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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. I would have, they're massively overpriced.
  2. Well from now on I won't be buying anything from that store. I've told them also.
  3. *thumbs up* Might I remind people of Section 3 Criminal Law Act, This is from memory but should be verbatim. "A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders, or of persons unlawfully at large." This is very clear legislation that covers the ridiculous term "citizens arrest", the critical part of this definition is "lawful arrest" If what your doing is lawful then they can't do squat, if they touch you or attempt to touch you, then you can defend yourself under the same legislation, common law and self defence powers. These people really need to educate themselves on what they can and can't do before threatening to carry out citizens arrests on anyone with a gun
  4. There's your answer. I started with .22 and 17HMR which seems to be the norm, as long as your county will allow 17 for fox these two rifles will cover small game out to realistic distances. Defo follow the advice on getting a much bigger safe than you'll think you might need, this year I upgraded to a 6/7 gun brattonsound and I can't recommend it enough, the feo loved it. Go extra deep so you can fit scoped rifles in, what's the point in spending a small fortune on set ups only to smash them into each other getting them in and out of a safe that's too small? Good price, great service here http://www.jsramsbot...-deep-safe.html Edit: Obviously with the safe i linked to you'll need a separate ammo safe, I think they do this model with an internal safe at the top for more money. Just type ammo safe into ebay, just looked and there's loads. A little more hassle but I like to keep bullets and bolts away from rifles. More hassle for me but also more hassle for billy burglar and it shows the feo you take your security seriously, and they like that a lot.
  5. Thanks for the reply, this is what I'm struggling with a little as some say it's a straight fit and others say it needs modding? I'll email them as you suggest
  6. Lovely, thanks for that. I've got the pro shot patches but I think the cheapo brushes are too small. I'll get shopping come pay day
  7. Muddy Funker


    First impressions mate. I'd go in a suit if it were a job for a bog cleaner. Shiny boots, shiny mind lol. Good luck.
  8. Yes!!! That's the answer I was hoping for, magnum inletting I take it? Now, which colour??? Thanks.
  9. Nice one thanks!! Anyone had experience with fitting one to a 17HMR Varmint? Did it all fit together without and cutting or drilling? Cheers.
  10. What is the actual brand of cleaning kit you use? The one I bought will not fit in the bore, waaaay to tight!!! Can put nylon brush through, no way with a patch.
  11. Forgot to say if you're not interested in running they're also doing Wychwood Pumpking Ale for 99p a bottle It's awesome, I sacked the running off and got ** instead haha.
  12. Right I've just tried cleaning the 17hmr for the first time and what a total PITA. The only thing I can get down the bore is a nylon brush soaked in fluid, no patches, no mops!!! I appreciate you get what you pay for but this is what I'm using, total sh*te Edit: Can't post link as it shows the ebay order with my name address ect, It's the 22 and 177 kit from JSR it's cheap. I'll keep it because the 22 side of things is okay. Rather than start a new thread could I ask what kit you guys use to make cleaning the hummer a little easier?
  13. Yes as far as I'm aware, I've opened word docs, PDF, and spreadsheets. You might struggle with iTunes but most files and programmes will have been made to work with Ubuntu. The beauty is its open source so developers/nerds can improve it and iron out any issues quickly. There's a programme called wine which allows you to run windows apps within Ubuntu but I've not used it, this could be an iTunes workaround. You've got nothing to lose in burning a copy to disk and running it from the disk to see how you get on, if you like it you can install it.
  14. http://www.ubuntu.com/ It's a free operating system what could be better!! Takes some getting used to as we're all conditioned to use windows and it's obviously different, but after a few days you'll fly through it. It has folders and files the same as windows, the equivalent of word, excel and all that. Computer fires up in about 30 seconds it's superb, windows has a million things loading at start up I hate it. It uses firefox as the web browser which I used even when I had windows, you don't need anti virus and it's all free. You can download and burn a disk and actually run the operating system off the disk to see if you like it, I've got the latest ubuntu I can send you if you wanted to try it. If you like it you can wipe windows and install ubuntu to the hard drive. For my needs I will never go back to windows, ubuntu does the lot. Edit: Do the take a tour thing on the link I posted, this will show you the interface I can see on my comp pretty much. You can change the bar to the bottom if you want but I'm used to it at the side now. Really easy to navigate once you've used it a bit.
  15. Have a look at Theodolite in the app store. This could potentially be amazing for shooting, judging by reviews this is held in very high regard. It would appear to range find which is a feature most of us will be interested in. £2.50 as well, I've downloaded it as for that price it's worth a punt. Edit: Here is some info http://hunter.pairsite.com/mobile/theodolite/help/index.html
  16. Damn mate, That's about 7 shots too many
  17. Just bought some socks, base layer which is top and bottoms and a running jacket. I can vouch for it being excellent quality on first look. It's made by Crane which by all accounts are as good as any top named brand. Nice
  18. As I've said before, junk windows and get Ubuntu in one of its forms. Then don't worry about ever needing anti virus software again.
  19. Another vote for peanut butter, never fails.
  20. Bump, Right I want a lovely boyds thumbhole stock for my 452 Varmint HMR. Couple of questions, from what I've read I'll need to ask for magnum inletting is that correct? Also will the action just drop in or am I gonna need to hack, drill and screw to make it fit? Lastly, must this stock and action be bedded as this is something I have absolutely no idea about? Thank You
  21. The price of 2nd hand CZ's holds really well from what I've seen. I picked up a used 452 Varmint 17 for around £370 but the scope was toilet, they hold price well.
  22. Hi Guys, Just a heads up. Aldi are doing a special today on running kit. From past revues I've found on the net it's really highly regarded, breathable base layers, sweaters, coats for a decent price. I see no reason why it can't be used for cycling, walking, the base layer even for shooting in the winter. Worth a look. http://www.aldi.co.uk/uk/html/offers/offers_week41Thursday12.htm?WT.z_src=main%A0%A0scroll Scroll down
  23. Do you not think it's all hot air? I think they're all a bunch of liars just saying what people want to hear to get into power.
  24. I would say you can, but I don't have any centre fire calibres on my ticket so it's only an opinion.
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