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Everything posted by agusta

  1. agusta

    Tame Squirrel

  2. Got a knock on the door yesterday evening (think is was united utils) he said there is a bust pipe and they cant find it!! Surely look for the ******* big puddle? Dont know what to do, going to give them a ring and ask for bottled water, its a 15 minute drive to asda (cant be *****!). Got a meeting this afternoon and need a shower
  3. agusta

    iphone users

    I have a 3G, dont use a case, whats the point? you purchased something that looks good why hide it? and no I dont have any scratches!
  4. of course league one & two is awaiting
  5. Stay away from Philips, they're cr*p, support is cr*p, sound is cr*p, picture quality is cr*p, everything about their TV's are cr*p I've had several bad experiences with them as you can tell
  6. If its a cheap laptop go for it, if not I would take it to a shop if you dont know what your doing! I dissembled my macbook the other day, dropped the thing and smashed the bottom case, took a whole day!
  7. Cheap solution..........expanding foam, fixes everything
  8. New phone and 3.0 update, apparently a 32gb along with updated camera.
  9. **** off oops Yes I watched it also, the citizen's advice worker tried hard not to laugh, I wouldn't be so successful! They seem to be ok when talking its when its silence they cant help shouting out what they are thinking, must get to you after a while.
  10. Definitely, its a really good piece of kit. There is a new one coming out July ish so I would wait if you can.
  11. Freeserve became Wanadoo which was taken over by Orange. VirginMedia is best as you dont have a contract, so if you dont like their service cancel. Sometimes your mobile provider will offer you cheap broadband if your on a contract. I pay £7 per month with O2, the other thing you need to look out for is bandwidth, try and find a provider which offers unlimited downloads.
  12. The major UK airports are: Heathrow Gatwick Birmingham Manchester I find Manchester expensive to fly from, Birmingham seems to be cheapest at the moment. Depends if you want to go straight to London, Birmingham will definitely be an experience for you
  13. If you can wait 6 months this is what I do: Score the tree stump with the chainsaw, pour 2 stroke into the scores, wait 6 months, dig out with spade/pick.
  14. This one I guess: pigeonwatch dot co dot uk
  15. agusta


    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/8022583.stm 3.7 er These things keep following me around!
  16. agusta


    I think there has just been an earthquake here (Cumbria). I was sitting in my office chair, there was a big rumble and I actually moved along with my desk! Very scary
  17. Didn't Jeremy Clarkson disclose his account number saying its safe, a few days later someone setup a direct debit and took several hundred pounds?
  18. I need to contact someone who has just flown over to Spain. I've been on the o2 site but I seem to be going round in circles! Currently on the O2 pay monthly iPhone contract, mobile to mobile (Spain) talk and text charges. They dont make it easy to find! If anyone knows let me know, thanks
  19. agusta

    4X4 Insurance

    The NFU did me a really good deal, give them a call. My mates son (20) has a 90 300tdi, fully comp £340 with the NFU. Could save yourself a few quid there
  20. Just received the CPSA magazine today, on page 34 there is an article called "Cleaning up". For some reason step 3 is to remove the chokes before cleaning the barrel I've never done that nor do I intend to, wont all the cr*p get pushed into the choke threads?
  21. I recently purchased a new netgear DG834G wireless router, its been working fine apart from when I download large files. For some reason it downloads fine but during the download it cuts the internet connection off for all other users on the network (even though I'm still downloading). Whilst the connection is "off" I can still access the routers backend fine ( and transfer files etc, so I'm thinking its a config issue? Hoping someone here knows what to do B) Thanks
  22. agusta

    Mercedes Rip-off

    I had the same issue with land rover, they came to pick it up, no damage, nothing, signed the paper work. A few days later a letter came through asking for £900 (damage not recorded on the paper work signed) I told them to shove it and reported them to the FSA. Few weeks passed another letter from land rover apologizing and dropped the charges
  23. If you dont have an avatar to show how can we vote?
  24. Happened about 2 weeks ago, when I found out this afternoon my jaw dropped, couldn't believe something like this could happen. The UK would have been uninhabitable if it had gone boom, at least it would have stopped those illegal immigrants
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