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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Hello Trevor how you getting on, are you ar croxton now? Cheers john
  2. Id of like to she him fight Steven Siegel, as he seems pretty fast
  3. Think I saw one in the southams auction next week in Bedford
  4. Blimey that's fast for a utv, got a kubota here that does 25mph fine in a straight line but turning there is no telling where it will go
  5. What happened on day two, did you go to the beach?😄😄😄
  6. Hello what would the average bag be for last season? Thanks john
  7. Thanks for the help, I tried what was suggested and upgraded to 3gig of data but still it runs out. Start of this months quota I zeroed my usage to see what was happening. And got the texted the other day that I had used 80% again, checked my usage and it says data used 400mb. So phoned o2 and they said I have used nearly 3gig. Am I missing something here?? Cheers John
  8. Iam a bit simple let me get this right. I can get all channels on sky, record and rewind for a one off fee of about £100. I have really slow broadband so can't use that. Cheers john
  9. johnny

    Bye Bye Dave

    Bang on. I liked Dave and Iam really upset that he has done this, ok he lost but he is the leader and should lead rather that just say Iam not playing anymore. Now I think he's a stick. Osborne has to go though for all the carp he has come out with
  10. My iPhone 5 has started to eat my data up few months ago I used 1/2meg in four days but didn't use it a lot. The last few months I've ran out by the end of the month. Just upgraded to 3gig and had a text to say 80% gone, I only use it for a bit of surfing no videos or downloading music Anyone got any clues as to where it's going Cheers john
  11. johnny


    Aldi or lidl are selling a blow up 2 man this week, don't know if that would be any good
  12. Yes I've seen the ones in service stations on there way back from a trade show or some **** like that. But never been flagged down seems a bit extreme
  13. Don't think he was trying to sell anything, although I didn't hang around to find out. When he said his credit card had problems that was time for me to leave.
  14. Driving home today go to turn onto m25 going up the slip say and a guy is waving we down with his car on the hard shoulder with hazards on. So I pull over he come running up and says he's an international car mover shows me his card then proceeds to tell me how his car has broken down and his credit card is not working. And could I help him out. With this I gave him his card back and drove off smartly and called 101. Looking in my mirror I could see him trying to stop the next car coming up. Seemed mighty odd
  15. johnny

    pheasant eggs

    Thanks for the refund Stuart you have renewed my faith in human society. Now if you get your team to not turn up on Saturday so we get 3 points that would be perfect. Cheers John
  16. Old but still OK dog kennel and run all in one, roof recently new felt so would be best collected on a trailer. Just needs a couple of bits of wood on the bottom. Iam near Cambridge £30 Can send a pic by email Cheers john
  17. johnny

    pheasant eggs

    Glad to see your back on pw Stuart. You ignored my messages and I never received the refund you said you would give me for the game fair tickets I brought off you which was cancelled. Cheers john
  18. Jim some of the guns need all the help they can get, half the guns can't remember which way the birds will be coming from. Cheers john
  19. johnny


    Yes please if you still have it, let me know how you want paying. Cheers john
  20. What's it for, mate of mine is after a top for a pick up
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