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left pigeons and shells


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went out today after work(rained off) to do a bit of decoying on some land we aquired and shot on last week 30pigeons total bag. not bad for an afternoons work.

was out today for 3 1/2 hours and bagged 37 very good sport brought down a few crackers and missed a lot of easy shots. anyway cut to the chase.after packing the tack up we went for a quick mooch around the fields. noticed about 20 odd decaying pigeon bodies just thrown in a little coppice if thats not bad enough just to the side of the pigeons there were 2 boxes of empty winchester boxes and the contents of these boxes were scattered in the surrounded area.

when we got the permission last week the farmer said that there is a guy who shoots the fields but hasnt been for ages. i think i will be having a word with the farmer before we get the blame. its bloody disgracefull.what a waste of good meat.and a supposedly country man littering the countryside.

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this happens all too often fert, and fishing is no different, we get fisherman on all the local lochs here starting fires, cutting down trees and worse than that they carry 24 full cans of lager to the waters edge and can't carry the empties back!


Not all sportsman are the same, however it's this minority that as usual **** it up for every body else

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Not all sportsman are the same, however it's this minority that as usual **** it up for every body else


couldnt agree more


one piece of land i shoot on the farmer has a VERY strict no shells left rule, and one bunch of herberts came had a few outings of good shooting, left all their carts and boxes made no attempt to tidy up and got kicked off. now one time i went out with some decoys and decided to set up under a water tower, got there and there was litterally a pile of about 150 carts, from this bunch of idiots, spent a few mins picking them up took them back showed the land owner he said it was this bunch and that apparently they said they did pick them up and it must be someone else.


theres one thing ive learnt over the years and that is you cant pull the wool over a farmers eyes, they know everything that goes on, on their land, and this bunch of people tried to lie to him, and take advantage by shooting in places they thought he wouldnt find the carts. :<


glad to say 1 yr on im still shooting this permission and getting on great with the land owner,i'm allowed guests ( i guested LB there) and we (my shooting buddy and me) have a very good relationship with the farmer and share the land with other shooters (now also friends) quite happily. :(


if only all situations could be this ideal. without berks like the above mentioned getting shooters in general a bad name

Edited by dunganick
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On the subject of litter I am shocked by fellow anglers when they simply throw their can of sweetcorn or tin of luncheon meat in at the end of the day. One of the waters I sometimes fish on and is not much bigger than a flight pond is surrounded by bags of rubbish despite there being a bin by the entrance and exit. Some people even decide it would be a laugh to throw in the odd chair or traffic cone as well. They have their days fishing and then they have there days fun. Even worse and this is where fishing gets its bad name they leave long strands of line laying about with hooks on that tangle up waterbirds. :< What enoys me even further is most of aren't members of the local rugby club of who the water belongs to and are poaching it with a different licence.

Just having a moan but I hate these people when they do this!

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I always take an old supermarket carrier bag along for the used carts and boxes, simple enough to do and as one previous poster said all I leave behind is a few footprints, maybe some tyre tracks and a few feathers but that's all. Can't understand the mentality of people who litter, surely the empty wrapper/can/cartridge weighs far less than it did when full and should present a minimal inconvenience to take away ?


It's all down to self discipline again and so many people are totally without it I'm afraid.

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  • 3 weeks later...
there is a couple of lads who shoot on our land who often forget to pick up after them when chalenged it wernt us. makes you wonder if people think you are daft. must be we keep picking up after them  :yp:
Unfortunately chap, yes we must. Cos' if we don't then ol' farmer Joe will tell us all where to go after he's had to pick 'em up for the umpteenth time
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What abiout the wad type? If you've had a reasonable day the immediate are can be scattered with plastic wadding. At one place I shoot, there no problem with using plastic wads, I don't know if this is because there is no live stock, I always collect the empties - seems the natural thing to do. I had second thoughts with the shooting that I managed to get more recently in my local area, and reading from reading some of what you've said. I've just gone over to using fibre wad before I even start using the new ground. Rather that than risk a new shooting permission. Does any one get any grief over using plastic?

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