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the pelt man

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When i found 22 zinc slates for a V-LUX in the garden i thought that as they were light and flexable that i would turn them into decoys as i dont have any shelled, only 5 full body which i have converted to lofters.

So i cut out the shapes with tin snips brought 5 meters of self adesive grey flocked material cut and stuck on, then sprayed them up with car paint cans that i had over from other projects :good: (''jobs a goodun'') as SS says.


Had a call from a Farmer Thursday if any of the lads wanted to bash the pigeon on the Rape as it was getting hammered.

I drove over and took a look Friday and watched which field they were hitting the flight line and which part of the field they were landing in. there were a good 800 to a 1000 birds on the field :yes: .

With the size of the fields it would need 5 hides to bounce the birds about, but after talking to a few of the guys it looked like i would be on my own :yes:.

I got up 6am yesterday had some grub and went down the farm for 7, i spoke to a farm hand who said that they had 2 gas guns out on one side of the M1 but not the other (which was the side i looked at the day before). So i set out several flags over the side i went on and set up under a oak tree at one end after lifting the birds of that i watched starting to come in.

i wasn't able to set up with my back to the wind as my shot might have carried onto the M1, so i was set at a slight angle into the wind and the sun :lol: . I set the rotary 40 yards to my right and the home made decoys in a horseshoe running back.

well the birds started to come in no prob but from all directions in gale force winds (which recked my hide 3 times) i took out some great birds going full tilt and with the oak tree still with plenty of leaf cover shooting some birds through the gaps (now you see me now you dont). i liked the fact that i was at an angle to the wind and crop all around me with the birds coming from all angles, instead of my back to the wind and birds coming straight at me slow in the wind, dropping them just before they land. Anyway, The first two hours saw most of the action and as the day went by the birds got fewer and fewer so packed up 2.30 afer sitting 30mins without a shot.

Had a great day though it would have been good to have had a hide mate to see some of the birds i took out but next time, final count 55 with 48 picked, not bad for rape.



Edited by the pelt man
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Well done Matey, you picked the right day, me and Gazza got pretty wet today, (good job somebody remembered to bring a brollie :lol: ), I zapped this crow that was silly enough to fly over the rotary, I thought it was going to fall on the roof of the gay bar..!! :lol:




This Farmer dosent let anybody shoot on his land on a Sunday, a day of rest as he puts it.

Was glad to get out as i have been tied up the last few weeks


Its great to see the Pigeon finnishing up the Acorns and coming out in to the open, with the flocks still small there are some ok bags to be had but all will change the next couple of weeks with the flocks getting larger.


whats it like over Simm's, many about on the rape ?



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