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Muddy Funker

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Everything posted by Muddy Funker

  1. For those that skim read the thread there is another route into AG brewing and that's BIAB (brew in a bag) This effectively negates the need for a mash tun and sparging as you brew with the total volume of water at the beginning, in one vessel ( a boiler which you build really cheaply!!!) Regardless of what anyone says this is a cheap easy and viable route into brewing real ales from grains, people that have tried some of my efforts can't believe it was brewed at home. Pub standard and beyond levels can be achieved easier than you might think. Any questions on biab I'll do my best to answer.
  2. Thanks for the reply Dave, Looks like you're getting some good results there. I'm aware that the watec seems to be the camera of choice at the moment, I was hoping to build a useable set up close to £100, obviously that is what the watec costs alone. Maybe I'm expecting too much for the budget I have, do you think with one of the lesser cameras 50 - 60 yards is achievable? Assuming a DX or Ahorton upgrade? I was thinking along the lines of this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200788570395?ssPageName=STRK:MESINDXX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1436.l2649 Choosing the camera seems to be a real mine field as there are so many, I'm trying to get a set up in as close to £100 as possible. Thanks again.
  3. Right, After next pay day I will be having a crack at a home brew NV set up, I make home brew beer so why not try NV? I've been doing a hell of a lot of reading on this thread and a couple at the airgun uk forum in the NV section. I'm not going to go down the Watec route down to cost. This might be tricky to answer but if I go for the Torch in post one with the single IR LED 1w drop in plus one of the upgraded lenses will this see me with a fairly decent IR emitter? I know range will be down to camera sensitivity but will one of the cheaper cameras give decent results? Thanks for this great thread!!!
  4. Well, it's an internet forum at the end of the day so everyone can and should have a fair and equal say. It would be pretty boring and unreal if everyone all skipped along in the daisies agreeing with everything. If you don't like a post don't read it, if you don't like someone (or their internet persona) ignore them, it's simple. Or you could start crying and and go join another forum to see exactly the same thing happening there???
  5. I wouldn't chance it being opened as a matter of course, mention it to the FEO and I'm sure it'll happen.
  6. Duracoat? I'm really interested in this stuff, just seems a real ball ache finding it in the UK. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIUpl4gpW-k
  7. Thanks for posting Garry, Best of luck to you and your family
  8. What this man says!!!! Thanks for posting the link, I've joined the forum for that section. Some of the members there have made amazing NV set ups for a fraction of the price of a commercial set up. Plus they are happy to share info and post links to parts. Amazing threads on the subject. I'll be having a crack at one soon it looks a doddle!!!
  9. Jesus, That last one was devastating, that rabbit was pole axed I don't think I even saw a twitch!
  10. Agreed, Tell the other shooters to poke it if they moan at you.
  11. £90 I think I stick with my pockets, my jackets all came with 2 free haha!!!
  12. Just call the old bill as it's antisocial behaviour and there are things in place to try and stop it re section 59 warning ect. Even pnc that police use is a little unreliable as cars that are insured can show up as not and vice versa.
  13. As long as they keep dying it's all good.
  14. Great set up, Wish I had the dosh!!!
  15. Yeah, hearing/eye protection and gun care kit next for sure these are a must. If you're gonna have a crack at the pigeons in the field you will need to camo up. Any hint of white and these guys will see you a mile away literally!!! Boonie hat is a good shout, swivel stool,,,,, Some things are essential others just make life easier. Just build it up week by week, month by month. Enjoy
  16. The last few song posts are reason enough to stay lol. People here have a great sense of humour, just ignore the tossbags! Edit: hopefully I'm not one of the tossbags?
  17. Ahh, I'm referring to boasters biscuits http://www.mcvities.co.uk/product/boasters, not boasting haha!! You'll do fine
  18. Me too, Got 22LR and 17HMR, recently without any drama. 17 conditioned for fox as well but I know that's just the county lottery. You're not asking for much, as has already been said just be yourself. Oh and don't listen to advice about getting hobnobs ready, it's all about boasters!!!
  19. LOL It's the internet. Why should this place be any different from any other, real world or not? There's tools everywhere mate.
  20. Muddy Funker


    I believe in an eye for an eye also, but then that makes us no better than the people that did it. The sad thing about this is that whatever sentence imposed if any will be pretty worthless.
  21. Around a year ago I bought some hanging baskets, I also get excited about going to a garden centre, I also have an allotment lol. I'm 36,,,,,jesus. However I've had an absolute blast getting here, my 20's I was away every winter snowboarding all season in Meribel, I've done loads of things. When people find out my age they normally put me in my mid to late 20's so I'm doing something right
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