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retrieving on game is hit or miss. We had beagles while I was growing up and my great grandmother (born in Glasgow, emigrated to the US) started the local beagle club (hunt club). Some of the dogs would bring back a shot rabbit, more often than not they would pounce on the dead rabbit and either run off with it or just stand there licking it. I wouldn't get a beagle if reliable retrieving is what you're looking for. A setter wouldn't be high on the list either.


Outside of labs and spaniels you've got goldens and chessies which are both natural retrieveres. Then you've got the versatile breeds which will vary. Our new puppy Ruby (WHV) seems to love retrieving, but she's only 4 months so not a whole lot to base it on. She's getting bumpers with wings taped to them now and loving it. Dead birds will be next if I could ever hit one. Other breeds will retrieve and some can be great retrievers. I watched a jack russel retrieve tennis balls one day in london and was brilliant. However, certain breeds have specific jobs. Pick a breed for the job you have to do and it will make your life a lot easier.




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A HPR, like a German Shorthair or Wirehair ? A Musterlander ?


Sorry for suggesting spaniel mate, but from the requirements that you want from your dog is pretty much what a spaniel was bred for! That's why so many people suggesting it :good:


Also why don't you want a lab ? Tbh your kinda shooting yourself in the foot on your options mate :yes: Don't go getting a dog thats unsuitable for the job you want it to do. You'll just end up leaving it at home when you go shooting because its no use :yes:

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the shooting dog went out of the window then :good:


sad story on the beagle front my business partner had one up till Friday dog went out with the kids and nanny got on the trail of something and didn't stop for the A1, sadly all too typical with a beagle and really unfortunate when its your kids pet. Only bonus is only one car hit it and it didn't cause a big accident

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My mother is about to take delivery of one of these things.... god knows why, after owning Goldies all her life.




I will be laughing my socks off when I here tales of it running for the horizon.... her morning walk, is through what can only be described as bunny heaven!


Should of got a spaniel :good:

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the shooting dog went out of the window then :good:



Sorry to here about ther beagle


What do you mean by the above?

there are working Clumber Spanials out there and from what i have read it will do every thing i want it to and on top of the that the wife says yes

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