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Muslim only school

hill billy

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Now can I go to my nightshift please ??


Have a wee read from anything that comes from mainstream religions and that is what is good and right and how people judge their religious ideals not as a method of promoting hatred.


1 - by calling another member a bigot, and pointing out their supposed failures (even though it was a joke) surely that is nothing more than self righteousness? and the quote does not relate to bigotry, it basically says "dont have a go at other peoples failings, as youre 10 times worse", does it not?


Try and get a NIV or similar study Bible look it up and it will show you how it was translated and interpreted by the various scholars etc. As I said at the start I am aware of my short comings.


henry you already said you are aware of your own short comings, i was merely reminding you of your self righteousness which does not sit comfortably with christian teachings (as shown) :lol:


2 - ah, but thats my point henry - christianity views Jesus as the son of God, surely by relegating him to being a mere prophet,(No such thing, remember Muhammad ?) as the Islamic faith does (although well known and revered) it is somewhat insulting, and, some may say, sacriligious? also, christians believe that Jesus and his teachings are the only way to God, so again, by Islam having a later (He was earlier than Jesus by about 600 yrs) prophet with his own set of rules and teaching,(...given to him by God) they are going against God's word?


depending on who you talk to, some people say mohammed and Jesus where about at the same time, some say mohammed was in the early ad's, so we'll difer on that. ok so God may have given mohammed his teachings, but he isnt mentioned in the bible or by jesus, which is the CORE of the christian faith, so my initial point stands that the two faiths cannot/do not sit comfortably together :hmm:


As for what the two faiths are built around, ill agree that small point, however dont forget how violent Islam (Forgot the crusades/Conquistadors/Spanish inquisition....... No all these are MAN made and nothing to do with the word of a Christian or Islamic God) can be (interpretated) compared to Jesus' teachings


i never said christianity and its teachings were never perverted and twisted by others - martin luther began his reformation to Protest (and thus becoming a Protestant) against the corruption in the catholic church. however, whilst christianity has mostly cleaned itself up, Islam still has alot of memorable verses (cant rem the exact wording, but what about converting to islam willingly or by the sword? dont remember that being said anywhere in the bible, but i might have a selective memory).


have fun at work :)

Edited by babbyc1000
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1 - I know my own failings and bigotry is not one of them, this quote is incorrect in this context as it is not hypocritical or self righteously. In this case my objective is to evaluate carefully and choose between good and bad and as he quoted "Halal wine" which in itself is ridiculous and could be classed as offensive too, never mind the rest of the quote.

Jesus never taught his disciples not to rebuke, only not to judge when ones own sins are in the same area and therefore hypocritical.


2 - You missed the ball completely on your second point, Jesus is a well known and revered prophet in the Islamic faith.


The Islamic faith is also based around the same tenent as the Christian faith and that is to love others as you would yourself.


The words of the Muslim comedienne, Shazia Mirza, which I quote ad nauseum for the sheer joy!

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i think everyone is going in the wrong direction on this topic.

i think the first post has been misdirecting in the point that this is a muslin only school that is opening.

it was proberly said that a muslim school was opening in the same way you have jewish schools c of e schools or catholic schools.


it is just a way of saying what children they would like to attend that school.

as a school they are bound by law to acept any child that lives within their catchment area and would face prosecution by offsted for refusing entry based on sex race or religous beliefs.


and as a point in bristol where i live we have to private girls schools that have to accept boys but as far as i know no boys go there.

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