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12g cartridges for pheasant.

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Just been offered 6 outings on pheasant by my neighbour for one off payment of £125 all in (bargain :yes: ).


Never shot pheasant before so wondered what cartridges people would recommend.


Apparently there are quite a lot of high birds so need something with a decent punch.

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Just been offered 6 outings on pheasant by my neighbour for one off payment of £125 all in (bargain ??? ).


Never shot pheasant before so wondered what cartridges people would recommend.


Apparently there are quite a lot of high birds so need something with a decent punch.


You've got some value shooting there are you sure you're not beating? ???



As said any 32 gram 5-6 shot will work well :(


Eley VIP's are great, but I always use Eley HP pigeon cartridges and these work for all my shooting and kill clean at some great distances :(




If you find yourself walking up try a 32g 5.

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You've got some value shooting there are you sure you're not beating? :lol:


Yup, there are beaters and dogs there on the day.


They haven't put that many birds down but he reckons should get a few on each occasion and I'm going more for the experience than anything.


Its land owned by him and some mates and they just have a few days out each year.

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Depends how good a shot you are! If you can put in the right place you will kill it.


As a old picker up once said to me - 'Kill it in the head and the rest will follow'.


Personally I like to hedge my bets so shoot 32g or 6s early on and move onto 32g 5's later on but if they are truly high birds then would use 5's.

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