver who frequently delivered to us was murdered in daylight whist she was parked up eating her lunch. As far as I know no one was every found to be responsible. She was a nice strong capable person who was in the wrong place. It doesn't have to be after dark and people just don't want to get involved in anything.
  4. The police statement shows the total lack of grip and understanding of a problem . That's why members of the public get Into situations where the police are heavy handed which has led to unfortunate consequences. Then the situation is whitewashed and swept under the carpet. And this has been repeated too many times. The good work of the many undermined by a few. Oh and a corrupt system.
  5. When you look back he was a bit weird. But it doesn't seem that long ago when he was top billing saturday evening viewing with stuff like " jim'll fix it" no one seemed to see him for what he was. There were police, royal marines and all sorts on the program. And if you also think back to the carry on days, all of the kind of effeminate characters were just considered as funny oddball character actors rather than full blown types. I remember Louis Theroux doing some sort of expose, trailling saville around and really getting under his skin. Saville got right annoyed with him and eventually saville wouldn't continue with the programme and it sort of stopped without following it up or pushing the point. An opportunity to out him before he keeled over. Probably protected by the organisation and legal threats.
  6. Love it. Sport and entertainment. I don't suppose that you'll be frequenting the conference then..😆😆😆😆
  7. I know a fellow who was brought up in South Africa. He quite often whistles to people and whilst beckoning them with a finger .. calls out... BOY,... YOU COME HERE. It's not very politically correct but he don't care. And ... IF YOU LOÒK AT ME LIKE THAT, I'LL HAVE YOU FLOGGED. ..... BOY.!! 😊😀😁😃😅😆 He Probably wouldn't be compatible with the Labour party.
  8. Isn't that idea from George Orwell's "Animal farm".?. Anyway I still haven't learnt what Father and my apprentice master told me. ..... Don't get involved in talking about Politics or religeon.! ...another couple of minutes wasted considering this labour nonsense. Still it's quite entertaining. I'd be more interested if they said that they'd subsidise sporting ammunition. Rather than about this nonsense.
  9. Father told me not to discuss politics or religion because you just go round in useless circles that go nowhere and only end up in wars. ...... But...... Totally unelectable. Len McCluskey On the box now spouting how good Corbin is/was and ripping Starmer a new one. Just right for a politician. There I go, I just wasted a couple of minutes. I didn't learn.
  10. I've never had any success on beans. I remember the first time on beans. We thought that we were in for a good day. Dry, light wind, sunny but not too hot. We were there early and set up in a place that had been good on a crossing of two lines. Well, after three hours we'd only seen a couple of birds on the horizon no where near the field so we pulled stumps and I went home and mowed the lawns. Far more use. Subsequent times were no better and the fields never drew any amount of birds because we kept a watch on them. Unlike spring barley.
  11. Hi everyone it's nice weather for decoying at the moment if they haven't cultivated the fields .
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