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F.E.O coming tomorow


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Absolutely nothing to fear. Just have the kettle on standby and chit chat away about how you like shooting. It's not a grilling, it's just a final check that you're not insane and that your cabinet is secure.


Far too many people worry about the visit. Once he's gone, you'll say to yourself 'that wasn't bad at all'

Edited by harfordwmj
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We all go through this check and to be honest, it's nowhere near as bad as you expect it to be.

Be polite and answer all questions with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. :yes:


Don't panic about it though, it is basically to check your cabinet and home security ........ don't forget to have the kettle on.

(if it helps, I was also very nervous before my visit but it was over in roughly 20 mins and I was left wondering why I had worried)

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I had my visit last week, and as already said, be yourself, put kettle on.. Went through my application, asked about any experience or training I had, purpose for wanting a shotgun.. And to be satisfied in his own mind that I was mentally stable and respnsable enough to have a shotgun.. Best of luck mate and relax.. :yes:

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At the end of the visit will he say if your granted?




no. its not up to him, he is just there to pass his opinion and info to the chief. he then looks at the gathered info, and decides if you are worthy. Chill out, and dont panic. Remember to be honest, and tell him truthfully everything he wants to know.

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Just be yourself and relax.


Believe it or not, FEOs do not have two heads, cloven hoofs and breathe fire.


My interview lasted over an hour and a half simply because the FEO was so friendly and helpful to my son who was having concerns over applying for a FAC - remember, it was MY interview. It was more of a casual chat than an interview and we were both given some excellent information and tips.


Mayfly makes an important point about security - I was surprised to see my FEO make a note that I had dogs, but it went down on the paperwork.


Good luck - but really, you will not need it. :yes:

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will he need to walk the land i'm planning to shoot on?


If the land's cleared, no.


He'll just ask you about your rifle experience. I would always try to tell him as much as possible. I'm not joking. The more you say, the more competent you sound. The more competent you sound, the less conditions you risk having added to your ticket when you get it.


Any occasion you've ever fired a rifle, tell him, as he will write it down (As he needs to compile a report to put forward to his boss) Just keep telling him how much experience you've got (I'm assuming you've actually fired a rifle before..!)

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the feo he said :blink: yes to s.g.c. and .22lr :good: :yp: feel like i just won the lottery. He's just going to make sure all the land has been checked and the certificates should be here by the end of next week.

Would just like to say a quick thankyou to all who have wished me luck and answered some of my naive questions over the last few weeks.

many thanks Nick

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