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Urgent Advice Needed.


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Help please guys. I have a Winchester 290 (.22 Semi Automatic) which up to now has been a pleasure to use. I had a few problems yesterday when the scope started playing up and going out of zero. I have put a different scope on it (I have used the one off my 22-250) which I know is reliable. I went out this evening and tried to zero it up but what I found is that even at just 25 yards the bullets are spraying over the target without even making a single adjuctment on the scope. (I used a bipod while trying to zero the scope in order to hold a steady aim and am usually quite accurate with a bipod fitted, especially at 25 yards). After putting about 30 rounds through it I gave up as it was going to be impossible to get anywhere near a zero the way the rifle was firing, it was as if the barrel was lose and causing it to "spray the bullets all over the place. On getting home one thing that I have noticed is that there is a lot of "sooty deposits" building up on the recycling mechanism, the firing pin and all round the breech. I know that this has only started to build up over yesterday and today as I keep that part of the gun spotlessly clean but on getting home everything around the firing and recycling mechanism is literally black with soot.

This is suggesting to me that there is some sort of a problem with the breech but that's just me guessing, please can someone give some helpful advice or any thoughts.

Incidentally, I have not changed the ammunition that I use, the only thing different that I have done is to fit a Brand New Parker Hale Moderator in place of the SAK Moderator that I was using.

Could it be that being as it is an old rifle it is coming to the end of its working life and telling me that it is time to replace it?

Your thoughts are most welcome!

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owdoo Frenchie,were do you shoot ? i live in Bury and shoot up at Rossendale most sundays. The lads up there are very knowledgeable,i can ask on Sunday if you can come up as a guest and get Phil to have look at it for you , he can strip down eveything from .17 to .50 .its up to you mate just let me know





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Help please guys. I have a Winchester 290 (.22 Semi Automatic) which up to now has been a pleasure to use. I had a few problems yesterday when the scope started playing up and going out of zero. I have put a different scope on it (I have used the one off my 22-250) which I know is reliable. I went out this evening and tried to zero it up but what I found is that even at just 25 yards the bullets are spraying over the target without even making a single adjuctment on the scope. (I used a bipod while trying to zero the scope in order to hold a steady aim and am usually quite accurate with a bipod fitted, especially at 25 yards). After putting about 30 rounds through it I gave up as it was going to be impossible to get anywhere near a zero the way the rifle was firing, it was as if the barrel was lose and causing it to "spray the bullets all over the place. On getting home one thing that I have noticed is that there is a lot of "sooty deposits" building up on the recycling mechanism, the firing pin and all round the breech. I know that this has only started to build up over yesterday and today as I keep that part of the gun spotlessly clean but on getting home everything around the firing and recycling mechanism is literally black with soot.

This is suggesting to me that there is some sort of a problem with the breech but that's just me guessing, please can someone give some helpful advice or any thoughts.

Incidentally, I have not changed the ammunition that I use, the only thing different that I have done is to fit a Brand New Parker Hale Moderator in place of the SAK Moderator that I was using.

Could it be that being as it is an old rifle it is coming to the end of its working life and telling me that it is time to replace it?

Your thoughts are most welcome!



Changing it back would be my first choice :hmm:

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Hi P.

Does it shoot ok without a mod on please.

Not sure on that one Mark. I will be trying that first of all now that I have cleaned everything up and see how it shoots without a moderator on it. If all is well then it could well be accepted that it is the moderator causing the problems.

I have just come off the phone to someone down in Somerset wha has experienced a very similar thing when he firred a moderator.

I will let people know what is what tomorrow after trying it without the moderator.

Thanks all for the advice! :hmm:

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I see what they are saying but I do not think that this is the case with my rifle as the barrel and breech/firing/ recycling mechanism all seem to be rock solid. It's certainly worth a thought though!


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Looks like it would be the addition of a new moderator thats causing your problems- the rounds clipped the edge on exiting the barrel- try with the old moderator or no moderator at all - I had this problem when I fitted a new Moderator to FAC Air rifle- had me spitting feathers by the end of a 2 hour session - and when I finally realised what it was I felt a bit foolish I can tell you


good luck



Les :hmm:

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Thanks for the input guys! I have checked the moderator and all seems fine so I decided to strip the rifle down. When I removed the fore end, and magazine, etc: I was amazed at what I found. The Barrel Locking Ring was lose, so much so that I could turn it by hand. This had allowed the barrel to move forwards and possibly wobble about, admittedly only fractionally but enough to put the shots all over the place. This was not noticable until I removed the fore-end and magazine tube! The locking ring has two small nothces in it to tighten it up so I have tightened it and then used a small punch and a hammer to lock it up as tight as possible. With the barrel locking ring being lose this would likely explain the carbon and soot deposits around the firing and recycling mechanism as the barrel could well have slid forwards a bit meaning that the bullet was not seating correctly in the breech - niether nice or safe!

Enyway, everything seems just how it should be now so as soon as I have some reasonable weather and time I will go out and try it again.

With the barrel locking ring working lose I hate to think what might have happened if I had not noticed it and carried on using the rifle!

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Just to finish this thread off I have tried the rifle now that the barrel locking ring is properly tightened and the JSR 6-24 X 50 scopes have been fitted and zeroed and I am now back to shooting a 3/4 inch group at 50 yards. (The rifle could no doubt do better but 3/4 inch at 50 yards isnt too bad for an old 'un like me)

I've also tried shooting it without the Parker Hale Moderator and there isn't a scrap of a difference in the accuracy. There is also very little difference in noise between the SAK Moderator and the Parker Hale. The only real difference with the Parker Hale is that I do not have to remove it to reload the tubular (Under the barrel) magazine!


Oh well, all's well that ends well! Look out all you local bunnies, I'm back in action and coming for you!!! :hmm:

Edited by Frenchieboy
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