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Everything posted by johnny

  1. seeing alot of these coats on ebay seem fairly cheap anyone got one and are they any good. cheers John
  2. whats your combine doing outside yp it will go rusty? all the best john
  3. motorised flappers have you got one and is it any good ? cheers john
  4. hello antony you can get them from any agricultural dealer but they arn't cheap . I use them somtimes but only on other fields to the one i'am shooting the field I shoot I tend to put up flags so as to keep the nosie down allthe best john
  5. seem to be plenly of pigeons round way or there were. last saturday me and my mate shot 227 this was an unbeliveable day and a personel best for me and today from the same hide another 190 mostly young ones ,on old bean ground drilled with wheat. truly great sport. John
  6. johnny


    I thought the same as you tc when I got stung yesterday I was picking up some pigeons and on stung me on the hand and it has now swelled up loads . ******** I hate them all the best John
  7. tried shooting on some new rape ,had been alot of pigeons feeding it shot it on saturday got 7. on sunday shot some drilled wheat got 137 mostly young ones. I h hope the rape shooting will get better. PS flightline the rota coy I brought off you has just chewed the gearbox up, but it was still a bargin cheers John
  8. hello mel b2 what area are you in
  9. PP I tried one of those but could not get it to work any ideas?
  10. johnny

    For Sale

    Iam in after all what can you get for a fiver these days apart for 10 cans of special brew, I know whats better for you
  11. we have started to cut wheat where I work although only done about 30acres due to rain
  12. what you stoped for half way up a row for buzz? you broke down. I started yesterday did some barley went into some rape today tried the new rape header today . went well then snaped the drive shaft for it so early finish for me today.
  13. sean yes one of the wires had come off soldered it back on and now works fine
  14. sean I brought the rota coy from flightline in the buy sell or swap bit. I take both magnets as the rotacoy is no bother to carry and put up what I feel like at the time. some days they don't like the flapper and will come to the rota coy .
  15. I now have a rota coy which is magic but my mate had one which was not so great as it kept chewimg the gearbox up they are a good magnet as they are light and show the birds nice and high. But the gearbox is the weak link on them , also the service from merlin products who it is made buy was pretty poor to say the least the one I have is a newer model though it looks the same hopfully the gearbox is stronger. cheers John PS deako is your rota coy the same as the merlin one or just the same name. shoot to kill John
  16. well done buzz you pot hunter glad to see your back catch you later John
  17. All the time, somtimes I must have both eye's shut the way I shoot
  18. Me and my mate went out on sunday had 125 on spring rape, should of been 150+ but did'nt shoot to well . Shall have another go this weekend on a different field. seem to be loads of pigeon in my area at the moment but this is the first big bag this year, also a few young birds getting about now which makes life easyer. cheers John
  19. Well it works well and looks good although I have had to put a speed controller on it as when you get it, it come's with a mile of 3core cable which weighs more than the machine . I hav'nt weighed it but it not bad to carry I put the flapping bits in a box so as not to damage them. I use a 17aph battery which will last 7hrs not flapping and 5hrs flapping. I don't use it if it's blowing a gale because the movment on the arms of my home made one seems to be enough. So is it worth the £140 god knows but it makes me feel better on days when there is'nt much pigeon movment. hope this is of use to some people John
  20. I've been using game bore super game 6shot 32grms never again will I use them through my 391 as it sometimes the cartridge case comes away from the brass cap leaving the case up the barrel dont know if its a cartridge fault or gun but I usually use RC30s and they go though fine.
  21. I think this is begining to get out of had. I have no association with either firm and will hopfully never will do. As you are both a pair of *** *** merchants . Thats my opinion. I don't know want goes goes on behind closed doors but I feel you have some sort of axe to grind deako as ,I feel you open these pages then shut them down once you have had your say, for instance the last one when you did'nt want to start a war. I thought this was supposed to be about new shooting gear and opinions and verdicts. I believe neither of you can be impartial so unless either of you have something usefull to add which with both your great knowledges on pigeon shooting you should have . Please lets keep the toys in the prams. Thank you john
  22. thanks for your help lads I have brought one off ebay and one from maplins neither have turn up yet so I don't know if they will be man enough but I hope so. cheers John
  23. hello c late afternoon is the time to see them but unless you see them flying you will not know they are in there.
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