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recomend me a lamp


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I bought the clulight recently, good lamp but its a broad beam, not so good for rifle shooting at range. The lightforce lamps are pretty good and with variable power, take some beating imho :good:

Hi, I found the same thing with clulight. What comes next may well depend on what model you have. They come to bits quite easily and the bulb holder is often fitted into a slotted carrier with two retaining screws. slackening the screws allows the bulb holder to move in its slot thus changing the beam. On one I actually managed to extend the slot with a small round file to furher improve it. Two points to note, it gets hot very quickly and you need to "zero" at a reasonable distance.


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Depends on the ranges over which you are shooting but on my S400 non FAC I have a Surefire CREE LED lamp from Ebeay - cost around £14 and provides a great beam out to 60 yards plus.


Worth a serious look if you're non fac. :good:



I second that, I use an Ultrafire I got off DealExtreme, including the mounts and pressure switch it was under £15 and out to rimfire ranges it's spot on as a targetting lamp, not really tried it as an acquistion lamp (I use a Lenser H7 headtorch for that when I'm stalking or a man with a Lightforce when lamping)

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