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Help to stop smoking please.


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I'd like to say "THANK YOU" ! to Frenchieboy for putting this thread up.


I have been struggling with stopping for a few years now and the embarrassment and pathetic looser feeling I had made me just keep quiet and suffer in silence !.

Cigarettes are killing me ! I know it and can feel it !I saw how it killed my father and yet I still smoke :blink:???


The positive response from this thread has got to be one of the best confidence boosters that I have ever read ,and has encouraged me even more to keep trying .I spend £280/300 per month !!!!! That's 40 a day. ITS GOT TO STOP !!!



If you can Frenchieboy ? , keep updating the thread and we can drop in as well and let you know how the rest of us are getting on .


The sincerest good luck to you !


Fingers crossed


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Nipper you will be able to afford a cracking gun in a years time. £280-300 is that really what it costs to smoke 40 a day English bought cigarettes? That's a small mortgage, you could even buy your own land and rabbits to go on it.


Good luck to all who decide to quit from this thread.

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if i can anyone can


I echo the above sentiment. If I can do it, anyone, and I mean anyone can. I have zero staying power with anything. My shed is a graveyard of half finished projects.


Like I said, once you have REALLY made up your mind, you will be unstoppable :blink:



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Nipper, I am sending you a PM. If (And I emphasise the word IF) I can do it anyone can so for all of us that want to quit why not start a "Stop Smoking Circle" where we can all PM or keep in touch with each other and offer help and advice? I'm nor sure but I beleive it might be easier if we find a way of keeping in contact to offer each other help and support, maybe even start a Blog or Online Diary up. Any suggestions as this means so much to me.


Just as a foot note - Because it has been mentioned on this thread - EMBARRASEMENT - Yes, that is the biggest thing that I have had to face. I did manage to give up 2 years ago, I stopped for over 6 months, but I started again. I don't know why I started again but I did and I have no-one to blame but myself. I have been beating myself up since then. This is the one thing that has held me back from asking for help to quit againis the thought that I had such good help and support last time and I let everyone down. You will never know how hard it has been to start this thread, I have sat in fornt of my PC posting replies while in tears because of the embarassement of failing and the thought of how I have failed the ones that love me and the fact that I am slowly killing myself. I have had to face that embarassement head on so, if anyone reading this wants to quit but is feeling the same sort of embarrasement please do not. I have had to swallow my pride, something that is not an easy thing for me to do, you too can do the same. If that is what is holding you back then why not PM me rather than posting on "Open Forum" and maybe we can help each other!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Hi I quit 16 years ago I was smoking 60/80 cigs a day you must get your head ready to quit I did it by working out that I'd paid a mortgage for someone in imperial tobacco once you get yourself ready its relatively easy

the hard part is telling yourself your done I used nicorette patches for one week.As I said preparation is the key pick a date one week away as quit day and start working yourself up to it. I did it like this had my breakfast

had a last cig put the patch on that was that. GET YOUR HEAD READY FIRST! GOOD LUCK>

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Sorry MM, I can't take your advice mate! From what most of the relpies that have been posted are saying I am not the only one that will go against what you say. I have also had a few PM's from other members which have been very encouraging, hopefully we can work together to kick this habbit that we have into touch.

I for one am totally committed now and have started a stop smoking course today, ADN for once I intend to stick to it and see it through!

Thank you all so much for your support from both me and my wife!

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There's always one isn't there!

What's wrong MM, are worried that those of us that do manage to kick the habbit will show our strenght and highlight your weakness?

Whatever you are smoking seems to have done some serious damage to your brain cell (Please note that I put brain cell in the singular form)!

I don't know about others who are watching this thread but comments like this will just strengthen MY will and determination.

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There's always one isn't there!

What's wrong MM, are worried that those of us that do manage to kick the habbit will show our strenght and highlight your weakness?

Whatever you are smoking seems to have done some serious damage to your brain cell (Please note that I put brain cell in the singular form)!

I don't know about others who are watching this thread but comments like this will just strengthen MY will and determination.



:D:yes::lol: :o ive enough metal strength to know that there are those that talk and those that do. Stop talking french boy, and start doing. And as for my singular brain cell :unsure: trust me pal, in a battle of intellect, you are clearly unarmed.

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OK MM, so you say that there are those that talk and those that do - I agree entirely, that is why I have started on the stop smoking program yeasteday!

As for mrntal strenght, naybe you do have more than me, maybe you don't, who knows?

Let me ask you 2 questions:

1. Do you smoke?

2. Do you care about your health?

If the answer to both of these questions is "Yes" then why not try to find out who is the stronger (Mentally), you or I?

Prove that you are stronger than me by trying to quit smoking yourself! Let's see who is all talk and who is can do what they say!

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OK MM, so you say that there are those that talk and those that do - I agree entirely, that is why I have started on the stop smoking program yeasteday!

As for mrntal strenght, naybe you do have more than me, maybe you don't, who knows?

Let me ask you 2 questions:

1. Do you smoke?

2. Do you care about your health?

If the answer to both of these questions is "Yes" then why not try to find out who is the stronger (Mentally), you or I?

Prove that you are stronger than me by trying to quit smoking yourself! Let's see who is all talk and who is can do what they say!



Cant type right now, got smoke in my eyes.............................. :good:





yup, i smoke like a trooper. Nope, ill not stop. When they carry me off, ill not be too bothered.

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