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rabbit trouble


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just got permission to shoot on a local farm new to this type of shooting. found about 5 rabbit holes in one place and seen a nice place to set up a hide but whats the best thing to attract the rabbits out of the hole and whats the best time of day to go and any tips :lol::lol: all replies are very much appreciated



where abouts are you as willing to lend a hand>> :lol::)

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You wont "temp" them out with food, although you have found some holes are they being used?? is there sign of rabbit i.e. nice clean entrances to holes that look like somthing is using them, no cobwebs across the holes, rabbit droppings nearby, seats (flat areas) in the grass?


All of these signs will tell you if rabbits are there, failing that wait until dark and go shine a lamp in the field, dont walk to close before turning the lamp on and remember to be quite.

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just got permission to shoot on a local farm new to this type of shooting. found about 5 rabbit holes in one place and seen a nice place to set up a hide but whats the best thing to attract the rabbits out of the hole and whats the best time of day to go and any tips :lol::good: all replies are very much appreciated



Dont go in the day mate, after dark with a lamp for best results, just have a wander round the first few times round to identify the 'hotspots' then plot a hide near the busiest.



Edited by townsend819
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you need to go and look, rabbits tend to come out at different times, no two warrens the same, I have warrens on a college playing field, where they will be out feeding between 4pm and 7pm, other areas they wait till later, as already stated, get out there with a torch/lamp and check yours,

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If you need a hand I work about 4 miles from everesly and live about 8 miles away, plus my wife is a primary school teacher in everesly. Let me know if you want a hand etc., I'll be willing to go out with you.




pm me if you are interested


edit: I have rimfire and centre fires at the moment for fox, vermin and all other legal quarries (for that calibre) but have been thinking about getting an air rifle and it may be a good excuse(To convince the wife at least!) if that helps

Edited by allthegearandnoidea
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For the last couple of months I have found little activity with rabbits in the early OR late evening.I believe it is down to the high pressure, no rain and very light nights. I have been treating my night jaunts the same way I would going daytime shooting. ( plenty of fieldcraft and sneaky stuff. ) I have however found a window between 0400 and 0500, plenty of dew on the ground and the rabbits feel totally safe, moving right out into the fields. I tend to leave the hedge huggers alone, I have found they are the twitchy ones and concentrate on the field feeders.......... :whistling:

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  • 4 weeks later...

my mate has a few paddocks and 2 years or so ago we got our air rifles and we used to hunt them all through the day now however we have to lamp them or getem in the morning or at dusk. depends on the area. keep visiting or having a peek in and see what is out. sit down wind with your face covered and keep quiet and still. i have found that sometimes they will pop out 5 ft away from you but me and my mate usually waste these oppotunities becasue we find it hilariouse and laugh too loud.

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